They live more than 30 years and can fly at speeds of more than 60 miles per hour. This small, cheerful dog is famous in Harry Potter as Ron Weasleys Patronus. A hare Patronus is fast and could easily dart around and between Dementors, distracting them from their target long enough to gain the upper hand. Hyena - Often given a bad reputation, hyenas are cunning hunters and scavengers that know what they have to do to survive in the animal kingdom. Rat - Although they are commonly regarded as vermin or pests, rats have impressive traits thatsignify them as worthy opponents, including sociability, resourcefulness, and ambition. Nebelung Cat - A rarer domesticated cat, the Nebelung has been called a creature of the mists. Nebelungs are known to be quiet and reserved, observing human commotion from a safe place up above the chaos. Beagles are small dogs native to England, very intelligent animals and some of the most beloved pets. Hedley Fleetwood had a Patronus in the form of a woolly mammoth, an extinct species of elephant. These nocturnal animals usually keep to themselves, but in Harry Potter J.K.Rowling gave them a very important role. Rhinoceros- The rhinoceros is a large, thick-skinned mammal known for the horns on its face. And Ron Weasleys Patronus also took the form of a Jack Russell Terrier, a breed of hunting dogs. Similarly, the Patronus will protect its master from any harm. Personal space is very important to the Borzoi. Black horses are quite independent and mysterious with a certain allure to them. can't login to paypal new phone number. They are known to be the quirkiest of cats, and you can spend your whole life trying to unravel all the quirks and idiosyncrasies of these delightful felines. A person with this Patronus is characterized for their inclination to heroism and nobility. But despite your natural abilities, you dont strut. . Grass Snake - Misunderstood and often just looking to get on with its day, the common grass snake alludes to the idea that we are often judged by our outward appearances when in fact, we may bear little other similarities with those we are mistaken for. These birds are full of song and will sing all year long. It could grow or shrink to fit different available spaces. Thats why Dumbledores phoenix Fawkes arrived and helped Harry slay the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. These animals are often used in Hogwarts in classes, to perform spells or as parts of ones. Your Patronus will never let you down and follow you to the end in any situation. This Playlist contains answers to get all the possible Rare and Unusual Patronus on Pottermore ( [Regularly Updating] [On Request] This Patronus is a symbol of care and nurture with a high level of intuition and sensitivity. Shrew - Often known for the fact that they are easily spooked and jump at sudden noises, a shrew Patronus breaks the mold. If your Patronus is a hippogriff, you likely have a demeanor that commands respect or else. Eagle was the mascot of Ravenclaw House and their feathers have sometimes been used as quills. A lover of action, she will never shy away from danger, but her headstrong way of life will mean that she will always keep you safe. Python - Although pythons are one of the largest species of snakes, theyre also one of the timidest. [9], Quick guide to using your Black Mamba Vape pages quick-guide-to-using-your-black-mamba[10], The best way to experiment is to start in the 350-400 F (177-204 C) range and then work your way up or down by 5-10 (or 1 C) at a time. They also can be a bit mysterious. They are known to be excellent mousers and can even be dog-like, resulting in the perfect watch-cat"! . Orca - Its no mistake that orcas are nicknamed killer whales. They are one of the most effective hunters in the ocean. In Harry Potter, this animal is related to Dumbledores family, since his family kept goats when he and his brother were kids. [3], Once youve found your Patronus, you cant retake the quiz and get one you like better. Regardless of what sort of creature they find in the way of their goal, they will do anything they can to overpower it. Borzoi- Also known as the Russian wolfhound, this is a quiet, yet independent, athletic dog. Have a Sphynx protect you and watch the Dementor flee before these incredible hairless cats! Thestral - Thestrals get a bad reputation as unlucky omens, probably due to their spooky appearance and association with death. Newfoundland - Newfoundlands are dogs that were originally bred to help fishermen in the Canadian province that shares their name. Hey Google How Does The Chinese Alligator Differ From The American Alligator. If you don't see your Patronus on here, please comment below! Rottweiler - This is a calm yet confident dog that allows its environment to influence it. A snake or a serpent is one of the most important creatures in the Harry Potter world. Cho Chang was capable of conjuring a Patronus in the form of a swan and Tablott Wingers mother was an Animagus who took the form of a white swan. This large, herbivorous animal with a big horn is native to Southeast Asia and Africa. They are highly intelligent and energetic, loving to play! Once they set a goal, they always seem to get what theyre after. They are also a possible form of a Patronus Charm and a tea symbol found in Tessomancy which meant that the individual connected to the symbol would face a deadly enemy. Hermione brought her own cat with her and Hagrid was allergic to them and grew a slight dislike towards this interesting animal. Tortoiseshell Cat - Tortoiseshell cats have some of the prettiest coats, but dont let that fool you. Raven was the family emblem of the Lestrange family. