Yep.. Market your products turbo squid does that for you i understand but if your trying to sell you have to show the customers where its at. I could go on and on, it kept me puzzled. Then there is the stupid "reputation" point issue. A customer coming in from outside can view stores, search inside a store or still search the global data base. It takes way too long to put up any files. So the wonderful conversion work/time spend of this individual could have helped him to get a complete refund, and the two others, (hoe I have send off here) would also have been helped whit a nice maya file, and I would have sold at least two more models (Everyone would benefit). Thus by searching to widen its audience, the buyer only decrease the site credibility. Then we're all back at Square one again. Everything is more and more coming down to individual levels of very friendly and much more human communication. It might be a good idea to see what the customer experience is with various market places by making an experimental purchase at each and seeing who has the most effective methods of enticing return visits and encouraging word-of-mouth bumps. Is it the return guarantee if not satisfied? Prices do not include additional fees, such as shipping . Since you havent contacted us about any of these changes being incorrect, we are resetting prices on these models one final time (see the attached CSV file listing these models). Free3d.com7. This is why: If anything buyers should get lots of points for buying. Maybe some people don't want to bother about different programs compatibility, while others don't mind to spent time configuring things in different applications. Thanks for your feedback, it really makes sense. Bangalore Escort (2034950) 3D 3D Model jimmy choo. You have to choose a category to get a refresh. If CGtrader's advertisement budget is a problem, a Crowdfunding round may help. This is from my own personal experience. - Do you prefer to do business with companies that takes the most profit from your products in exchange for a short-term higher revenue? Many do not search the net, they go directly to TS and search there for models. During all these years we always felt Turbosquid favored a sort of chaos and unfair competition between sellers because they were profiting a lot from that lack of understanding and cooperation between content creators. That's just an easy question to answer 1. Because of its design and trade/royalty system, CGTrader seems better and more advantageous, but at the end of the day, I get much more income from Turbosquid and The3Dstudio. CGtrader better is : Design,User friendly,royalties etc all better . To bad this place is ridiculously expensive, you only get 33% of your sales. Let me explain - I like the look of the models here, but the site is even designed so end users, like me, can't even download more that 10 "free" items unless they've uploaded models of their own, written tutorials, posted topics to the forum (which is difficult if you're not an actual modeler) and/or jumped through about 1,500 other ridiculous hoops to get enough "reputation" points. The classic idea of exclusivity, division and concealment as a strategy to get to a monopolistic position is bad for the industry and everyone is coming to the realization how bad it rely is. rigged People SixPack 003 - Photogrammetry Population Character Rig, Realistic Human Body Basemesh - UVMapped - Rigged, CARTOON MAN AND WOMAN - TOON MOTHER AND FATHER, Worker Mining Safety Female - Bella - Harness, Naked Fitness Blonde Woman with Tied Hair. Better for who? patna Escorts Service Delhi Escort If I am searching for a 3D model, I am not interested in 3D printing services, and vice versa. Dear adentonclark, I think we just need so some massive killer models of epic proportions that the 3D modeling community cant ignore. In fact, I had taken deliberate steps to ensure that I included no content in my designs that could even be construed as overlap. However, I will agree that sales here aren't as good as TS. According to TS "Marmoset Toolbag's watermark" is an overlay and a no no. Open a Support Ticket, Licensing questions?Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager. Most people don't care a bit about all this. Free models are posted for lots of different reasons, not just only to serve as an example to show of artist modeling skills/quality of work (sample data). I removed all products from TS. I have been studying their website from a buyers perspective thoroughly and I have noticed that; 1. CG Trader is easier to navigate, more stimulating perhaps than turbo squid. And CG Trader offers up to 94% royalty rate, where as Turbo Squid gives I believe 60% royalty rate CG Trader more open than Turbo Squid, and when registering, requires less personal information. [quote]1. They provide clients with pretty much everything they could possibly want at reasonable prices and have a 100 percent guarantee return policy on all their items. Like time spent on searching models or ability to get profesional support 24/7. I'm just dreading that sober moment when TS offers to buy CGT to kill off the competition. But they must realise that attracting more buyers only through more aggresive marketing is not enough. For example, I ran into this this morning. You said you have considered closing your store here, I get that but why not just keep it up? What I eventually hope to have is a healthy fair open market place, where collaboration , communication, people empowerment and evolution prevails over control systems, central power structures, monopolistic thinking, and maintaining of a status qou. When you just start out you have to price your models at 1 dollar or give them away for free but the second you start selling well they take your models offline and force you to raise your prices Once you raise your prices nobody buys and you are back to square 1. CG Trader. It is always very reassuring to know that our opinions are taken into account. 