Since then Ive always been searching for more and more books of yours. Christianity Today, November 19, 1990, Larry Sibley, review of Reality and the Vision, p. 40; May 15, 1995, review of Finding God in Unexpected Places, p. 66; August 9, 1999, Susan Wise Bauer, review of The Bible Jesus Read, p. 71. The situation got so bad that I took it to AWI Brad Sass and to Brian Harder. A farmer found me in a coma, slumped over the steering wheel. The Letter to the Editor tells how this reader received a copy of their Easter booklet from Radio Bible Class and saw that it was written by contemplative/emerging proponent Philip Yancey. A few days ago I was searching the book shelf for more books to help me sort through this time in the fog, and I found yours. If were sad, were allowed to express it. My daughter gradually showed progress. I finished your book Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference on New Years Day, 2021. Hi Phillip. During the week of February 6th, 2017, Brian Harder called me several times, asking if everything was fine and if there were any problems. ), but then there are equally strange things in the Protestant tradition! In Soul Survivor I encountered for the first time authors whom I still read with pleasure and spiritual benefit. Im sorry, but my hands are tied. Brand became much better known here in the US than in the UK. Surely thats the only time Ive been linked with David Robinson. I chose to remain behind to conduct two pre-scheduled chapel services because there had been no chapel services recently due to a series of lock-downs. Thank you for those exports! Good read his books! God be with You, In honor of this Halloween near miss, Ill close with an astronomer and a couple astronauts: There is perhaps no better a demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. Carl Sagan, regarding the view of Earth from space in Time. Im open to the theophany. Part of me wanted to give up and yet I thought to myself, there is nowhere else to go! I appealed to AWI Brad Sass and Paul for peace. In fact, some estimate that the problem is as widespread in Protestant denominations as in the Catholic church, which has attracted far more scrutiny. I have worked in medicine for 30 years. If the Bible has so many varying interpretations, how can we feel that it is my anchor of my soul? Thank you in advance. Life can just feel so meaningless, and the world is filled with so much pain, I cant understand why God made people at all. My children were safe. I think that out of many prominent voices in the faith community, you are one of the people brave enough to be on the right side of history. You were the first Christian writer who made room for a thinker like me. Unlike me, Paul was under contract to CSC. They say, We loan because: We care about human beings and understand that it takes people to help people. The Christians say, We loan because: Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. Is that all i can do? Do not ever touch me. These comments hurt deeply and, combined with my Irritable Bowel Syndrome, produced major panic/anxiety attacks that required me to wear adult diapers for some time to prevent me from soiling myself. And we were taught that God answers prayers, miraculously, but my father died of polio just after my first birthday, despite many prayers for his healing., For Yancey, reading offered a window to a different world. My mind raced back to Japan, where I heard from parents who had lost their children to a tsunami in a middle school, and forward to that very morning when I heard from parents who had lost theirs to a shooter in an elementary school. I have read and now am re-reading with my 19 yr. old daughter, Disappointment with God. (Jam. Although he was raised in the south with the racial prejudices of his sub-culture, he had a wide variety of friends and experiences that allowed him to evaluate what was right and good. Homer Heater, Jr. Also, from your travels, you never mentioned Nigeria, dont you think it will be nice to come to Nigeria? You clearly reflect the grace and kindness of our Savior. You absorbed exactly what I hoped to accomplish, and thanks for letting me know. I no longer feel like I fit in that culture, but your books still speak to me, and I hear the gospel in them as much as I did way back when. Throughout the last few days I have thought about how much easier it is for me to be a left of center leaning progressive than it is for me to be a Christian. Born 1948, in England; married Virginia Bell (a writer); children: three. For Yancey, prayer involves listening as well as speakingand often the listening is the more important of the two. What the kid does not know is that the parent denying them the chocolate worries more about their wellbeing, the effect sugar has on their health right before bedtime, their teeth and all the chocolate theyve already eaten that day. Can you help me by telling me the difference between Christians and Evangelical Christians? I know a little about mathematics and biology. She went to check the mail and told me a book I ordered had come in. On his throbbing face I could see his smile of hope as he said goodbye to the attendant. Welcome to the oh-so-fulfilling (and odd) family of writers. I always recommend a writers group too, in which you can read works in progress to get feedback. Keep praying. Im now reading The Jesus I never new and having my eyes opened! Thank you for all you do. When Yancey was just a baby, some church members convinced his polio-stricken father to remove himself from an iron lung in faith that God would heal him. Are