To calm her down, Stefan tells her the story of when his mum got sick. However, Valerie realizes that she will never be first to him and she breaks up with Stefan because he cannot get over his love for Caroline. Stefan is aloof and jokes about it, asking which guy it was because he was drunk that night. The casting call noted that Stefan was 200 years old, in the series, he is only actually 167 years old. In The Killer, Stefan writes in his journal his concern about Elena, but adds that there's hope now that there might be a cure. he pushes Stefan, they begin to discuss and Caroline sneaks behind him and attempts to snap his neck, but he catches her in the act. Stefan responds that he indeed knows her best-she puts her hope in all the wrong places and sometimes in the wrong people. She then tries to find Jeremy and Stefan catches up with her, he is silent when Elena asks if he has been making Jeremy kill vampires. It works. Elena protests immediately, and Rebekah begins to laugh, saying it would be far too easy, and that she refuses to make Stefan forget Elena, the way Klaus made him forget her. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. Julian ask what he is talking about and Stefan tells him that Maria is dead, Stefan tries to comfort Julian, but he recoils angry, Caroline tells him that It wasn't Stefan's fault, Stefan say that he wasn't the one that killed her. Stefan tells her to be careful with it as it can kill her. Caroline asks Stefan how he feels about living in Dallas but has to get off the phone to deal with the babies. Stefan walks up to the bar and pats Damon's shoulder and tells him he wishes to 'bury the hatchet' before they hug. In Promised Land, Stefan is still kidnapped with Elena, he is on other room and he is being held, light streams into the sealed room when a door opens. He hangs up the phone and in that moment Elena comes and finds him. Damon decides that it's time to play "never have I ever", Elena does not agree but Caroline is enthusiastic about the idea and they begin to play. He writes that he'll do whatever it takes to get the chance for Elena to be human again. He has a great relationship with his older brother, Damon Salvatore, and gets along with their father, Giuseppe Salvatore. Stefan is on the phone with Caroline, telling her that he was still in Mystic Falls, and that he'll make up for missing their date. His head rolls off, revealing a satiated Stefan behind him. Most of the deaths were in the present, but there were a few that took place in 1864 during flashbacks and they were included in the total, but will be distinguished from present day deaths. Once Caroline has taken the bullet out of Tyler, Stefan tells Elena that he is going to find Damon. In Never Let Me Go, Stefan is driving down the abandoned streets of Mystic Falls while leaving Caroline a voicemail. Stefan and Elena kiss, but are interrupted by a phone call from Damon. The status quo is null and void until the body count is high, and not made of me, Elena, or my brother - and you two, I . When they say nothing, Stefan gets impatient and asks them to get to the point. Caroline points out that Elena must know that the younger Gilbert is not going to wake up. Damon Salvatore or Stefan Salvatore: Who's Better? - SFCritic Katherine kidnapped Elena and posed as her, but Stefan knew where Elena was, and he gets stabbed with vervain. Giuseppe, hearing Katherine collapse, entered Stefan's room. In Woke Up With a Monster, Stefan wakes to find the mansion in a strange state. Stefan is really upset because as long as Rayna is alive and Stefan has that scar, he can't be with his girlfriend because there are kids involved. When Stefan asks to Damon about this Enzo arrives and says that it was his idea, he also talks to Stefan about their intentions to kill Dr. Wes. Damon however says that his brother has to deal with that on his own until he comes back. In Growing Pains, Stefan and Damon are with Elena when she first wakes up in her bedroom. Stefan follows Connor and Jeremy to the classroom they're sitting in, and after deeming Jeremy safe, he leaves. He admits that he was searching as a distraction, but eventually he had given up too. Caroline is sitting by herself and she seems optimistic until Stefan tells her they need to talk. Valerie and Stefan's relationship started out complicated. Elena says that it wasn't that hard because he wants her to get good so badly that he would hear whatever she decides to tell him. The younger Salvatore tells the original sister about the 80's. