This is called chronic bronchitis. a. Alveolar duct b. Terminal bronchiole c. Alveolar sac d. Respiratory bronchiole, Which of the following is a conducting zone structure: a. The most common problem with the bronchi is bronchitis, an inflammation of the tubes. In your lungs, the main airways (bronchi) branch off into smaller and smaller passageways the smallest, called bronchioles, lead to tiny air sacs (alveoli). The Respiratory System is vital to every human being. Youve probably seen photographs that compare the lungs of people who smoke to the lungs of people who dont. Both circular and longitudinal muscles occur in the walls of the pharynx . In your lungs, the main airways (bronchi) branch off into smaller and smaller passageways the smallest, called bronchioles, lead to tiny air sacs (alveoli). In: Morton DA, Foreman K, Albertine KH, eds. Which of the following options is correct? nucleases|H. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. smallest conducting respiratory passageways Palate Separates the oral and nasal cavities Phrenic Major nerve, stimulating the diaphragm Esophagus Food passageway posterior to the trachea Epiglottis closes off the larynx Trachea Windpipe Alveoli Actual site of gas exchanges Parietal pleura Pleural layer covering the thorax walls Visceral Pleura A bronchus (plural bronchi, adjective bronchial) is a passage of airway in the respiratory tract that conducts air into the lungs. lithotripsy|G. . Inadequate oxygen delivery to body tissues is called __________. What are the physical state of oxygen at room temperature? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What are the two tubes that connect the lungs with the trachea called? Other problems include: Bronchiectasis - a condition in which damage to the airways causes them to widen and become flabby and scarred. e) alveoli. What are the tiny passages in your lungs called? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Thoracentesis, a procedure to drain fluid from your lungs. Free Shipping on all orders | Get 10% off on your first Purchase, use code - AOC10. Epiglottis Which of the following is NOT a function of the respiratory system? a. nasopharynx b. oropharynx c. laryngopharynx. They can: In addition to a physical examination, your provider may order different kinds of tests, including: If you have a lung condition, your treatment will depend on your actual condition, as well as your health status. Respiratory volume inhaled or exhaled during normal breathing, Air in respiratory passages that does not contribute to gas exchange, Gas volume that allows gas exchange to go on continuously, Amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal tidal volume exhalation, Fibrosis of the lungs and an increase in size of the alveolar chambers, Condition characterized by increased mucus production, which clogs respiratory passageways and promotes coughing, Respiratory passageways narrowed by bronchiolar spasms, Incidence strongly associated with cigarette smoking; outlook is poor, Infection spread by airborne bacteria; a recent alarming increase in drug users and AIDs victims, Chapter 13 The Respiratory System- Biology II, Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, Elaine N. Marieb, Jon B. Mallatt, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Cat Version, Elaine N. Marieb, Lori A. Smith, Susan J. Mitchell. a. pseudostratified ciliated columnar b. simple columnar c. simple cuboidal d. simple squamous e. stratified squamous. a. terminal bronchioles b. respiratory bronchioles c. alveolar ducts d. alveolar sacs; Emphysema is a breakdown of which structure? Where are the bronchi located in the lung? These come in long-acting and short-acting versions. These then branch successively to give rise in turn to secondary and tertiary bronchii. Right lung The lung on your right side is divided into three lobes: the superior, the middle and the inferior. Thymus gland. Simple squamous epithelial cells can be found in: a. nasopharynx b. bronchioles c. oropharynx d. alveoli, Which of the following anatomical structures is not part of the conducting zone? 15 breaths per minute is called __________. Expla. Where are the bronchi located in the thoracic vertebra? Anti-inflammatory therapy with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), with or without long acting B2-agonists (LABA), is the cornerstone of management of persistent asthma. Best Coffees of India is what we aim to bring to you. Your thoracic cavity is the name of the space that contains your lungs and other organs. b) bronchioles. The lungs are constantly exposed to danger from the dusts we breathe. Also known as peripheral airways, the small airways (x26lt;2 mm in diameter) include bronchioles, terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs (Figure 1A). Those rings provide stability and help prevent the trachea from collapsing and shutting off the airway. What are the smallest passageways in the lung with a ciliated epithelium? They are called the bronchiThe smallest [air] tubes in the lungs are the broncioles they terminate the larger bronchi.Inside your lungs the two bronchi tubes divide into small bronchial tubes. Respiratory epithelium is best defined as a. simple squamous epithelium with goblet cells. Your lungs make oxygen available to your body and remove other gases, such as carbon dioxide, from your body. (a) Trachea (b) Terminal bronchioles (c) Respiratory bronchioles (d) Secondary bronchi (e) Primary bronchi. The bronchial tubes divide into smaller air passages called bronchi, and then into