the contents the same? We chaplains had to find work space wherever we could. We Americans have as hard a time understanding your president as most of the world has trying to understand our president-elect. He was then resurrected. says? Mouws book was the most delightful. Hope you understand. His books have garnered 13 Gold Medallion Awards from Christian publishers and booksellers. If this was the end of the story, it would not have been worth telling. Threshold Ministries was found guilty of wrongful dismissal and was required to let me resign, pay me for two years of wages and benefits, and to not talk about my dismissal. Through the years I have read and number of your books, and I appreciate your perspective in many areas of life and theology. As I argued with the Lord in my head, He moved me to write an article to call on Christians to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ who are under persecution. But Christianity is completely the opposite. Please respond to, Im not sure how to respond. Philip. Reed Fleming a senior officer told me to watch my back as Capt. I listened to her stories, and at one point she asked me if I would like to see a photo of her husband. If longer, write us a Those who gleefully told me what was happening had not missed the irony of my message being followed by the deans actions. You made me think more deeper about the world and the humanity. I am Munir Masih from Pakistan. But the reasoning of some of the evangelicals became a little bit more clear and understandable once I did some reading. As a Christian I must lean in and listen; I must embrace and include. When I saw the picture of Spring Season , lovely flowers spread all through the ground, I do found Hope in our country. I am not at either extreme of the gay issue , I am just me who loves people no matter their struggles in life . In Christ, I was raised much the way you were and heard constantly that a Chrisitans hope was to saved and go to heaven. If I were going to write on that topic, Id need to spend months researching and thinking about it. We simply didnt fit in, didnt fit the image. We would love to have you come and speak here! Our guest speaker was John Haddad who often shared excerpts of your book, Reaching for the Invisible God. He also shared that you were gracious enough to provide each family with a copy of the book. Its an important question, and Im glad you mention it. On Friday, February 10th, 2017, Brian Harder called me at my home and told me not to go to work that day, for security reasons. His career choice was at least partly inspired by your books (specifically those written about and with Dr. Paul Brand). Women had it tough in those days! Understand that as a trained police investigator, and general skeptic, I knew there was no such thing as coincidence; there was always SOME explanation until proven, and very rarely proven otherwise. And now it appears it would be best if we moved into a rental. I quote a passage near the end from Whats so Amazing About Grace where you quote C.S. Instead, I was referred to Bridges of Canada since they had contracted me out to CSC [45]. Here are my thoughts to my 74 year old Christian father, the most wonderful man I know. After further reports of abuse from the other chaplains at the EYOC, I went to the director and other senior staff of Threshold Ministries, as well as to my bishop and to the archdeacon of the Anglican Diocese in Edmonton. It can be watched for free via an app from Google Play Store or Apples App Store: The Chosen-TV Series.. Brian did not send me anything in writing concerning Brians allegation; nevertheless, Misty McLaughlin of Bridges of Canada later quoted it in conversation with me as a reason for my dismissal [35]. I know a little about Borderline Personality, which in the US is recognized as a most challenging category. I was saved at a summer camp and came home to a completely non-Christian family. The first is for your words in Whats So Amazing About Grace. ", Yancey tackles the issue of prayer in Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? Thank you for your trouble in helping me locate the source of this story. And what if He doesnt judge us until we stand before him, and he asks us, Who do you say I am? Perhaps from the day we are born, He lovingly and patiently waits for us to see the light (or answer the phone). On April 1, 2022, the Wheaton College Alumni Association honored Philip Yancey M.A. The suffix has birthed a colossus, an organized religious insanity My heart swells here with my people and God has a special calling for us. I have been blessed by many of your books, and am presently reading Vanishing Grace. It was new to me. How sad that the church that bears Jesus name turns so many away from him because of our behavior. I am in the early stages of a memoir-like writing project which will engage the topic of faith in the midst of trial. When this therapy failed, I was blamed, shamed and rejected by the groups that applied it to me. Disappointment with God was an understatement and my world was changed. On the 6th I was one of your several drivers and took you to the venue the school where you spoke and dropped you back. Thank you for your life and your writing! Keep writing, I read each of them. Philip Yancey's Alumni Award Remarks - Wheaton College I was exasperated on coming to this summation. I recently decided to write out my personal faith story over the Christmas holiday, covering my faith journey throughout my life and the crisis surrounding evolution that by the grace of God I did come to find peace and resolve