In another attempt to find more work, Meredith set out to convince Bailey to allow her to create a surgical innovation fellowship for Jo. He assured her she would be operating again soon, which she doubted. Out of nowhere, as Meredith was checking on Suzanne, Andrew and Lauren rushed in with the diagnosis of Still's disease and Andrew injected her with high-dose steroids without any explanation. As she pondered his proposal, she saw Nick Marsh leaving the restaurant with his date. He told her they would have to learn how to live together in her house. Back at home, Alex told Meredith about Bailey's decision to let him work in the clinic and that he supported that decision because his head wasn't in the game. In season 8 episode 10, however, Grey and Shepherd were given custody of Zola. However, while traveling in Europe, she received a call and was told that her mother had Alzheimer's. Unbeknownst to her, Meredith received a call from Richard to tell her he had been arrested and was in jail. This all resulted in a particularly bad day for Meredith, resulting in her snapping at everyone in the OR, including Nathan. They talked and made up after the surgery. After Derek died, Meredith took Zola and Bailey and left Seattle in the middle of the night, much like her mother did with her when she was a child. However, she immediately broke that promise when she hid the fact that Nathan came to see her that night, asking about the problem she had mentioned as he really felt something between them. Pathology revealed that the obstruction was caused by lymphoma, meaning they were looking at years of treatment and follow-up. Meredith and Derek kissed and he left. She just shrugged and walked off. At work, Meredith and Andrew's patient turned out to be in labor instead of having an obstruction. ", suggesting that she enjoys their music. When Nathan Riggs arrived at the hospital, it did not take long for Meredith to discover the reasons regarding his feud with Owen. [84], Meredith was supposed to accompany Richard to Los Angeles for his speech on his PathPen at the Surgical Innovation Conference but she had to stay home as her sitter got the flu. Jo then revealed that her mother was raped by her father and that she looked like him. Her supervisor Robin Jones started to object to her street clinic since it was keeping people from doing their work but Meredith brought up she had noticed a nodule in Robin's neck that warranted a closer look. [5] Richard's drinking escalated again, causing him to make an error during surgery which almost killed a patient, until Dr. Bailey stepped in, fixing the problem[6] and scheduling weekly followups with the patient to ensure he had no lasting effects. However, it appeared that with Alex's apology, they mended their fences and went back to their former relationship, as he was there to provide some physical support after Meredith learned that Zola had to be surrendered to Social Services for the time being. She is intelligent, compassionate, hard-working, has good medical instincts, and a natural flair for medicine. Though it was said at the meeting that the ER had to close, Meredith got confused when she witnessed Stephanie and Jo exchanging supplies to use in the ER. Of course, back then, she was "just a girl in a bar . [90], On one of her breaks, she went outside to catch some fresh air. Or better, this is a dream, of how MerAdd could've worked in the series. As they brought up Amelia, Derek told Meredith that people love and need her. He wrote that during his call with Izzie, he heard children in the background, and Izzie told him they were his. Bailey still thought that they should open him back up, and Meredith made the call to book an OR for Bailey. He explained he offered to help out because she seemed stressed. Watching Meredith Grey overcome her fears and complicated relationship with her mother was very impactful for audience. He talked about her kids and their traits and how they needed for her to fight. She decided not to use Richard's infamous speech and instead jumped right in by asking the residents about the status of the newly admitted COVID patients. Meredith however, was in love with Derek Shepherd so she never really thought about George as more than a friend. Meredith, Teddy, and Jo then performed the surgery without a hitch. The fans may have had to wait until season 3 to see what happened with this iconic Meredith and Derek's Grey's Anatomy storyline as Meredith wasn't sure if she was ready, but in season 3, episode 7, "Where the Boys Are," she agrees to start dating Derek again. The judge got angry and the lawyer blurted out her three kids as a reason to keep her out of jail. Derek planned to propose to her, with a ring from his mother but remarked to Mark that the timing had to be right, otherwise she would bolt. She shared that Meredith hadn't been matched to Seattle Grace at first until Richard reached out to the NRMP to make a personal recommendation, which landed Meredith her spot. She was married to Derek Shepherd until his death; they have two daughters, Zola and Ellis, and a son, Bailey. She sent