bronchioles. a. pseudostratified ciliated columnar b. simple columnar c. simple cuboidal d. simple squamous e. stratified squamous. Air then travels down the throat through the larynx and trachea. The respiratory membrane (at the alveoli) is made of what type of cells. Which divides into two branches called bronchial tubes or? Right. When doctors examine the lungs of a miner after death, they find no more than 40 g of dust. Whats the healthiest thing to eat at Jacks? Question 6 Which of these is another legitimate way to express the ratio of cases to controls given the above data (reminder: there are 64 cases in a case-control study and 128 controls)? d) simple squamous epithelium. the narrower portion of each lung is called the apex. Lungs C. Trachea D. Bronchi E. Bronchioles. Bronchiectasis is a lung condition that causes a persistent cough and excess phlegm, or sputum. The smallest branches of the bronchial tubes are called BRONCHIOLES, at the end of which are the air sacs or alveoli. Just clear tips and lifehacks for every day. 4 What are the two tubes that connect the lungs with the trachea called? This process takes place 12 to 20 times per minute. They also need to be free from inflammation (swelling) and abnormal amounts of mucus. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". the smallest passageways in the lungs are called the This is called exhalation. These tubes stem from the bronchus tubes and branch out into both lungs. 3 Geometry. b. respiratory bronchioles. The tissue that makes up alveoli is simple squamous epithelium, which is different than the respiratory tract which is mostly pseudo stratified columnar ciliated epithelium. Are bronchial sounds produced as air fills the alveoli of the lungs? Advertising on our site helps support our mission. The trachea branches into the: a) secondary bronchi, two right and one left. In your lungs, the main airways (bronchi) branch off into smaller and smaller passageways the smallest, called bronchioles, lead to tiny air sacs (alveoli). Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. d) bronchioles. The serous membrane covering the surface of the lungs is called the: A) main (primary) bronchi. c) bronchioles. a) alveoli. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. e) Secondary bronchus. Thoractomy. The use of other sedatives increases your risk for the same reason. The trachea branches into two: a) alveoli. Healthy lungs are pinkish-gray in color. c. bi-layer epithelial tissue important for defending against pathogens. Exercise can help you increase your lung capacity. The most common symptom is a feeling of shortness of breath or not being able to catch the breath. In the mediastinum, at the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra, the trachea divides into the right and left primary bronchi. b. bronchi. The trachea begins just under the larynx (voice box) and runs down. does st martin parish have school tomorrow. The most important stimulus for breathing in a healthy person is the body's need to rid. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs). The respiratory epithelium of the conducting airways consists of: a) ciliated squamous epithelium. D) pulmonary ventilation 7) Gas exchange between the pulmonary blood and alveoli is called ________. Emphysema is a breakdown of which structure? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. These airways account for x26gt;98% of the cross sectional area of the lung and terminate with the alveolar sacs. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. mucus layer over cilia that line the passages of the lungs: respiratory mucosa: period of breathing when air exits the lungs: expiration: alternate flushing of air into and out of the lungs: d. alveolar sacs. The alveoli cover a surface of more than 1,399 feet (ft) or 130 square meters (m2). Your left lung has two lobes: the superior and the interior. True or False. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/15/2022. a, Which portion of the pharynx is strictly respiratory in function? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". During the 1st month no new participants joined, but 10 people under 65 in group A and 5 people over 65 in, If the ratio of patients with flu to patients without flu at a clinic is 0.8, which of the following statements is incorrect? What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Respiratory epithelium is best defined as a. simple squamous epithelium with goblet cells. Which one of the following respiratory tubes lacks cartilage. They are a major site of pathology in many lung diseases, not least chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it . The small leaf-shaped cartilage at the top of the larynx is called the epiglottis. a. Inhalation drugs are the main treatment for stable COPD , and inhaled corticosteroiduff08ICSuff09+long-acting beta2-agonistuff08LABAuff09 are used to treat patients with severe and severe airflow limitation. Intrapulmonary pressure. Verify your answer in a medical dictionary. If this pressure becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure the lungs collapse, As it decreases, air flows into the passageways of the lungs As it increases over atmospheric pressure, air flows out of the lungs The trachea (A) conducts air from the larynx into the bronchi (B) is lined with pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium (C) is usually located posterior to the esophagus. a. pseudostratified ciliated columnar b. simple columnar c. simple cuboidal d. simple squamous e. stratified squamous, Which type of epithelial tissue is located in the bronchioles through the beginning of the respiratory bronchiole? Such a relatively small residue illustrates the importance of the lungs' defenses, and certainly suggests that they are quite ef fective. Exercise regularly. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". granulomas or lymphoid follicles), leading to specific denominations (e.g. Other conditions are more serious and long-lasting. At the end of the bronchiole are tiny branches called Alveolar Ducts which end in clusters of sacs called Alveoli. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The bronchi branch off into smaller tubes called bronchioles which help air reach the alveoli, which are tiny air sacs in each lung. The left lung has 2 lobes. c. ciliated simple columnar epithelium without goblet cells. |A. c) trachea. Name the structures that make up the lower respiratory tract. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. The bronchial tubes then divide into bronchioles, which are even smaller air passages. They have been originated from splitting of terminal bronchioles. B) pleurisy C) mediastinum. Small conducting airways in the lungs b. What lung structures have Simple Cuboidal Epithelial tissue? Airways. After absorbing oxygen, the blood leaves your lungs and is carried to your heart. Cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices. c. alveolar ducts. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". On the other hand, even though the lungs can clear themselves, excessive inhalation of dust may result in disease. C. trachea. Rises well over atmospheric pressure during a forceful cough. Air goes into the lungs through tubes called main-stem bronchi. a. Pharynx b. Nasal cavity c. Alveoli d. Bronchi, The lower respiratory tract includes all of the following except the: a. trachea b. bronchi c. larynx d. alveoli. e) none of these. 6 Which is larger the left or right bronchus? In your lungs, the main airways (bronchi) branch off into smaller and smaller passageways the smallest, called bronchioles, lead to tiny air sacs (alveoli). c) Trachea. The bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli, where oxygen is transferred from the inhaled air to your blood. Tertiary bronchi divide into: a) secondary bronchi. Which is larger the left or right bronchus? It does not store any personal data. The first passages of the respiratory zone, which have alveoli in their walls, are called: (a) Terminal bronchioles (b) Respiratory bronchioles (c) Alveolar ducts (d) Alveolar sacs. Primary bronchi c. Secondary bronchi d. Distal bronchioles e. All of the above. B) alveoli. the smallest passageways in the lungs are called the E) internal respiratory tract. The smallest tubes in the lungs are known as bronchioles. d) tubules. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 105. Enlargement of the alveoli and chronic inflammation of the lungs are characteristics of a. c. ciliated simple columnar epithelium without goblet cells. d) pleural membrane. What are the small airways in the lungs called? forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1 )) [ 7 ]. The bronchioles are the smallest of the conducting passageways in the lungs. Bronchodilators to open up airways. They are the final branches of the bronchial tree and measure approximately 0.5-2.0 mm in diameter. What is the region between the lungs in the chest cavity? the smallest passageways in the lungs are called the. Your lungs make up a large part of your respiratory system, which is the network of organs and tissues that allow you to breathe. d) ciliated cells. Explore lung, breathing and allergy disorders, treatments, tests and prevention services provided by the Cleveland Clinic Respiratory Institute. Chemotherapy and/or radiation to treat cancers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Gas exchange between the blood and tissue cells is called __________. What is the smallest tubes that carry air to the lungs? In the United States, 5 million people are treated for it each year. The two lungs contain all the components of the bronchial tree beyond the primary bronchi. Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? In your lungs, the main airways (bronchi) branch off into smaller and smaller passageways the smallest, called bronchioles, lead to tiny air sacs (alveoli). The lungs are organs of the respiratory system that allow us to take in and expel air. Respiratory Bronchioles have the smallest diameter from the options. a. segmental b. respiratory c. terminal d. lobar. In some cases, cellular infiltrate may show a specific organisation (e.g. b. stratified squamous epithelium without goblet cells. Fill in the missing organs of the respiratory system: Air flows from the trachea through the _______, _______, and _______ bronchi to smaller and smaller bronchi. Which respiratory structure is composed of a stack of cartilaginous rings? When they reach the lungs, they split out into smaller branches, called bronchioles, which then connect to small sacks, called. You have two lungs, one on each side of your chest, which is also called the thorax. Which divides into two branches called bronchial tubes or? However, the constant passage of greasy stools could indicate a problem with fat digestion. which of the primary bronchi are more horizontal. 1 What is the smallest tubes that carry air to the lungs? While the first 2 types function mostly as anatomic dead space, they also contribute to airway resistance. This is the last part of the conducting portion of the respiratory system, and has the smallest diameter of all (less than 1mm). The mediastinum is the partition between the lungs and includes the mediastinal pleura. How are small airways related to total airway resistance? