By canon law, he is also vicar general of the diocese. Catholics also recognize the mainline Orthodox churches as churches; and until the recent ordination of women in several Old Catholic churches of the Union of Utrecht, the Catholic Church had recognized Union of Utrecht churches as churches. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) was one of Americas most renowned Christian leaders. Which should be called a-unicornist, the one who disbelieves in unicorns, or the one who claims there are no unicorns? Diocesan, orsecular,priestsare under the direction of their local bishop. atheism: disbelief in any deity or supernatural power. A bishop is an ordained minister who supervises life in a diocese, synod, or other broad region and possesses, among other things, the authority to ordain clergy to the ministry of the church. hinduisms devas are not exactly the same as western gods. For theonyms, or the names and epithets of gods, see List of Roman deities. Create and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. term sometimes used by Protestants for the eucharist. a conscious, organized movement that attempts to revive or perpetuate selected aspects of an indigenous culture or to gain control of the direction and rate of culture change being forced on them. (2) Before the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the single eucharistic prayer used universally in the Latin Mass was called the Roman Canon. Not all contemporary Pagan traditions are earth-centered either. Definitions of LDS terminology, using Standard Works, words from General Authorities, and official church manuals. refers to the teaching of the thirteenth-century systematic theologian Thomas Aquinas, favoured by Catholics, but not Protestants. A bishop who heads a diocese. A national (or in a very few cases regional) body of bishops that meets periodically to collaborate on matters of common concern in their country or region, such as moral, doctrinal, pastoral and liturgical questions; relations with other religious groups; and public policy issues. In the canon law of the Eastern Catholic Churches,hierarchsis a term regularly used to describe the bishops of a church when describing their collective authority or function. congregation. Protestant churches of Switzerland and southern Germany who drew their inspiration from the Swiss reformers rather than from Luther. Ritual Abuse: Involuntary psychological, physical, sexual or spiritual maltreatment, associated with a (normally religious) ritual. the lifting up of the consecrated host [qv] and chalice during the mass, regarded by many Protestants as idolatrous. Protestants rejected purgatory as unscriptural. It consists of bishops and priests serving the diocese. (1) Strictly speaking, a member of a religious order of women with solemn vows. Anglo-Saxon for that matter are two German tribes. After earning his Ph.D. from Boston University, King became minister of a Baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama, where he led the successful non-violent bus boycott, bringing about an end to the segregation of the citys transportation system. TheAnnuario Pontificiodevotes more than 200 pages to the listing of titular sees, where it gives basic biographical information about the bishops who hold them. Much theological debate has focused on whether the free gift of God's grace is a necessary precondition for all good works, and the role that human freewill plays in co-operating with grace. Though this person doesnt know what is islam ( I dont see any description it ), but she/he knows what is jihad . good list though, particularly my understanding of ecumenical and episcopal were way off. Glossary of Religious Terms Anglicanism The version of Christianity espoused by the Church of England, often understood to comprise a blend of Catholic and Protestant elements. The Amish are Protestant Christians of Anabaptist origin, beginning in Europe in the late 16th century with commitment to the adult believers baptism and to pacifism. millenarianism In addition, there is one non-territorial Eastern Church apostolate in the United States whose bishop is a member of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. (3) Religion is an important facet of the lives of more than 3/4 of the world, perhaps we should think about writing about religion because it is so important, instead of always focusing on the controversial. Glossary of Religious Terms - Warwick Christendom - In a cultural sense, it refers to the religion itself, or to the worldwide community of Christians, adherents of Christianity. Many Protestants preferred to use ordinary bread. conclave. -. Glossary of ancient Roman religion - Wikipedia Penance is also used to mean the action required to demonstrate true repentance: 'doing penance' by saying prayers, fasting etc. [1] or refer collectively to Christian majority countries or countries in which Christian civilization dominates [2] or nations in which Christianity is the established religion. The threshold amounts are established periodically by an agreement with the Holy See and are currently subject to annual inflation changes determined by the cost of living index. gospel: the story of Christs life and teachings as told in the first four books of the Christian New Testament. But, in addition, God is seen as transcending the universe. Heres the explanation I chose to work from in this post: The older sense of classical Latin p{amac}g{amac}nus is of the country, rustic (also as noun). predestination Celibacy is not a vow; it should be described as a promise. Catholics and Jews were the most exotic religious practitioners in town, and