3. Royalty rate of CGTrader allows the seller to make a model cheaper than on TurboSquid. This is why I would opt for a system which includes human sorting out capabilities. If you have any questions about these. (e.g. Site issues? flob3d: I don't know if Jonathan invented the CheckMate, but what I can say is that Jonathan is a good professional and he often helped me a lot, so I have no complaints to make. I mean the good/bad rating left by buyers. for someone that is a little more unique. i think modeli unique and has need to be bought depend on the buyers not the seller There is plenty of "undercutters" everywhere and some short-sighted content developers that seem to only care about quick cash-grabs and most of the time doesn't even have enough data to state a valid opinion based on the contrast of facts over medium-long periods of time. I used to hate how it would crash constantly or find that half way through the process even after saving a draft,suddenly the poly count numbers or other text, numbers etc suddenly got erased. @Urecky, while i'm agree with you in general, let me argue on some specific points. After that response I selected all my models and took them offline. Been over 17 years with TS. Thor (Rig) for Maya 15. Some while ago someone (if he is real, can't even verify that) bought my snakebot model on Ts and he posted a nice comment. Typically, large corporate buyers, they find a way to contact me even and on TS and make an offer on a specific project. TurboSquid goes down, It becomes miserable the users are ,,working from behind,, ! My opinions have evoluted over the months. But based on the results, we see that it makes sense to show off the CG part on the homepage as well. That is why I like to use Apple as the example of preference. CGt basically needs to be good at one thing, "facilitating a sales platform". Do not forget to check out rigged vehicles, guns and other objects, including environments, in addition to rigged characters to increase the control and interactivity you can achieve in your project. @Supercigale, this is worrying to read, i think such things shouldn't happen. (just playing with ideas here) Next we would have the sales/customers feedback factor coming in to sort out the stores ranking. TurboSquid is garbage. Now if this individual was for real I would have loved to contact him and ask If he would like to give me that converted file in exchange for every dollar he paid for the model. I sell my shipping container which is professional model according to my buyers reviews . Without checkmate Turbosquid would have gone out of business. To my repliers: Buyer can contact seller directly, which can save him/her lot's of time and frustrations. And yes .. "CG Trader has made their world about 3d printing". If you continue to price your models higher on TurboSquid, you will will not be able to publish your content on TurboSquid, and we will temporarily take your current models offline. They have a CheckMate program which gives you a higher percentage back from selling your model. Important only is that there buy many people. I'm planing to start new discussion on this topic in near future, so i won't go into details here, i'll just ask did anybody tried to enter same keywords in TS and CGT search field? We at NoneCg think that both CGtrader and Sellers will benefit from the exact opposite policy. So good luck "shopping elsewhere" dear customer, this is turning into a monopoly slaughterhouse and a 3D warzone. I can easily imagine that serious clients who value their time very high, might choose TS over CGT without second thought. And if the buyer sees one and the same model on CGT and on TS, then the price will choose on CGTrader [/quote] - Once in a while, alert all designers that a cleaning operation will be made, and wipe out objects that are of a too bad quality or copyright infringements. Animated Camel 3D Model 13. Maybe they have a much deeper interaction with the clients? If it is true that other sites are taking a higher margin and a larger slice of profit share, they have some kind of capital to work magic with, both with artists who are accepting less and buyers who are paying more. disavantages: low budget clients willing to get low quality models for 5$. My current store on CGTrader includes numerous items that were deemed to be infringing upon GW IP (link below). They just took multiple of my most expensive items and run for it. Selling 3D models on Ebay or Amazon would probably generate problems? It is the best RR in the world ! (so you basically pay for a fraud protection system for people hoe sell themselves out exclusively). Turbosquid immediately shuts any links down. I will very much want to peruse. The problem is that the site is not able to get a clear separation between CG and 3D printing. You can just buy and return it if it is not to your satisfaction. The product team is reviewing your comments and this is something we will definitely work on. From point of buyer who wants to buy a classic 3D model (cg) there is no way I will start searching on cgtrader. In my experience often times a client will ask for certain models but then one must take into consideration what computer specs they have because you don't want your client to get frustrated with the models you buy. And for good sales you don't need to be there neither because its just your own clients you swing to them. IT'S A WASTE OF TIME. Imagine how much resorces and efforts are used by those clowns for this greedy Best price quality nonsense. I'm probably leaving this