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Is Chinese Chicken chop suey Keto friendly? Understand the functions of the respiratory and conducting zones of the respiratory system. c) bronchioles. Structure of the respiratory system. c) primary bronchi, one to each lung. Copyright 2023 Urban Farmer Hospitality. What is the smallest airspace of the respiratory tree? Which of the following are not part of the conducting system of the respiratory tract? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Recent findings: The study has revealed that small airway involvement is present in all stages of asthmatic disease, being related to important clinical phenotypes such as nocturnal asthma, exercise-induced asthma, and difficult-to-control asthma, including those with the risk of repeated asthma exacerbations. Having a Small Airway: Having a small airway may restrict your breathing at night. E) visceral pleura. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Lymph nodes. The trachea extends from the neck and divides into two main bronchi that divide to the lungs. The smallest tubes in the lungs are known as bronchioles. The lung on your right side is divided into three lobes: the superior, the middle and the inferior. A thin basement membrane c. A thin layer of ciliated epithelial cells d. The capillary endothelium, What area of the pharynx is the inferior portion? SINUSES are hollow spaces in the bones of your head above and below your eyes that are connected to your nose by small openings. Sinuses help regulate the temperature and humidity of inhaled air. Common signs and symptoms of lung conditions include: Your healthcare provider can tell certain things during a physical examination. 3 What are small tubes in the lungs called? 2 Calculus. 6. Which structure has the smallest diameter? a. Alveoli b. Trachea c. Bronchioles d. Bronchi. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The small airways are defined as those less than 2 mm in diameter. The NOSE is the preferred entrance for outside air into the respiratory system. What are the smallest structures in the lungs? Most people with interstitial lung disease experience this symptom, and it may get worse with time. Functionally, the lung is divided into a series of bronchopulmonary segments. trachea Your trachea is divided into 2 air passages called bronchial tubes. Normally, tiny hair-like structures known as cilia remove mucus and other substances from the lungs, and bacteria are cleared out. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Bowel motions of newborns and young babies. D) lower respiratory tract. There are many different lung conditions. What are small tubes in the lungs called? a. nasopharynx b. oropharynx c. laryngopharynx, Which of the following provide the greatest surface area for gas exchange? C) external respiration This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Which of the following has the smallest diameter in lungs? A) main (primary) bronchi. Left. An abnormal bubbling sound caused by diseased respiratory tissue, mucus, or pus is called. a. endoderm b. mesoderm c. ectoderm, Rapid diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs is accomplished by [{Blank}] epithelium in the alveoli a. stratified squamous b. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". c) alveolar ducts. Even though your respiratory system has ways to protect the body, your lungs can still get sick. c. conchae. b) bronchi. c) bronchioles. COPD can cause inflammation of the lining of the tubes that carry air to the sacs in the lungs. It is the area between the base of the tongue and the entrances to the larynx and esophagus. a. What is bilateral submucous resection of turbinates? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What are the first passages of the respiratory zone, which have alveoli in their walls, called? The small airways of the lung are defined as the bronchial passages less than 2 mm in diameter and located beyond the 7th or 8th generation of the tracheobronchial tree. CAPILLARIES are blood vessels in the walls of the alveoli. Which Epithelial tissue type lines the trachea? Alveoli look like clusters of small round fruits. Alveoli are air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs with the blood. Your lungs rest on a muscle called your diaphragm. a. DAngelis CA, Coalson JJ, Ryan RM. Which of the following options is correct? Hemothorax is a condition in which the pleural cavity fills with blood, typically as a result of traumatic injury or chest surgery. A) stratified squamous epithelium with keratin B) ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells C) hyaline cartilage D) mucus membrane E) bone, Which of the following organs is not part of the upper respiratory tract? d) alveoli. It can be fatal. Small airways disease is associated with poor spirometry results, increased lung hyperinflation, and poor health status, making the small airways an important treatment target in COPD. 5 How are the bronchi of the lungs divided? You can even live with only one lung. Inside the lungs are bronchitubes that run from the trachea into each lung. The bronchi dilate, usually . Small airways are defined as those with an internal diameter less than 2 mm. Bronchial sounds are produced as air fills the alveoli of the . a. simple squamous b. stratified cuboidal c. simple cuboidal d. pseudostratified ciliated columnar, What are the first passages of the respiratory zone, which have alveoli in their walls, called? Smaller muscles between the ribs also play a role in breathing. The Alveoli are surrounded by capillaries. The trachea branches to give rise to two primary (main) bronchii. Your left lung is smaller than the right because your heart is where the middle lobe on your left lung would be. What is the conducting zone and what is the respiratory zone? e) none of these. It is made of smooth muscle and several c-shaped rings of cartilage. What are the small tubes in the lungs? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Terminal Bronchioles. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 2 . Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. c) respiratory bronchioles. This intricate structure in each lung is called the bronchial tree. The alveoli are where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of breathing in and breathing out. Check with your provider before you start exercising. 6 (more items). If the average age in population C is 24 years old, how, In a particular study, researchers reported that there was a 35% increase in cancer cases per 100,000 workers in the dye industry compared to the rest of the population not employed in the dye, Which number represents the ratio comparing the average age in group B togroup A if the average age of A=50 years old and B=65 years old? During internal respiration, the blood gas __________ is loaded into the bloodstream. Helicobacter pylori|I. A single layer of alveolar cells b. However, the structural and functional changes of small airway in AECOPD are not clear. b) ciliated cells. Not smoking may help you prevent some illnesses. Respiratory capacities are measured with a __________. When cells use oxygen, they produce carbon dioxide and transfer it to your blood. Air enters the lungs through the primary bronchi. b) visceral pleura. a. Pharynx, alveolar sacs, alveoli, trachea b. Bronchus, nasal cavity, trachea, pharynx c. Nasal cavity, respiratory membrane, alveoli, bronchus d. Trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveo. The epithelium lining the trachea is (a) Simple squamous (b) Simple cuboidal (c) Simple columnar (d) Pseudostratified ciliated columnar. An obstruction may partially or totally prevent air from getting into your lungs.. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What is the primary germ layer from which the internal lining of the trachea arises? Esophagus. a. pseudostratified ciliated columnar b. simple columnar c. simple cuboidal d. simple squamous e. stratified squamous. itself of the blood gas called __________. A typical adult has 300 million to 500 million alveoli. Drug delivery in severe asthma with small airways disease. the smallest passageways in the lungs are called the June 4, 2022by The flap that covers the trachea during swallowing so that food does not enter the lungs. pharynx, (Greek: "throat") cone-shaped passageway leading from the oral and nasal cavities in the head to the esophagus and larynx. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. intrinsic factor |F. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Mucolytics to make mucus thinner so its easier to cough up and out. . d. alveolar sacs, Which of the following options is correct? granulomatous bronchiolitis and follicular bronchiolitis). Which bronchioles has the smallest diameter? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. b) turbinates. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Which type of epithelium is often covered with a layer of mucus produced by goblet cells? Its important to follow the suggestions from your healthcare team so you can breathe easily. the smallest passageways in the lungs are called thehow old is kristine sorensenhow old is kristine sorensen THE SMALLEST PASSAGEWAYS IN THE LUNGS ARE CALLED THE: a) Alveoli b) Bronchi c) Bronchioles d) Lumen c) Bronchioles 6. (D) are more muscular than cartilaginous. For your lungs to perform their best, your airways need to be open when you inhale and when you exhale. These secreted fluids are normally thin and slippery. The respiratory tract's air-conducting part is covered in respiratory-type epithelium, which is ciliated, mucin-secreting epithelium. Small airway disease (SAD) results from remodeling, obstruction by mucus, and disappearance of terminal and transitional bronchioles, the last airways before the gas exchanging region of the lung. Which of the following respiratory system structures has the largest internal diameter? It is about 4 to 5 inches long and 1 inch in diameter in the average adult. Did Texas Roadhouse change their chicken critters. These further divide and subdivide into smaller and smaller bronchi finally forming tiny tubes called bronchioles that end in alveloi (air sacs that facilitate oxygen transfer from the lungs into the pulmonary capillaries). These subtypes, which start from different types of lung cells, are grouped together as NSCLC because their treatment and prognoses (outlook) are often similar. What are the tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles called? Cellular bronchiolitis is characterised by the recruitment of inflammatory cells in the small airways wall. The respiratory system consists of the large and small airways and the lungs. What part of the respiratory system divides into smaller and smaller tubes? The structures in the respiratory system that trap inhaled particles are: a) bronchi. The inspiratory muscles that contract so we can inspire air are the __________ and.