in. . Philip. I now view the churches I grew up in with more empathy. There are some things about Catholic culture and doctrine that seem strange to me (celibacy of priests, Assumption and Perpetual Virginity of Mary, papal infallibility, etc. Im still trying to work this out and would love to have your thoughts on this complicated topic. And I have the strong sense that there are more chapters to come! There is NO CHANCE the equations and results are incorrect. His honesty and search for meaning in his own life has influenced my life in positive ways. My experiences with the church, and personal hardships association with the PK life left me quite bitter and disillusioned. I like your book title, so Ill definitely try to check it out. What a beautiful spirit you show! We could not dance or go to movies or date girls who did. I persevere in very large part because of comments like yours. All the while we are systematically sealing off the heart attitude most desirable to God and most descriptive of our true state in the universe. I have just had my first article published online with CT, but as I think about writing more for the church, I see how the different parts of the church are speaking different languages. Keep on brother! This great Q&A reminded me of a student film I made while at Chapman Universitys film school. It offers a glimpse of what millions of people may be going through right now, in the midst of this pandemic. Peace, One day I saw Pauls memos on the Holy Communion table, just lying there waiting to be taken to the AWI for signing. Hi, Mr. Yancey, I want to thank you for writing The Jesus I Never Knew. I told him Chaplain Paul had brought in a bag of at least 30. I understand. I am sending you this e-mail because there are several questions popped up while reading your book. I knew immediately that my relative chronological newness did not matter to God, only the call. Thank you for your books, your columns and your wisdom that comes from earnestly seeking Jesus in a fallen world. Nothing to cushion to the blow. I just wanted to say thank you.Thank you for being honest in your books, such as, Disappointment With God and The Jesus I Never Knew. The honesty in your words have given me much revelation about God and why certain things happen the way they do. You helped me beyond measure. Thank you for your hopeful vision of suffering redeemed. For now my faith is limited. Thats the topic of my book Vanishing Grace, which may not yet be published in Brazil. Funny you should ask. The Bible college movement originated during the time of North America's Third Great Awakening. If not, I suppose you can quit brainstorming the topic of your next book! In this world where Darwinian reciprocity seems to command and dictate almost every square inch of our lives and relationships, the hope of a relationship with the creator of all, not based on what I have to give or give back is the one beautiful pearl that never loses its beauty and I thank you for being a continual reminder of that beauty through your writing. I am confused if I am just appropriating certain verses for my self while the fact could be theyre meant for the ancient Israelites (Exodus 14:14; often used as a modern-day encouragement) or other groups or individuals. I went straight to the Wardens office and complained, and Warden Clovis came out with me and we went around to the door where I had been instructed to go through by V and C. There, the Warden was confronted by an angry Mr. French, who told him they were searching an inmate. Im curtailing speaking for 2020 to finish a memoir Ive been working on for 3 years. But thats not even Scriptural, at least not the emphasis of Scripture. I wanted to ask you about your thoughts on atonement. Jesus did not condemn these sinners. You have been honest and real and thoughtful as well as sensitive and encouraging in your writing and your speech as I have heard you on the radio. Im originally from Kenya, but now lives in Sydney Australia. The amount of hate, sexism, racism, every -ism that this campaign has brought out in our country grieves me deeply. I once again appealed to the Human Rights Commission, this time for defamation, but received no compensation. Dave ODonnell. That gave me courage. Another first. "Though he comes from a conservative upbringing, he is not stuck there but has moved past any labels we might try to put on him," wrote Zander Dunn in the Presbyterian Record. As for Nigeria, thank you for the invitation! Think of someone you love, especially if you have children, think of them. To find his books, click []. Hi, Mr. Yancey Sometime after my dismissal, a large box arrived by regular mail at my apartment in Morinville. I have only one advantage: I am still alive! Phyllis. While reading your book called Whats so amazing about grace? , I found their answers was full of contradictions. Im so glad that you have made a promise not to take your life. But Phillip I have a question, I read a book rumors of another world and I thought it was written by you. Two years later, the results of that decision in daily life still cause us emotional pain. And I want to thank you for your career of authorship that helps address a subject that scars so deeply. Whats So Amazing About Grace for me, seemed as if you had looked into my own mind and then answered so many thoughts and questions I never dared express out loud. Dr. One of them spends his life looking after the needs of homeless people, the elderly, undocumented immigrants, and people living (and dying) with AIDS. Everyone knew and talked about this