site for good, but it won't be because of you guys - it's because of the site itself. - Limiting free objects to, let's say licensed objects like Stars Wars or Lego or whatever in an unlimited number, but to a few when it comes to "showcase" objects, let's say, 4 to 5 per designer, to help potential buyer judge the overall quality of the seller objects Maybe they think Ts provides almost same model but its just better, etc. @interate CGI . TS going down. There are very few modelers out there who can actually support themselves financially doing this and whenever one of us sells anything it is a little like winning the lottery. Cgtrader have more favorable royalty rates, compared to TurboSquid.,, Using TurboSquid products in Browser based games. Although in the beginning that meant the loss of a big part of income (being Turbosquid the biggest 3D content reseller), after just a few adjustment months from that specific point our sales in ALL the other marketplaces started to grow up to a point where we don't miss any income from the missing Turbosquid sales anymore, while 90% of "customer problems" suddenly disappeared. The duality of 3D printing/CGmodels is a very complex marriage. Turbosquid has too many models Ts has always been an overly expensive service and its not that good at all compare to its cost. or I can just sell on cgt and artstationm marketplace? In the long run I'm going to quit selling on TS also. A good ref point is that your average laptop with Dual Pentium 2 gigahertz processor 8 GB of ram will start having issues when running over 200,000 polygons. In response to your comments kanga, I would like to add this to the conversation. It sells almost nothing, except, perhaps, with very low prices. I think that they keep the 3D models as a curtsey only or to serve as samples that could at a later date be turned into prints. A few months went by with my models offline and during that time my GCt sales gradually went up at a level consistent with the few sales I had left behind on Ts so I just deleted all my models at Ts. the success of CGTrader (and other sites as well) contributed to that. Just my fifty cents. Same for me, here. If you are doing really bad with sales they let you do whatever you want but if you are doing well they step in and make things difficult. On "woman", print-ready jewels and scanned models again come in the way. The entire way of setting up your model seems backwards and chaotic. While i've heard that TS support isn't that great in practice and they always tend to exploit sellers, but impression that they're making on buyers must be really good. Imagine if CGtrader provided a service where they could get photos of the broken mug, then have some artists create a 3D version from the broken pieces and then have it printed for the client and sent to their house or if the client wants they can use their 3D printing company of preference to do it. You are right IterateCGI it would be terrible for the photo realistic 3D models however if you think about it not that many 3D artists create things in that style and in some cases are capable of doing that especially some of the newbies. Determining the optimal cost of the models is an important and difficult moment. And precisely here is where I think resides the greater problem. but outside of the fact cgtrader is 95% designers and 5% customers its way better and easier to use more professional looking and feeling. CGtrader is more in line with modern economics and following the model of open participation businesses, all these things make it have the hallmarks of successfully serving a growing team with highly ambitious members and top talented achievers (and also stronger support of the CG community itself). @skifx, @made21, my royalty rate is 80% and i earn from each sale from 72% to 77% depending on the model's price - the pricier the model is, the lesser payment processing fee gets. I can think up multiple scenarios to try get a grip on it but I don't actually care anymore. To be honest, when I first found this site a few days ago I was really excited. I like this site more, because, firstly, it has a much more pleasant and understandable interface, gives a higher percentage of the sale (on a TS, it looks more like a tip if you are not a member of their club), and generally it works more stable. I experienced this on other topics like the challenges, where CGT team took some ideas into consideration and applied some of them. Every freelancer is corporation of it's own. (Edge loops, quad poly, simple overall structure) Full Rigged with over 30 facial blendshapes and 20+ skin morph targets in order to produce better rig quality and remove some joints issues such as overlaped knees, stretched hips, etc. former the 3d studio, 3D export, creative crash and Turbosquid). Maybe I live in an unrealistic parallel reality, where at least some people still have some dignity and know how and when to differentiate good vs evil and take a public stand with actions instead of just words. So part of the problem would probably be solved if a buyer would indeed get reputation points for buying models and gain more access in the process. TS has terrible support, i had stupid responses from them during my interaction with them. This is hight quality female model with animation friendly topology. They could put down an amount between 1 to 5 bucks as a deposit and after sampling the model as you suggested they could deduct that amount from the final sale. The reason the model is sold at low price .some models have so many other sellers which can lose models value . Some may look great for close ups but in a large environment scene or house setting when you have a lot of models to let's say show off the interior design of a model home you