atheist was a strong term of disapprobation. ecumenical: worldwide. In most contexts it can be called anarchdiocese, but if some legal distinction between Eastern and Latin Catholic jurisdictions is important, it may be necessary to introduce the term. If a bishop does not have his own diocese, he is given atitular see: that is, a place that once was the seat of a diocese but no longer is. Auxiliary bishops and bishops in Vatican service are examples of those given titular sees. Most serve in the parishes of the diocese, but they may also be assigned to other diocesan posts and ministries or be released for service outside the diocese. Often associated with a 'hard' line over grace [qv], stressing that people can do little by their own efforts, and everything comes from God. heresy: a religious opinion, or adherence to such an opinion, that is contrary to an established religious teaching. Adj. Prol. Eastern Catholic Churches. @Philip Dragonetti, Maeves definition of atheism is entirely correct: someone who lacks belief in a god or gods. grace 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. clerical. The Church of England is a national church that broke with the Roman Catholic Church in the English Reformation of the 16th century; the Worldwide Anglican communion, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, consists of more than thirty-eight autonomous provinces throughout the world, including the Episcopal Church in the United States. In a 2005 document,Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, the U.S. bishops encouraged the growth of lay ecclesial ministry and set out general guidelines for the formation and the recognition or certification of such ministers. See alsocanon law. Deacons preparing for the priesthood aretransitional deacons. Backslide - To go back to old sins or habits that one once had victory over. An acronym for anno domini, the year of the Lord. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it! Olim: Plural form of "Oleh." -. The word comes from Greek hairesis, action of taking, choice, sect. Originally a heresy was simply a difference of opinion. If I know something, there is no faith involved. Seeeparchy. As always, most appreciated. The early morning hours of dawn. In English the standard abbreviation as a title before the name isMsgr. Like pagan, heathen also points to the fact that non-city dwellers tended to reject religious change. In addition to their diocesan responsibilities, all bishops have a responsibility to act in council with other bishops to guide the church. The glossary is a revision of Religious Studies - A Glossary of Terms. Glossary of religious and spiritual terms (Starting with "R") (Catholics regarded the eastern orthodox as schismatics, but not usually as heretics, even though they rejected the authority of the pope). Kudos for getting Immaculate Conception spot-on! See more. Panentheism, Panentheist: (From the Greek pan-en-theos which means all-in-God) Like Pantheism, Panentheism includes the belief that God is in everything. the sacred writings of the Christian religions, the teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth, a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior, the teachings of Confucius emphasizing love for humanity, the monotheistic religious system of Muslims, the monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud, the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina, the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation, worshipping or believing in more than one god, the ancient indigenous religion of Japan lacking formal dogma; characterized by a veneration of nature spirits and of ancestors, the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit, (from the Sanskrit word for `knowledge') any of the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism written in early Sanskrit; traditionally believed to comprise the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, and the Upanishads. Anglicanism The religions have been chosen to reflect the main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world. a place or state of being after this life, where souls destined for heaven would have their sins purged away - in Catholic popular teaching images of fire and torment predominated. laity/lay. The word is also used to describe a type of Christian belief that emphasizes the inerrancy of scripture and salvation through personal conversion. Thus, in theological terms, Protestant thinkers would deny that the Roman Church was the same as the Catholic Church, and would themselves claim to be Catholics! Agnosticism is not about the existence of God being unknowable I cannot think of a single Faith that claims you can *know* God exists. canon law. In its general sense chastity does not mean abstinence from sexual activity as such, but rather moral sexual conduct. For additional quotes on these topics, see Bill McKeever's book or CD edition of In Their Own Words.And for a 13-minute podcast covering Mormon terminology, go here. eschatology: the study of matters relating to the ultimate destiny of mankind and the world. province. Anything not related to religion and spirituality is profane. a visible ritual action designed to convey an invisible spiritual grace, usually performed by a priest. As a born and raised Catholic who has worked in Muslim countries for more years than I can remember and who thinks of himself as a Buddhist, I found your list quite limited. The title given automatically to bishops who govern archdioceses. Is it an active verb? Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. Adj. Technically called adecree of nullity, is a sentence by a church court, confirmed by an appellate court, that aputative marriagewas not valid from the start because something was lacking: full knowledge and consent by both parties, freedom from force or grave fear, or some other factor needed for a valid marriage. nun. hierarchy. The religious vow of chastity taken by brothers, sisters and priests in religious orders is a religious promise to God to live the virtue of chastity by not marrying and by abstaining from sexual activity. Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms | Logos Bible Software Glossary of Hinduism terms | Religion Wiki | Fandom Glossary of Terms - ReGAIN, Religious Groups Awareness International Also a notary and secretary of the diocesan curia, or central administration; he or she may have a variety of other duties as well. Also calledevening prayer, vespers is part of the Liturgy of the Hours, the series of psalms, prayers and readings for different parts of the day that Catholic priests and deacons are obligated to pray daily. Still having trouble with the concept, if youll pardon me. Since the 4th century this observance has been held on December 25 in the Western church. The latter are called lay brothers. Calvary is the hill on the outskirts of ancient Jerusalem on which Jesus was crucified. They assume a variety of forms, but are frequently depicted as having human or animal form. Clergy are the body of ordained men (and in some cases women) who are authorized to perform the priestly, pastoral, or rabbinical duties of the communityas distinct from the laity whom they serve. All three faiths trace their origins to the patriarch Abraham who rejected the polytheism of ancient Sumer to embrace a belief in one, invisible, deity. Seeauxiliary bishopandcoadjutor. mass, the The ancient teaching that outside the church there is no salvation (extra ecclesiam nullasalus) has been officially nuanced in church teaching to include many who do not explicitly embrace the church and all its teachings, or even many who join no Christian religion. Find information on Religious terms and definitions in the cross-referenced index. Adam is Hebrew for human, man. It is the name given to the first person created by God and as such has an important symbolic role in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions. Mantra: A sacred religious prayer. Eucharist: the sacrament of the Lords Supper, a rite in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in symbolic union with Christ. blasphemy: indignity offered to God, from Greek blasphemia, a speaking ill, impious speech, slander. Religions define blasphemy in terms of their own beliefs, often designating prophets and holy objects along with God as subjects not to be profaned. His Biblical faith decisively shaped his commitment to social justice. Another comment: Atheist was defined in a disbelief in God. Modern paganism is earth-centered and can include polytheistic beliefs. It is sometimes used as a penalty for a serious crime or scandal, but more often it comes at the request of the priest. Youre right, there are plenty of other useful words. chancellor. for more. Let us make Man in our own image.. The personnel and offices assisting the bishop in directing the pastoral activity, administration and exercise of judicial power of a diocese. Christianity is the religious tradition of Christians: those who confesses faith in Jesus Christ, follow the path Christ taught, and gather together in the community of the church. Each archdiocese has an archdiocesan tribunala court of first trialand a metropolitan tribunal, an appeals court that reviews decisions of diocesan courts in that ecclesiastical province when necessary. Religious Freedom Glossary of Terms. Those not planning to be ordained priests are calledpermanent deacons. In this glossary, you will find definitions of common religious freedom and First Amendment terms and phrases, as compiled by our experts, for your greater understanding. Seecelibacy. (Pronounced Ma-noot in Thai.) Relig-ish: Soulful Living in a Spiritual-But-Not-Religious World Often this is where choir members are seated and the place from which clergy conduct the service. Most cardinals are archbishops; canon law since 1983 says they must at least be bishops, but exceptions have been made in several cases where a noted priest-theologian over the age of 80 has been named a cardinal to honor his theological contributions to the church. This is considered an auspicious time for meditation and prayer as stressed by Guru Nanak. Although this was published in 2010 and am just reading it now (2019) when i was looking for words associated with traditional religion for preparation of my lesson, i think i still find it educating and lucid. often used to mean members of religious orders (ie not just modern sense of 'pious'). The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Some large dioceses, for example, are divided geographically into several vicariates or regions, with an episcopal vicar for each; some dioceses have episcopal vicars for clergy or religious or for Catholics of certain racial or ethnic groups. A man who has taken vows in a religious order but is not ordained or studying for the priesthood. What exactly does disbelieve mean? God's Spirit and the fleshare at odds. They only seem like different things to the mind determined to see religion where there is none atheism, of course, isnt a religious attitude at all. (I am not opening up a debate on that subject). 