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must! Buzzard - The term buzzard refers to many species of birds of prey but is often used to refer to those that feed on carrion. Mares, in particular, are known to be intelligent, courageous, and extremely loyal to their owner. When youre a wizard and live in a world where danger can be found on every corner, you might need something more than your knowledge of spells, a magic wand and sometimes even luck. These cats are fierce warriors, symbolizing bravery as well as strength and nobility. [16], 1. There are more than 1200 pieces of bats. Adders are not normally aggressive and tend to only bite when they are threatened in some way. A witch or wizard would have a hard time finding a more ferocious friend! They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Regal in form and frame, they love attention and actively seek it out. Many consider them to be their spirit animals. If the Nebelung is your Patronus, it will defend you fiercely with all the elegance befitting a creature of the mists. Black Mamba - Widely considered to be the worlds deadliest and most feared snake, the black mamba has an impressive reputation. Chestnut Stallion - A chestnut stallion is a horse with attitude! It has a short muzzle and a round face. Otters are also extremely playful and curious. Many times we have witnessed crows around Hogwarts and its students and from 2017 crows were allowed there as pets. And woethe person who tries to hurt someone you love! These cats were popular among Muggles and wizards and many first year students at Hogwarts brought them as their pets. They were bred as hunting dogs due to their excellent scent. Black Swan - Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. Patronus List Wizarding World aka Pottermore Though they are shy and avoid conformity, they push through their fear and stand their ground. A black mamba Patronus symbolizes bravery and boldness. Black mambas can easily outrun any human, they do not use their speed as a predator, but to flee from danger. We saw three-headed dogs, Gytrash and Grim. Hagrid hung pheasant on his hunt and some quills have also been made of pheasant feathers. Kobe took the name from Kill Bill wherein an assassin uses a black mamba snake to kill another character. Pine Marten - If you have this cute creature as your Patronus, you can trust that you will be defended fiercely when needed. Fierce and persistent, this critter pursues soldier ants under cover of darkness without the slightest fear. This rare Patronus represents those who are simultaneously fearless, optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and ambitious. Although it is mostly a passive creature, the rhino can become extremely aggressive when threatened, charging down its predators on its own or in a herd. Beagle. You and he will be more than a match for any forces of darkness, sending them scattering under his powerful, thundering hooves! If your herb is too moist, most of the heat will be wasted on drying out your buds. things fall apart chapter 10 quotes. The Bay mare Patronus will not back down when protecting you from a Dementor. Magpie - A relative of the crow, the magpie is considered to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world. A wizarding myth says that Bloodhound Patronuses have alerted their witch or wizard to the impending arrival of the Dementors, making this a one-of-a-kind Patronus to produce. Phoenixes are hard to domesticate, but they are loyal to their owners for a lifetime. Black mambas are known for the ability to hold a grudge and always strike when the time is right. While they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Tech N9ne ft Busta Rhymes, Yelawolf, Twisted Insane, Ceza, JL, Twista, U$O & D-Loc Worldwide Choppers. Hedgehog - Cute and loveable inside and out, those who possess a hedgehog Patronus may thrive on giving and receiving love and may feel they need more of it than others realize. Animagus Talbot Winger could take the form of an eagle. Resourceful animals that thrive near freshwater, they will go to any ends to protect the witch or wizard who cast them. revere, ma condo foreclosures; don wilson obituary shelby nc It was the animal that Harry Potter used to send Sirius Black a letter to inform him about the events he had seen and heard. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone. sir david attenborough ship jobs. Unicorn blood can be used to keep a person alive but at great personal cost. They hunt alone, using their great sense of hearing and their stealth to move through the forests without being seen by either their prey or those who may be watching. Vulture - Looming and dominant, the vulture, at its core, is a resource machine. While cheetahs are known to be solitary creatures, family groups can stay together for a few years as the mothers teach their cubs to hunt. Crow - The crow is a very well-known bird that some believe is an omen of dark magic. She is the core of social order, keeping her family close, protected, and fed. Cats were kept as pets by both muggles and wizards, being one of the most beloved pets, especially among children. Their deadly