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. The Vampire Diaries - Season 1 Episode Guide | Hypable Stefan has jet black, wavy hair and emerald green eyes in the book series. He then hits Damon due to kissing Elena. They fill it with gas while they talk. Stefan calls Caroline when they stop at a gas station. Klaus started using mind compulsion on Stefan in The Reckoning, to get Stefan to obey to his orders and kill two students, Dana and Chad. Then Damon and Jeremy arrives, Stefan tells Jeremy, head back with Matt, that they need eyes and ears in Mystic Falls, and then says to Damon and Elena to take Jeremy's car and that he will going to wait there for Caroline and Bonnie. He is a 500 plus year old vampire born during the time of The Renaissance, who was one of the Salvatore brothers that fell in love with Katherine von Swartzschild during his human life (which was the time of the Italian Renaissance) and before he was transformed into a vampire. Stefan tells Monique that he wanted Sarah to have a normal life no matter what. Katherine fell in love with Stefan when she met him in Mystic Falls in 1864. This is a special video for my. He asks her if she had fed on the cheerleader and she says that maybe she had. Unable to move he has to lie on the ground together with a tied up Elena. Valerie becomes Stefan's friend and closest ally, which irritates Caroline. She asks Stefan and Klaus if it's a trick, wondering aloud how this hunter could be one of The Five if he doesn't have the tattoo. After allying together to kill Rayna Cruz and by saving Bonnie's life, Caroline realizes that she only truly loves Stefan and the two get back together again, three years after ending their first relationship. I don't think you can be both". It has never been revealed or shown if he ever turned someone into a vampire before the series. It fails. I can't atone for my mistakes if I keep making them. Stefan then watched Jeremy while Elena goes to the hospital to check on Caroline. When the vision abruptly ended, the real Stefan was home at Salvatore Mansion with Elena. Stefan is a very ancient descendant of the world's first immortal being and man. Stefan is known to be the heroic character on the series who is a martyr and is constantly willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves. Klaus calls him and soon appears at the Gilbert house. After his convocation with his brother, he asks him to put Alaric on the phone. Caroline starts a game of Caroline Trivia with her two former lovers and whoever wins gets to live. Damon isn't himself right now.", Stefan explained. Over dinner, Caroline and Enzo interrogate Stefan through polite dinner conversation. Damon turns down Stefan's offer to help, reminding him of their deal that whoever Elena didn't choose would leave town. Stefan and Elena begin to bond and slowly start to develop a romantic relationship. This upsets Stefan and he was about to attack his brother, but Elena stopped him. Damon, accepting this with minimal reaction, brings Stefan up to speed on the hunter situation, suggesting that they find another hunter besides Jeremy to complete the mark. Katherine is playing smart and doesn't want to tell them so the original sister steals her phone and Elena sees that Katherine has a meeting with someone with the initials EM at two pm. She tries to keep from cracking up as she accepts his proposal and hugs him. He said he learned French at his mother's knee. During this conversation, his father tricked Stefan and drugged his alcoholic drink with vervain. Following this, Stefan moved away from Mystic Falls and had tried to start over and move on from the loss, pain and tragedy. He says "If I let myself care, all I feel is pain," and then leaves. The car comes to a screeching halt. Stefan was always willing to lend a helping hand when it is needed most and he will put the needs of others before his own. They were instantly drawn to each other and they immediately bond, beginning a romantic relationship shortly afterwards. Stefan asks her if she's going to keep stripping in front of him because that's not really mature. Stefan told Elena to go and find them, leaving Stefan and Caroline alone. and Klaus tells him to let her go as he will sacrifice everything good with her for his brother. Stefan apologizes to her about his behavior but Caroline seems to not want to do anything with him anymore. Answer (1 of 3): Stefan had this guilt that he destroyed his brother 's life by bringing human on which Damon has feed first time thus completing his transition.He was now happy that Damon has a happy life with Elena .And someone needed to die along with katherine to stop hell fire. He was a vampire who provided fake IDs for other vampires on the run and Damon used to