Derek a message and got checked out by Connie Ryan, and she promised that everything was fine with the baby. While her friends had been more skeptical about her decision, Meredith asked Derek to move in in episode 1 "Dream a Little Dream Of Me (Part 1)" so they didn't waste any more time. Meredith Grey/Alex Karev - Works | Archive of Our Own He decided to drive up there and could hardly contain his excitement and happiness, something she told him he did not need to apologize for as she understood how he felt. Derek and Meredith were sitting in the cafeteria, he handed her some coffee, having his arm around her. Richard took the fall for her, but she and Derek agreed that they shouldn't be close at work too, so Meredith decided to leave neurosurgery. The speech is well-remembered by fans, and its culminating line is often repeated by fans. She then told him about her miscarriage. Meredith surprised Derek with a 'the world's best big sister' t-shirt for Zola to tell him she was pregnant. Meredith lied to him, saying she didn't return the feelings, out of consideration for Maggie. The sister started carpooling to work, and Meredith started to teach an intern anatomy class at the hospital. When she stood him up to monitor a patient, he began getting impatient over her indecisiveness. [31], As Jo found a loft for the two of them, Alex moved out of the house and sold it back to Meredith, who moved in with her kids and sisters. Before leaving, she told him she was missing him. She ran into Amelia on her way out one day and advised her to tell Owen about the pregnancy. Nathan and Meredith began a relationship, which involved them telling Maggie that they were a couple, and Meredith began to open herself up more to Nathan. However, the couple never made it down the aisle since they ended up giving their venue to Alex Karev and Izzie, leading them to make their own personal wedding in episode 24, "Now Or Never". Derek told Meredith it was up to her but he advised her to listen to Cormac. However, he ended up shooting Owen, though his injuries were comparatively minor. With very little time to get married themselves, they went to the locker room, wrote down their vows on a Post-it note, and married each other. He was into plastics. At the end of the day, Meredith was talking to Cristina and simply said that "Lexie's dead." Meredith admitted that Andrew's "I love you" terrified her because it reminded her of Derek and all the pain she had been through. Derek then reappeared and told her he would be right there for her. At home, she ran into Jackson as Maggie was throwing him out. Jackson moved to Seattle Grace through the merger with Mercy West. She cited her losses and all the pain in her life. While sound asleep, Meredith found herself on her beach again, this time with George O'Malley present. But once they get there, they realize it will be a little harder than they thought. Register and i'm curious to do with the show. Next: Grey's Anatomy: 10 Of The Worst Things Meredith Has Ever . She replied yes thats my husband. He also asked her not to show up to his house to talk him into returning to Seattle because, for the first time in his life, he felt that he was exactly where he needed to be. Willingly, she offers up her liver, not for Thatcher, but for Lexie's sake. As they all left the hotel, Bailey told Meredith she could return to work at Grey Sloan. During the surgery, it was obvious that Dr. Richard Webber was quite disturbed, and also feeling a little guilty, at the sight of the doll, as he had been reminded of a young Meredith craving her mother's attention and love, yet not getting it since Ellis was not only very focused on her surgical career but also because he and Ellis were having an affair when they were both interns and residents. Later, when Derek was shown Meredith's fate by the little girl, he jumped into the water and then retrieved a pale, seemingly lifeless Meredith. However, she somehow got herself a wheelchair and went to Richard's room in the ICU with Bailey. She needed some joy and found that was the way to do it, so she told Meredith to go find joy herself. Meredith and Carina share their concerns over Andrew's mental health. He advised her to write down exactly what she wanted and then pick someone who would defend her choices, like his late wife had chosen her sister instead of him. Ellis didn't like that Meredith got pregnant at 16 and Meredith took off, raising Erica on her own. Meredith told Nathan that butting heads with Alex was not the way to pursue her. [29], Meredith put out feelers with a real estate agent to see whether anyone would be interested to buy her house. After work, Meredith told Alex that Nick made her feel something she hadn't felt since Derek, though it didn't matter because Nick lived in Minnesota. ", RELATED: Patrick Dempsey's Grey's Anatomy Fallout Explained - Allegations & Updates. She ultimately chose Derek and they reconciled. First Dempeo fanfic, Ellen and Patrick aren't married to anyone and there are no kids. She said that move could have ended his career had it gone wrong and she pointed out he