lawyers, guards, management, Elizabeth Fry Society members yet no one stopped him or reported him. I got to hear firsthand many of the stories you talked about. dave, Phillip Yancey shows how DECEPTION takes place beginning with his New Age views that pushes a very non-Biblical view he offers to separation of Christian involvement in Kingdom of God Government! I was 22 years old and told to bend over one of the leaders knee infront of the staff so he could spank me for my reactions to my still SSA feelings and when I refused he forced me to bend over his knee and he spanked me. I was shocked and distressed by all this hatred being expressed by a lay CSC chaplain. Im afraid, though, that Im way behind on a major writing project and have sealed myself off for the next year or so. Writing is what Ive always done best. You are putting into actual practice what I write about. His beliefs are more in line with New Age, a belief in supernatural and another world, but not one he would express in Christian terms. No one wore an armband; the deans rules were unquestioned. Im basically alone 24/7. My heart has a constant dull ache. I want you to know how much your journey through your writings has impacted my life. And this is where we find ourselves struggling. Youve avoided catastrophe, but unleashed a lot of bats out of hell. I have been around chronic sickness my whole life and recently began writing about what it looks like to love people with chronic sicknesses, day in and day out as we Watchers are hurting too. Ps. Beyond what my simple mind could fathom. So a child with cancer suffers and dies to bring glory to God? What Ive learned, though, is that the more specific and detailed I write, it summons up responses in others who had parallel experiences, though not the same. I understood this comment to be a threat. Should I just believe? Philip. I have really enjoyed the perspectives you offer. Christian History, August, 2002, "Exactly the Opposite: Chesterton Is Seldom What We Expect but Often What We Need," p. 44. And how intimately? Rather than standing up for me and defending my right to go into the visiting area, Warden Clovis cowered at French, a verbally and physically very powerful man. Already on edge because of Pauls warnings, I asked if he wanted me to resign. I believe I am one of those, as I frequently view myself as a Christian agnostic, if that makes sense. I see it as parallel to what a parent feels when a child learns to walk, or choose well, or loves. We had quite a trade: I gave words to his faith, and in the process he gave faith to my words. More recently, he has explored central issues of the Christian faith, penning award-winning titles such as The Jesus I Never Knew, Whats So Amazing About Grace? Writing is hard work, done in isolation, and the only feedback I get comes from something I worked on months or years ago. He is the only One who defines christianity. Certainly there is nothing wrong with pointing out in love, errors to people you know well enough to do so. I deeply struggle with that topic. Your writing has blessed my life many times over. Learn more about Philip Yancey. Painful and therapeutic to me all at the same time. In that culture at that time, that was unacceptable. Dear Sirs, I was about to go and have my own memos signed by AWI Amanda, so I thought it would be a kind gesture to also take Pauls memos at the same time. Well this comment is about 10 years overdue, but needing to be said, and Ill explain why Probably my all time favorite book (and Ive read many) is your book Whats so amazing about grace. You are the one on the front lines of grace. I detected what might be arrogance or at least superciliousness. How do you look at the topic of election / predestination? But its JESUS! Neither sources nor archives are sufficient. By the way, I have read all your books, I think. Thank you Canada . I identify so well with what you write. You replied with encouragement that was so unexpected, that it was almost jarring. I was feeling particularly ashamed today and navigating it in prayer. Philip. What it did for me, I have been convinced it would do for others, especially non-believers. Started my ministry with YWAM. Expose the middlemen; let them lose their lofty pulpit livelihood Along with evangelical Protestants (like Barry and myself), Paul also hated my contractor, Bridges of Canada. The fact that you want so desperately to communicate with God is a wonderful thing and leads me to believe He is drawing you closer. People are allowed to freely sin without consequence and sermons are touchy-feely inspiration that wont offend anyone because, as you seem to emphasize, we need to reach sinners by not offending them. The fact that just from the distance of the Moon you can put your thumb up and you can hide the Earth behind your thumb. Delving into church history that led to the reformation has made me feel desperately sad at how christians through the ages have allowed politics, power play, and fear, divide what Christ united. Of course, I was present and took notes! This never bothered me much till I recently read a volume about Darwinism. As your book reveals, we dont need all the answers. In Baptist-like circles, everyone wants to focus on end times garbage, or how they were blessed for donating to Jerusalems military. She told me in front of the class, You have remarkable resilience to be where you are today. I believe the Bible is the truth. God Bless. The reason evangelical Christians are supporting Trump is because they follow Christianity not Christ. many thanks. Spilsby claimed that it was my couch, but it was