work for him back in the seventies. The subject then switches to Damon and Stefan tells Elena that Damon needs to figure out that she can look out for herself. But he shouldn't get her wrong-he's standing there and he looks good and she remember their sex and it was good sex but she just doesn't feel anything about it anymore. When Stefan sees her like this he asks Damon to help her. Stefan tells her that she's a 17-year-old girl and none of this is her fault. Julian leaves and Caroline hysterically rushes over to him and holds his body in her arms, screaming for help. Elena and Stefan talk about the cure and Elena says that she can't take it if it's only one dose. The car continues moving until it almost hits Liv. Liv's shirt is smoldering from Jo practicing magic. Stefan agrees to try and get the dagger from Rebekah but first him and Klaus go to Damon as someone still needs to babysit him. Later, after Elena has left, Caroline arrives at the boarding house at Stefan's request, and he shares his concerns with her about being able to help Elena enjoy being a vampire, when he himself has so much trouble keeping a balance between enjoyment and becoming the Ripper. Rebekah tells Stefan when they get the stone Shane will have to join them and Klaus will be left in the cold. Anywhere," that he's to slit her carotid artery. Stefan has been with Valerie romantically for three years, and it is stated that they have been happy together. In Mystic Falls, Caroline sits upon a bench dedicated to her mom while writing. Elena says that she was hungry and she gets out of bed and starts undressing in front of him. He told Damon about how amazing it felt to be a vampire, that it was a gift; how he could willingly turn off his emotions, the pain and the guilt. When Stefan tries to charge him, Enzo snaps his neck easily. The reason the article has been tagged as such is that it is lacking information about recent episodes and/or correct information. Katherine says something about how these drugs she is on are "hard core." Then Stefan says that he knows they've been through some bad spots lately especially when it comes down to Elena but he just wanted Damon to know that he cares about him and that he loves him (even though the younger brother doesn't actually say it, that is what he implies) and Damon responds by saying that he knows that. He has a bitter relationship with his older brother Damon. He frees Damon and pushes him to keep going but the elder Salvatore refuses to go, saying that he needs a minute and that he'll just slow them down. Stefan's dependence on Damon due to his newborn vampire-ism and heightened emotions was example by a time right after he transitioned and then persuaded an unwilling Damon to complete his own transformation into a vampire. Damon says that there's no way for Katherine to broke a deal with Klaus and Stefan realizes that she was going to make Elijah break the deal for her and that some things never change. Klaus reminds Stefan that he is too far away to be able to cure anyone should they become infected with the venom, and charges him with finding and catching Connor, keeping him alive in order to use his tattoo. Klaus attacks him. Stefan seems very comforted and relieved to be with Elena in that moment. Stefan was born and raised in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia and came of age during the time of the Civil War. They talk a little more and Damon says that he'll get the cure for Elena even if she doesn't want to take it but in that moment Rebekah comes from behind and breaks his neck. He knows that's the mark of the Phoenix Sword and angrily asks if he made an enemy out of Rayna. Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." He talks to Alaric and tells him that he is still trying to find someone to resurrect Damon and Bonnie. Characters / The Vampire Diaries Universe Stefan Salvatore He rushes her to the hospital. The Salvatore brothers find Lily about to stab herself. They find the place where all the herbs and plants are supposed to be growing. The two seem to have an instant connection as she's able to make him laugh and pull him from his dark mood. After saying their final goodbyes Stefan finds peace and had a joyful reunion with Lexi. Stefan thanks Tripp for the heads up. Bonnie manages to find the which Aja who has come to help her and has also brought twelve witches with her which is exactly what Bonnie needs to complete the triangle. Katherine introduces her to Stefan. Lily stabs Stefan in the hand and snacks on the waiter. Nora starts to use magic but Caroline claps her hand over Nora's mouth, burning her. Stefan felt guilty because