'Roman Catholic' can be used after about 1560. An apostolic nuncio, also called apapal nuncio, is always an archbishop, and it is his religious title that is capitalized as a title before his name, e.g.,Archbishop Carlo MariaVigan,apostolic nuncio to the United States,notApostolic Nuncio Carlo MariaVigan. A - Z: A Simple Introduction to Terms Used by Latter-day Saints Penance is also called the sacrament ofreconciliation. The apostles are the disciples of Jesus recognized as leaders of the early church; Paul, although not a disciple, came to be considered an apostle as well. Glossary of Church Terms - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Savannah Menu LOGIN About Us Diocesan History Former Bishops of the Diocese Priest Necrology Glossary of Church Terms Our Bishops Bishop Stephen D. Parkes Biography Coat of Arms Sacramental History News Statements Official Portraits SDP Social Bishop Emeritus John Kevin Boland, D.D. But there are some titular sees in the United States as well, such as Bardstown, Ky. (original seat of what is now the Archdiocese of Louisville), or Jamestown, N.D. (now in the Diocese of Fargo). Strictly, the title applies to women religious of those institutes, mostly formed during or since the 19th century, whose members do not profess solemn vows. Now it can be administered to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill. see. This is not the same thing as the Virgin Birth, the belief that Jesus was divinely begotten and miraculously born of a virgin mother.. Religious clergy live according to the rule of their respective orders. Thomist Seedioceseandarcheparchy. Adj. (3)Canonis another name for a law in theCode of Canon Law. GCSE which was published by the School Examination Council (SEC) in 1986. the supernatural assistance of God to make Christians more holy (sanctified). (3) Any gathering of Christians for worship. ecclesiastic: relating to a church. baptism Secondarily, church refers to the building housing such a community or to a particular communion or denomination of the Christian tradition. He or she may be the head of a province or of an individual house. Apart from its obvious use to refer to a building where Christians gather to worship God,churchhas a rich theological and doctrinal meaning for Catholics that also sets limits on how it is applied. Elevation This has been a source of one of the major popular misunderstandings of annulments; namely, that an annulment somehow makes the children of that union illegitimate. literary genre in which the future of humanity is revealed using highly symbolic imagery. Apostolic Practices Studies are interrupted for It can include ordained ministry such as liturgical leadership and administration of the sacraments, or lay ministry such as instructing children in the faith, serving the poor, visiting the sick, or being an altar server, reader or music leader at Mass. clergy. Glossary of Religion Terms. In reality, Jesus was born probably in the Fall of a year between 4 and 7 BCE. Hinduism: a body of social, cultural, and religious beliefs and practices found chiefly in India. Template:Dictdef The following is a glossary of terms and concepts in Hinduism. canonical. brother. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED BY REGNUM CHRISTI AND LEGION OF CHRIST Often found in Legion and Regnum Literature Apostolic School A kind of boys Junior Seminary (residential setting) either at a middle and/or high school level where students have limited access to their families for long periods of time. Whether we care about it or not, we ought to be able to read and write about religion with some understanding of the terminology. The first three are also called thesacraments of Christian initiation, and in the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox traditions they are administered together in infancy. Catholics, like Orthodox Christians, believe that there are seven sacraments:baptism,confirmation,Eucharist,penance,matrimony,holy ordersand theanointing of the sick. as the religious title before the name of bishops and archbishops, not just before the name of priests who have received that honorary ecclesiastical title from the pope. the flat wheaten disc used for celebration of the eucharist. Marital chastity means faithfulness to one's spouse and moral conduct in marital relations. The USCCB traces its origins to the 1919 establishment of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. If the diocese is an archdiocese, he is calledcoadjutor archbishopinstead ofcoadjutor bishop. The word comes from a Greek word meaning grateful.. arguments used to justify something, typically a religious doctrine. The shared responsibility and authority that the whole college of bishops, headed by the pope, has for the teaching, sanctification and government of the church. real presence The reason the early Brits were called Angles is that the Angles are Germans. The glossary also contains . Thesee cityis that city after which the diocese or archdiocese is named. Not a specific job title, but a general theological description of the work of Catholics who are not ordained but are engaged in substantial public leadership positions in church ministry, collaborating closely with the ordained leadership and working under their authority. " CE ," an acronym for the religiously neutral term "common era" is gradually replacing "AD." -. Even though excommunicated, the person is still responsible for fulfillment of the normal obligations of a Catholic. Most parishes are formed on a geographic basis, but they may be formed along national or ethnic lines. Disbelieve means to not believe. vicar general. United StatesConference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Here is a brief glossary of terms often used in the Catholic Church that may not be completely familiar to journalists who have not had a great deal of experience in covering church matters. Only cardinals under the age of 80 are allowed into a conclave under current church rules. I linked my World Religions class to it! Episcopal is the adjective for bishop. The College of Cardinals is charged with the responsibility of electing a new pope when the office becomes vacant. Every field has specialized terms, and the field of religious freedom is no different. In canon law, anyone not ordained a deacon, priest or bishop is a layperson. Glossary of religious and spiritual terms (Starting with "P") 35,000 worksheets, games,and lesson plans, Spanish-English dictionary,translator, and learning. 