was not in the right state of mind to make life-and-death decisions. Since she had learned that life could be short, she wanted to teach the residents what mattered most. Her labs eventually showed elevated liver enzymes. She was always there for her, and her Father left right after. The whole episode was heartbreaking for audiences just as it was for Grey, but her resilience during the traumatic event will not be forgotten by fans. At the hospital, she shared her experience with Andy Herrera, who made her see that she now knew there still were great men out there and that she managed to dodge this particular slow-moving bullet because he revealed his opinion on single mothers before the relationship could have dragged on for too long. Two weeks later, Bailey visited again and Meredith said Jackson and Tom had the right idea. Zola set up a live feed for them to watch his talk, which went disastrously as he dismissed his Pen and started rambling nonsense about having found a cure for cancer. When Derek was leaving to hand in his resignation to the White House, he told Meredith to stay and wait for him, just like when he left her at the house of candles so he could break up with Rose. At the same time, Andrew came over to ask Meredith about her date. Derek was involved in a car accident with serious injuries. On her way to consult on Levi's patient, she ran into Cormac, whose boys had ditched him in an attempt to make them late for the parent-teacher conferences. On the day of her court hearing, she woke up to Zola telling her she wasn't feeling well. Additionally, she deemed it highly unlikely that the medical board would pursue action her license. Start Again Chapter 33, a Grey's Anatomy - Bailey re-hires Meredith to work at Grey Sloan. Meredithgrey Stories - Wattpad However, upon learning of Meredith's tampering with Derek's trial, she voices her strong disapproval of her, as evidenced from her interactions with Meredith, when she got fired, and the Chief, when asked to write a recommendation letter for her. They held a little impromptu wedding ceremony. by Alanah <3. TV Shows Grey's Anatomy. Following Richard's urging, Meredith decided she did want to say goodbye to her father before it was too late. Meredith works on her research while Andrew ignores her. Cristina, who found it typical for Meredith to go in labor during a superstorm, stayed by her side while Derek went to look for Connie. In surgery with Maggie, Owen came in to invite Meredith for a housewarming, and Maggie volunteered to come after finding out Nathan would be there. She told him she could fix him as he was the one who taught her everything about surgery, life, and being a parent. By: julie3281. Meredith formed a close bond with Izzie on their first day and her relationship with Izzie grew more so when Izzie and George moved in with her. This story is about Meredith Grey, who has a boyfriend since 5 years. Meredith is moving to Boston and in turn she asks Derek to help her move. Derek were a somewhat terse. Electing general surgery as her specialty, Meredith passed the boards and is now the Head of General Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Ellen Pompeo may be moving on to new projects, but fans will never move on from this iconic moment. After Izzie was diagnosed with cancer, and when the condition relapsed and Meredith was informed, she and Derek gave their wedding to Alex and Izzie. And she managed to share that joy through her spirit of discovery and of possibility and of hope, right in the face of darkness. She happily agreed to a date at a place by the lake. Back at the hospital, she and Andrew treated a deteriorating Cece, who had discovered Link and suggested him to Meredith. He took a chance and guessed she would be staying at the five-star hotel near the hospital. Richard talked about trying to stay strong for everyone worrying about her. While she had some excuses to turn him away, such as her being his attending and his history with Maggie, he thought she felt the attraction between them, too. The fictional character has gone through so much from her husbands death, to a hospital shooting, and to winning a prestigious medical award. Because he had been so close to Ellis, he felt close to Meredith, and he was close to her as a child and she thought that he thought he was her father. After a fight with Owen, Cristina showed up at Meredith's house. Jo then had Bailey agree to have Meredith supervise the procedure remotely through video chat, which convinced Shirley to consent. He asked Meredith and Lexie to forgive him, Lexie hugged him and Meredith congratulated him and said good luck and then left the office they were in. Zola proved to be a great addition to the family as her presence allowed writers to bring new depths to Meredith and Derek's characters. Jackson then came in to inform them that Richard was refusing to work at Grey Sloan on Catherine's terms. Meredith Grey and Peter Bishop have been together for 11 years and have just recently got engaged. Meredith went to Nick and asked him to do a triple organ transplant on her patient and he agreed.