the old urine- and sweat-soaked couch from behind the gym. You were open and receptive, and it moves me to hear that some words I wrote a number of years ago had this kind of effect on youand much cheaper than psychotherapy! , You are my encourager of the month, Jee Kim. The spiritual insights I learned are amazing. Similar to your relationship with Dr. Paul Brand, I am significantly younger than Bob. So, so helpful, both then and now. May He continue to bless you. Your writing has resonated more strongly with me than that of any other Christian writer, and you come across as a thoughtful and insightful individual who responds instead of reacting to the most challenging situations. If you can make room for one more book on your shelf, that one may answer your question about church. At the time I was worshiping at a conservative Baptist church, convinced that drinking and swearing were terrible sins, and watching fearfully for the signs of the coming rapture and the real-world Nicolae Carpathia. That same day, on Wall St, so many people said to me that I was the first Christian they had ever met a Christian who wasnt right-wing and intolerant, etc. method to attain salvation. Got baptized the other year a few days short of my 57th birthday!? In particular the book PrayerDoes it make any difference? I did sign up for the Launch Team, I hope that I can help in that. Here is the story. Since leaving the local Church, we did some work focusing on solidifying our Chinese roots. Do you have any news about him? Now their daughters have thrown me out of Bridges, all based on a lies and hate . microtech combat troodon tanto satin I dont want to contradict your teachers, so I hesitate to respond specifically to your questions. Philip. I have not been honored back. Went to a book store in Singapore, where I found most of your books, but couldnt find any of Buechners. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the group study and the book. I would love to hear from you. I have a favor to askand Ill suggest in advance if its too muchI completely understand. I feel defeated. I told him all was okay, but he did not seem satisfied; he was fishing for something. Pious fools believe that ritual and tradition can achieve perfection, COMMUNISM has fallen, let Christianity be the next to fall apart Some folks in Northern Africa still do! At first, I was scared at nights in my home, but then I reminded myself that my life was in G-ds hands, and that I could trust Him. Philip. The prison held my job for three months while I and others tried to secure my work permit, but to no avail. Now back to the sunset. Actually, I really wanted to say, YOUR BOOK CHANGED MY LIFE! but somehow that didnt seem appropriate. I would also just like to thank you. The Director of the Church Army did nothing to stand up for me with the loss of my prison job. I was not welcome however I could stay a short time to sort out what I was going to do. I had lice in my hair and boils all over me and scars all over my body. Still thinking about it. But so many of us prayed and then (I believe) God gave us a new candidate McMullin was asked to run at last minute, he is not a power-grabber. We have about 40 men signed up to take the class with us right now, some of whom are Spanish. I had to really sit there and dwell on many of the issues you presented. Oh God this is too hard, and Im too alone, and the world is making me feel like a helpless baby. We have lost the ability to create metaphors for life. Thank you for visiting Korea and giving a precious message. Especially when 80 percent of the worlds population live on less than $10/day. (Jeremiah 29:13) Sounds like you are doing exactly that surely your eagerness and desire to speak with God pleases Him greatly! After a considerable amount of pleading, the Lord finally turns away. Everytime I get inside a bookstore, the first thing that I would do is to go to HelpDesk and ask where do they keep your books. As you know, Dr. Heater, there are many, many people out there who were damaged by the church or its institutions. I would love to hear what you have to say about this. If they lied about this, then maybe they're lying to me about the Bible and Jesus and God and everything else as well. The pastor said he gathered around youths paying tribute by lighting candles. The Jesus I Never Knew, Walker and Co. (New York, NY), 1996. Paul tried to control and manipulate every aspect of my working life. Philip Yancey: We met at the Bible college I mentioned. Can you help me to send your e book ? Dear Phillip, You wrote 2 books I have a question about-The Jesus I Never Knew & The Bible Jesus Read. Philip. He is the recipient of a Christianity Today Book of the Year Award, two ECPA Book of the Year Awards, and eleven Gold Medallions. There were several parts that stood out to me that I could relate to. Similar to many others, I understand church hurt but when you knew there is a Christ that can relate and cares. We bring up the fact that we ALL deserve judgement for our sins, and everyone is quiet. Upon arrival at the Edmonton Institution I was met by a Mrs. Cunningham, but not the Assistant Warden of Intervention (AWI). This is illogical. You sound really depressed, a condition that cries for in-person help, from friends or a trained counselor. We forgive others because He forgave us. Ive always loved your books, and lens. This is, or should be, common knowledge. We wrote more in a book called The Gift of Pain. And thank you for your message. Thanks from the heart. OfficeCampus Life/Christianity Today, 465 Gundersen Dr., Carol Stream, IL 60188.