3 attributes expressions of a monotheistic entity. SeeHoly See,metropolitan,provinceandtitular see. Most bishops are diocesan bishops, the chief priests in their respective dioceses. Biography Religious Education: Glossary of Terms - DocsLib The word heathen is used pejoratively to mean a person without religion. @Andy, Islamic terms would grant a post on their own, and that is why we have not mixed them here (except for the mainstream jihad). For example,archbishopis capitalized only when used as a title before a name, butCollege of Cardinalsis a proper name in all usesso thearchbishopentry is lowercased but the other is capitalized. Buddhism. heresy -. Seelay ecclesial ministry. Another reorganization in 2001 resulted in the USCCB. Someone who lacks professional knowledge of a particular profession is called a layman. diocesan curia. The glossary is a revision of Religious Studies - A Glossary of Terms. a religious event to celebrate or mark an occurrence for a person or community. In the United States there are 15 Eastern Church dioceses and two Eastern Church archdioceses. It is the highest diocesan position open to women. The Schleitheim Confession (1527) also rejects military service, violence, and the swearing of oaths by conscientious Christians. It ordinarily does not come into play in news coverage of the Vatican, but it may do so in certain limited contexts. Jesus Christ. Once consecrated, the matter of the Eucharist is believed to be bread and wine in appearance only, with its metaphysical substance completely transformed into Christs Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. beliefs associated with the Dutch theologian, Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609), who came to deny predestination - a kind of Calvinist 'heresy'. Now the term is used figuratively to mean any remedial activity pursued with zeal and enthusiasm. The same meaning is becoming attached to jihad. The religions have been chosen to reflect the main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world. Mtali The term apostolic refers to the early Christian era, with traditions of ministry and authority derived from the apostles, the immediate disciples of Jesus. (NB Protestants and Catholics recognised slightly different texts: Catholicism accepted as authentic books in the Greek version of the Old Testament not included in the Hebrew bible - the Apocrypha). A broad term in Catholic usage for any activity conducive to the salvation of souls. Compete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! This depends on a philosophical distinction between the accidents and substance of an object. (Hence, the popularity of derogatory terms such as 'papist'). Glossary of Religious Terms - DocsLib A bishop appointed to a Catholic diocese or archdiocese to assist the diocesan bishop. In Catholic teaching the church embraces all its membersnot only those still living on earth, but also those in heaven or purgatory. archeparchy. Diocesan bishops and their auxiliaries are responsible for the pastoral care of their dioceses. Whats the difference between the Shia and Sunni branches of Islam? Church crimes are spelled out in theCode of Canon Lawfor the Latin rite and in theCode of Canons of the Eastern Churchesfor Eastern Catholic churches. NB - this concept, and the word itself, is anachronistic before about the middle of the seventeenth century. The Mass is divided into two main parts. Religious Terms Glossary: from the Concise Lexicon of Christianity Concise Lexicon of Christianity Teachings, worship, rites, sermons, and terminology Religious Terms The Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms provides a comprehensive glossary of terms from seven major religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhismthe main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world.. A specific community of the Christian faithful within a diocese, having its own church building, under the authority of a pastor who is responsible for providing ministerial service. Dont you think the religion that most of your readers need to learn more about is Islam? The list consists of concepts that are derived from both Hinduism and Hindu tradition, which are expressed as words in Sanskrit as well as other languages of India. Glossary of spirituality terms - Wikipedia Glossary of Religion Terms | Lore Cat(alog) Glossary of Religion Terms and Definitions Seeprovince. This term sets my teeth on edge, especially when used as a shorthand definition as you have done. Episcopal conferences were recommended by the Second Vatican Council and have duties enumerated in the 1983Code of Canon Lawand the 1998 apostolic letterApostolos Suos. The Catholic belief that in the eucharist the bread and wine is completely replaced by the real body and blood of Christ. Quite funny , from Latin Those terms, which are not used in church law, should be restricted to forcible laicizations, since they connote a penalty.