bite is the perfect counteract to a Dementor's Kiss! You may not know this, but MuggleNet has over 70 volunteers that help make us the World's #1 Harry Potter site. But the scariest and most feared was the Basilisk. Eagle - Eagles are one of the largest birds of prey in the world. Constance Pickerings Patronus was a unicorn. Brown Owl- Ah, the trusty brown owl has been selected as your Patronus! White horses are also rare, making this a near one-of-a-kind Patronus for a truly special witch or wizard. Youd be wrong to underestimate the adorable little field mouse Patronus; it will surprise you with its ingenuity and resiliency. Heron - The heron is known for its outstanding determination and intelligence. Chestnut Mare - Owners of chestnut mares are well versed with the saying "Chestnut Mare - Beware"! Orangutan- Gentle and solitary, orangutans are known for their reasoning skills and the agility with which they navigate the forest. Calico Cat -Talk about a cat with cattitude! If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. Buffalos are very robust (with a shoulder height reaching almost 6 ft!) Although they dont mind occasionally rubbing feathers with strangers, they largely prefer marching to the beat of their own drum without the immediate oversight of others. Black Bear - The formidable form of the black bear is often enough to scare away even the bravest of explorers, not to mention Dementors! This makes the Thestral an intimidating and powerful Patronus. Dementors had better watch out for these jellicle cats! Wolves have incredible instincts; they will attack all Dementors in the immediate vicinity and hunt down any stragglers remaining at a distance. They are commonly found in wooded or shrubby areas, often found towering on trees, looking out for possible prey. MuggleNet is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite.Please email us if you have any questions or concerns. 19992023 Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. How Many People Are Killed By Alligators In Florida Every Year? If this is your Patronus, youll have a mischievous but effective helper at your side! Blackbird - The blackbird Patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. Blackbirds are mysterious and intuitive, appearing when needed most. These are all Harry Potter Patronuses and their meaning. Mastiffs are a combination of confidence, loyalty, and intelligence and are considered good family dogs. This focus allows you to live peacefully with others and not let every little thing upset you. All of the inhales should be done at this slow, steady pace for the duration of your session. Due to the unicorns affinity for women rather than men, medieval artists often portrayed the beast with a woman, causing it to become a sort of religious symbol of incarnation among Muggles. Dolphin - Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. They can be quite the big softie, seeking petting and affection from their owners. White Swan - White swans are creatures associated with grace, beauty, and loyalty. They were described as sacred and pure animals. They are one of the few horses that are allowed to be registered by their coloring! Its founder Salazar Slytherin was a Parcelmouth, therefore able to communicate with snakes and wanted to make it known. The Phoenix, one of the most precious magical birds, as compared to a swan in its size. They looked like palomino horses and were used as ingredients for potion making. Impala - The impala is known for its speed, agility, and grace. This means they have to compensate for their size by attitude. As a Patronus, it likely speaks to the casters willingness to get their hands dirty and do what few others are willing to perform. Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish! The bat is a guide, helping people understand a difficult situation and giving them strength to make necessary changes. Keen-eyed with sharp senses, this snake rarely bites humans but can be highly aggressive if provoked. Oryxes are one of the largest antelopes and therefore tend to not be as fast as their smaller cousins. Basset Hounds have a sense of humor and a playful demeanor. Play around a bit and eventually you will find the temp that is just right for you. The orangutan Patronus will use its intelligence and dexterity to get you out of any jam. They are a highly endangered species. If your Patronus is the lioness, you likely love with such ferocity, no one - not even a lion - would dare mess with you or anyone you love. Once their owner dies, they will not seek another master. There are many magical species that exist in the wizarding world. These big cats are strong and graceful with gorgeous spotted coats. Tamara's expertise includes directors that often deal with fantasy, science fiction, and All Harry Potter Patronuses and Their Meanings. Pottermore is also telling some people that their Patronus is "unusual" we don't know if this means if the animal is rare, or if it's just a little less common than. This semi-aquatic middle sized mammal was Hermione Grangers Patronus. It is a magical three-headed snake native to Burkina Faso. It represents someone curious and friendly which can be seen with Hermiones Patronus. Drinking their blood is a heinous crime and at least two unicorns were slain by Professor Quirrel so that Lord Voldemort could do it and return his power. Goshawksare slender with short, broad, rounded wings