he felt that he did not retrieve the remedy fast enough before Lillian was then sent away to a TB ward where she ended up dying. Elijah however says that Rebekah despises Katherine and that she'll put an end on her the moment she doesn't need her anymore. She says that she thinks Damon was right, she doesn't even deserve to be loved. Stefan calls Klaus numerous times until he finally shows up. Stefan is on the phone with Caroline, having spoken to Tyler about his own sire bond, she reveals hybrids are sired due to being grateful to Klaus, and Stefan seems upset when she adds there is no vampire equivalent for the reasons behind a sire bond. She asks him if he feels bad for Katherine's death, but he says that he is fine with it. They have a conversation. Connor shoots Jeremy before Elena tackles him. They briefly reunite when Katherine comes back to try and destroy Mystic Falls, which classified them as enemies once again. I won't-". After arriving back at the Lockwood Mansion, Stefan coldly tells him that he could've gotten her back, and Damon tells him that he has to leave town. he's moving on Stefan asks her how does anyone seem to move on Caroline says that someday he'll meet someone new and fall madly in love he would have moved on without even realizing it. In What Lies Beneath, Stefan is still trying to convince Damon to give up on finding Enzo. He had straight, short, dark blonde hair which is often gelled or spiked. Stefan's scar had reopened that morning. As Stefan and Damon leave New Orleans, Stefan tells him he doesn't think he will be able to let Elena go, as 'selflessness isn't a trait of his'. Klaus then backhands her with a crowbar so hard that she is sent flying and he gives Stefan his hand. Stefan broke the news to Caroline and she begins to react in only the way she can. Damon tries to wake him but it doesn't work. The brothers start to fight about Damon loving Elena, after Stefan says that Damon doesn't have Elena's respect. As a ripper, Stefan once wiped out a whole village in Monterey, earning himself the title 'The Ripper of Monterey' to which even Klaus was impressed. Later, in Stefan's bedroom, Elena finishes leaving a message for Caroline to ask for help adjusting as Stefan walks into the room with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. The Salvatore brothers have arrived at Willoughby and try to find where the girls could be. After making his way through the tunnels and into the back room of the Grill, Stefan tells Matt and April to leave before he cautiously makes his way into the main restaurant, ducking behind the bar as Connor shoots at him. At this moment a balloon cracks and Stefan looks around scared but Rebekah then reveals she has the dagger with her in case Kol comes. Later Stefan and Damon is in the room were Bonnie had cast a trapping spell. He tells her that Damon loves Elena as much as he does so he can't be selfish with her, and will let her go. Caroline suggests that all of them dance together but Elena refuses. Lily tells him that she went to Europe with a gentleman friend; Stefan laughs at this because he doesn't trust her type of man. It is said that he had a horse named Mezzanotte (Midnight in Italian) when he was human. He was often seen wearing darker colors such as black, grey and dark blue, although sometimes he wears lighter colors. Stefan, unlike many other vampires, has shown the ability to resist the effects of compulsion when it comes to matters regarding Elena Gilbert, much like his brother. When he notice Damon has been waiting for the day they had a fight because Stefan made him turn. In the meantime Klaus and Caroline find him. He explains to her that even if killing Enzo won't bring Ivy back, he thinks it'll help him get over Damon and he will be able to leave Mystic Falls. He threatens to drive Elena off Wickery Bridge unless he calls them off. Although Stefan became increasingly darker by nature due to his vampire nature, he still retained the same basic personality traits that he had as a human. Rebekah however knows what the Salvatore brother wants and she gives him the dagger herself. She helped pull Stefan out of a dark place. Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town". Stefan tells that they could talk about that some other time but Damon is upset about it. After that they go downstairs and Damon asks him questions about there past to make sure Stefan really got all his memories back. He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. Knowing the blood transfusion didn't work, Damon pulls out Colin's heart, much to his friends' dismay.
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