I was investigating the disappearances of young Selkath. While you have proven the Sith to manipulative and deceitful in their activities here on Manaan, I believe you will have a much harder time defending your actions now. 5. One thing you need to keep in mind is that, if you followed my walkthrough, you'll have two Sonic Emitters to use. Simply tell him you'll follow him, and then do just that - follow him. He'll give you access to the submersible in the back of the Republic Embassy which will take you down to Hrakert Station. Transfer from injector to container The corridor to the west curves north to the door of the training annex. Carth will again contact you and tell you that since the number of Sith ahead are great, you're going to need some assistance. will i ever be able to go to alto city again, or since i chose the poison decision, i can never come back? Now, go back to the room with the scientists. Once inside you'll be faced with four Selkaths to fight on your own. Queedle Manaan Swoop Racing. Side Quests: This part of Ahto West has Nilko Bwaas as well as Shaelas who gives you the Kidnapped Selkath Youth Side Quest. My Companion Guide will show you an overview of each location on each planet along with any points of interest on that map you can visit. Then search the footlocker in that room for 2 Frag Grenades and a Sonic Grenade before going left into the next room. But you can't do anything to me - I know too much! 3.South India (Boys & Girl) Sub-Junior, Junior & Senior. 2. You'll immediately be attacked by a group of Sith enemies, once defeated you'll be able to ride the nearby elevator up into the Sith Base. *** This stronghold is only visible on the Public Test Server! When he does, cut in and make sure the court knows that you have the Sith Datapad you stole from the base. Kill them all, then run down the corridor and swing left at the end of it. Selkath: Here you will find a group of Selkath youth which are involved in the Kidnapped Selkath Youth Side Quest. There may be a hardware conflict in your system. It's one or the other. If decide to represent yourself in the trial from the very beginning then you'll need to do the following: 1. Pretty cool economics lesson! Then work your way into the next room. Both sides are pursuing open acts of war against each other and you just end up tossed in the mix. As far as story objectives go, we're after the Data Module which is found on the Broken Droid and the Datapad which is found in the northeastern most room of the entire base. 5th Answer: 6 Before going out there, get the Advanced Medpac and Repair Kit out of the footlocker there. As you enter the next part of the ship, a Republic guard will be getting mowed down by a pair of Sith Soldiers. This information will set you free - that's why it was so vital to go that deep into the Sith Base! Once you do this you'll be able to move through each corridor one by one without any issues. If you're facing the scientists, the door you came into this area via will be to your left. You don't have to do either, or you can do one or the other. Our destination is the eastern most portion of the sea floor where there will be two doors you can enter that lead to the Kolto Control map. 6. It's not that simple, however! Basically, so long as you hit both Door Controls in the main room you'll be able to pass through each corridor with no issue. Or that you were there for diplomatic negotiations and they attacked you. There's a footlocker by the east wall in the northeast corner of the room beyond: Beyond the door in the east wall is the south end of a short corridor leading to a junction to the north: to the west end is a door in the north wall labelled Dormitory, to the north end is a door in the east wall labelled Training Room, and to the east end is a door in the south wall labelled Medical Room. Transfer from injector to container The north end beyond the force field is guarded by two more assault droids. The Data Module is required to give to Roland at the Republic Embassy and the Datapad solves the Kidnapped Selkath Youth Side Quest, it's also a get out of jail free card for what comes next. No matter which approach you choose there is no Light Side or Dark Side Points to be had - even the pure combat approach will not earn you any points. Enjoy. A broken droid is by the west wall, flanked on either side by a Sith war droid identical to the War Droid Mark IV of the security checkpoint. Republic Embassy: Roland Wann is the main person you'll need to speak with at the Republic Embassy for most of the Manaan Story Quests. It really doesn't matter if you've talked to him yet or not, though - if you've followed my walkthrough, you already have the information he needs. 2.Western India (Boys & Girl) Sub-Junior, Junior & Senior. **Warning** If you choose to put toxins into the water and poison it you'll be taken into custody when you resurface on Manaan and (possibly) banned from the planet permanently. Then, go through the next door to an empty room. If you didn't collect the Datapad then you'll need to tell them that the Sith offered you a job and when you refused they attacked you. kotor how to not get banned from manaan. If you fail to answer the Selkath court exactly as you see above then you'll be removed from Ahto and sent back to the Ebon Hawk. How do I solve (temple catacombs tile pattern)? These two will give you a run down on what happened in the facility and how you can fix the insane Selkath problem and return everything to normal. Here, you can go up or left. As for the Datapad, that's found in the far northeastern most portion of the Sith Base and is optional but still worth getting. [All . 