and a long tail, which helps them maneuver in flight. Dragonfly medicine tends to be very emotional and passionate, often accompanying a great revelation or discovery of self. While these may not be the cats to chase down a Dementor, they will stay with you, protecting and calming you until the Dementor fades away. Sparrowhawk- Sparrowhawks, long used in falconry, make tenacious Patronuses that will send Dementors flying in the other direction. Mountain Hare - Though small, a mountain hare is far from useless. That said, a mighty python Patronus wouldnt be likely to back down from a Dementor. Theyre playful, curious, highly intelligent, and even known to exhibit some dog-like traits such as playing fetch and enjoying physical activity! Each head serves a different purpose - the planner, the dreamer, and the critic - and its eggs are used in potions to aid with mental agility. If your patronus is a black stallion, you find comfort in a challenge. Eagle-owls are known to be surprisingly fast, so those Dementors should be gone in no time at all. It represents chivalry and courage, which were the two most famous Gryffindor traits. Itsymbolizes stability, structure, and support. Thestrals can fly at incredibly fast speeds and have a keen sense of direction. Most bears sleep during the winter months, but they dont actually hibernate. In a blink of an eye, casters of this Patronus are often capable of a high level of tactical acumen that allows them to quickly get in and out. Dapple Gray Stallion - As strong as his mate, a dapple gray stallion will stand protectively between you and any Dementors that you encounter. Fox- Associated with cunning, the fox has a place in many ancient cultures folklore. At an International Symposium of Animagi some of the students transformed into their animagus forms among, which included cheetahs as well. This creature makes a formidable Patronus, attacking Dementors from all three heads, disabling them quickly and ferociously. Gray Squirrel - The gray squirrel is a planner. Peacock- Peacocks are ground-dwelling birds knownfor their beautiful eye-shaped plumage. And of course, this is J.K. Rowlings own Patronus, so you should be sure of this animals respect, beauty, and loyalty. Phoenix - The only known possessor of this Patronus is Albus Dumbledore. [26], Black mambas live in the savannas and rocky hills of southern and eastern Africa. In the Harry Potter movies, a raven is the mascot of Ravenclaw House, but in the books, their mascot is the eagle. A brief introduction to Patronuses The Patronus Charm, introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors. There are many other possible corporeal forms of the Patronus Charm, mostly various types of dogs, cats, horses, snakes and birds. Newt Scamander had a number of occamies in his suitcase when he visited New York in 1926. Unicorns were white horses with a horn sticking out of their head. Talk about the perfect Dementor sniper! Professor Lupin taught him how to cast his Patronus which comes in the form of a stag. Never fear when you have your vole near - no Dementor can outrun this Patronus! If any Patronus will chase away a Dementor by staring disdainfully at it, this is the Patronus! These interesting magical animals were breeds of winged horses. Therefore they need to be mentioned since we first find out about Harry Potter being a Parselmouth when he wakes up next to a giant boa constructor. They are very protective of their human, so if your Patronus is a tortoiseshell, Dementors had better watch out! Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic owned a team of Abrahan winged horses and they pulled their carriage to Hogwarts twice. Rattlesnake - Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes. It was when Lord Voldemort and Dementors attacked Hogwarts and its inhabitants. Mastiff Dog - English Mastiffsare regarded as one of the most gentle dog breeds, despite their large statures. Black Mare. Wild rabbit Patronuses will throw themselves into the fray and create a barrier between the Dementors and the witch or wizard who cast the spell. Brown Bear- Brown bears have one of the largest brains of any extant carnivore relative to their body size and have been shown to use tools. Their fur is often used as clothing, and very often a really expensive one. They have a hairy tail and a round head and are often given to other animals as food or simply hunted by them. They tend to be solitary, territorial homemakers with dens and burrows lined with soft grasses and feathers. With a stoat Patronus on your side, you have a good companion in all circumstances. When cast in a corporeal form, the shrew Patronus will launch into action - they know how to fight any battle, no matter the size! Snowy Owl is a large, white owl native to North America. Bay horse got its name thanks to its bay coat color, reddish-brown with black point coloration of the mane, tail, ear edges and lower legs. This misunderstood animal has long been known as an omen of death in cultures around the world. Their scrappy nature makes them a perfect partner in any situation. Badger - The recognizable mascot of Hufflepuff House, badgers represent determination. In the Battle of Hogwarts Hufflepuff was outnumbered only by the House of Gryffindor. Black is a relatively uncommon coat color, so this could represent a part of your personality that you'd rather keep hidden or just reveal to your personal circle.