need to be very careful on poly count. How Can we get 94% of Royalty?? User experience and User interface is much better to manage your store, and higher royalty. This site is bloated with 3D print ready models, crap models and "adult content / i cant see it". ;). Buyers tend to look for things based on the category and budget and like to be able to put two products side by side to compare them and get a better understanding of why one is better than the other or which product is more suitable for them as an individual. Please let us know if you have any feedback. New content is not provided to the on "Turbo" site. Yeah nasty stuff, but hey, I better shut up because I'm one of the hypocrites that keeps supporting that place by having my work on it. Say you happen to be a great render and lighting specialist but not so well a modeler, you see this nice models that have potential but the presentation is very bad (from good modeler with no render skills). - Explaining on a personal basis to certain designers, even under banning threat, that creating very basic objects afters tutorials and selling them for 10$ with comments like : "my best model ever" will only hamper CGTrader credibility ; also that taking a poser or DAZ model, posing it (or even rigging it) in another software and adding a few details to it is still an obvious copyright infringements, if not a simple steal Large studios with "turbosquid" collaborate very limitedly. I'm suggesting a collective of store owners. It also seems to me like CG trader is looking out a lot more for the artists. CGTrader has a good plateform for selling already licensed things files but not selling the licence,your trapped into owning the licence. In regards to product awareness and marketing it is also nice to have some special user cases to show off, there is no room to collect user case data in the Ts model. So many more buyers would actually have a look at what they have because sometimes you want to buy a special toy @dafunk @S/C. Renderer: Cyclse. CGtrader staff admits to some degree to this problem (see the comment of Dalia Lasaite) and promises to redesign the homepage. It seems to me that over time a CGTrader will be able to overtake TurboSquid in many positions, if TS does not change its policy. Ebay and Amazon would be great for the cartoony non realistic stuff as well as 3D prints so long as people make sure to document the files appropriately and let people know it is 3D and not real. The same goes for student projects. Most of the Ts artists also moved their work over here and almost everyone knows that, just not the ones hoe are exclusive, it's not going to take too long now before they systematically start breaking the exclusive contract when they see sales going down every month and things going up over here. Honestly I feel that it would be better to sell n bit slower that to have your models stolen. However, the use is allowed if the MMO is a closed MMO, like World of Warcraft. Well, unless I can verify the quality of the model I'm not going to pay for most things. If you are a buyer you don't have a lot of time to find what you want especially if you are buying on behalf of your company. Maybe they would understand that sellers can't be treated as slaves. However, if you are found to be out of compliance again, your collection will be taken offline for a more extended period of time. What's lacking? Sure you get a lot more income from The3Dstudio. and resurrect it without that 3dprinting nonsense. Don't forget those young people are going to shape the future of this market and if we want to have a flourishing market then we need lots of well trained people in it. - Crowdfunding to improve the CGtrader presence in the market. We can help here by simple putting the links to our work on our social media. So click on a category. I have to be honest about my view else who am i. Also you need to think about the advantage of not having to worry about shipping costs etc with digital art. In that case on CGTrader buyer can contact seller directly and ask him/her to fix the issue. I'm even considering seriously closing my store here. But this is perhaps the only plus turbosquid. We'll let you know about that soon - all CGT sellers will receive via email, so stay tuned! Honestly, who wants to buy nudes anyway? We need to broaden our spectrum and clientele if we want to make more money. TS removes this rating. I left the turbosquid from Diamond level . A shitstorm war is going on between the "Wisdom" brothers & their Top $ Corporate Investors against Marius' CGtrader, who is leading the inclusive people that don't dance to the song of dangling shiny coins in front of their eyes just for the time being and the now. - Guides/Tips for sellers regarding prices/quality to minimize the undercutters problem. To be honest, when I first found this site a few days ago I was really excited. personally CGTrader is the second site where I realize more sales, I think we should avoid generalizing his own experience. I also think, as iterateCGI, the market control based on exclusivity will soon disappear. Also could you elaborate on the search and going backwards issue? Animated Lion 3D Model 14. That basically says paying customers aren't allowed access to supposedly "free" items. I think we as sellers can do a lot to make cgtrader more interesting for buyers. It was the most unpleasant experience. Thank you. Saied this couple of times in the past, leverage the difference in royalty to provide a slightly better offer over here, otherwise customers hoe have a Ts account will see no need to make one here to buy same model for same price. For myself, long live CGTrader and may they keep their principles as they grow.
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