5.South Asian Sub- Junior (U- 14 Boys & Girls). I strongly recommend you do some exploring as there is a lot to find here. This high-pitched sound somehow kills the Sharks. And with that, he gives you 500 Credits. When he's dead, make sure to search his body for a considerable amount of Credits, and his robes as well. Swing left into this corridor and swing away at the droids to kill them all. Do what you'd like but make sure to not run in there and fight them on your own or you will die. As big and in-depth as it is now, it will be more so by the time we're through. You can essentially blackmail the court by saying you will tell people there is no more Kolto unless they let you go (and don't ban the Republic either). Jolan Aphett: This man is a Pazaak Shark and will play games of Pazaak with you for 200 Credits a hand. sorry I had no idea how to get back ethier. Home. Below are the 3 approaches laid out for you so you can choose the one that best suits you. Break Into Private Hangar: Definitely the most straight forward approach of the 3. This walkthrough is an attempt at writing an impartial documentation from beginning to end through KOTOR, but let it be known the following: Default "recommended" stats, feats, et cetera.Being played all the way to the Dark Side. Choose to inject toxins into the Kolto Harvester or explode the machine to access the Star Map Interrogate Sith Prisoner: The interrogation with this Sith Prisoner works a lot like the one on Korriban with truth serum. Posted by on 16.6.2022 with cdph interview questions on 16.6.2022 with cdph interview questions The Mek-Sha stronghold is a base of operations to control your local crime syndicate or run your own nightclub for the local miners to unwind, and is one of the many types of player housing you can get in Star Wars: the Old Republic. Also looked up various guides and orderings, none of which worked. 3. Below are all of the correct answers laid out for you - or you can watch my video instead if you'd like to be walked through the quest that way. This Twi'lek seems to be one of the mercenaries that the Republic hired to help down here with the Kolto production. (Optional) Yavin Space Station - As you obtain more Star Maps more supplies will be stocked at this space station. However, if you switch him to the head of the party (as he recommends) and use his Security skill, he can again override the locked door, granting you access to the next part of the ship. In that room with the Twi'lek mercenary, you'll find two footlockers. I found this token on a dead Selkath inside the Sith base. 5.National Sub-Junior & Junior (school level). Roland asks you to break into the Sith Base and recover a droid's data module for him. You'll find a Dark Jedi on the other side of the door wielding a double-sided lightsaber. If you want to have your phone out while you play and don't feel like scrolling through a guide with no pictures - you can simply use the map locations on this page instead. Okay, I did it. If you haven't been approached by Shaelas, the door to the training annex will be locked. You'll want to access the planet again, just in case. He sides with the Republic and was simply curious about everything that was going on. Aside from these two items everything else in this facility is optional. Well there's someone named Shaelas in the Cantina here in Ahto City who will be happy to hear this news. The room that leads to the submarine is located deep in the Republic Embassy. Those who are looking to play the way of Luke Skywalker will find help within this guide and walkthrough, but some parts might be incorrect for the path you choose. Go straight back in this corridor to a computer console. (cause we all know every one is playing good their first time through), cause we all know every one is playing good their first time through). 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. The only downside is that you will be banned from Manaan and take a sizable Darkside hit, although this can obviously be a good thing if you're playing that alignment. hey i need some help. Disable it and then search the footlocker near the top of this room to find another Sonic Emitter, a Medpac and another Scientist's Memo . it opens up so many options, and honestly, is the most OP stat to have. Thanks in advance! When you're doing the Genoharadan Side Quests you'll meet Vek in this area too for the Ithorak Guldar bounty. Go to your foot locker in your chambers (where you currently are) and grab and equip your gear. Sith: On your first trip through this area you'll be stopped by a group of Sith who demand you pay a toll. Your past experience as Arbiter in the Sunry case may aid in your defence now, human, but you must do a better job yourself, given the crimes you are faced with. kotor how to not get banned from manaan kotor how to not get banned from manaan. To the west is another door in the south wall, beyond which is the north end of the security room. For the map location of each area check my Manaan Companion Guide. 6. If you go forward from where you run into the first of the Sith soldiers here, make your first right and head towards that door, opening it to go through to the next area. i have gotten through several of the first patterns but the last two are much harder than the others. By . The elevator to Ahto City in the south wall leads down from Ahto East, with doors in the north and east walls. Go to the small, vacant room to your right, where you'll find two footlockers. But there's a footlocker here with a Plasma Grenade in it. You will still be allowed to land on Manaan in the future but you will never be allowed outside of the Docking Bay as the doors will forever be locked. Fill injector pod She will ask to speak with Jolee and if he is in your party you'll automatically begin the Sunry Murder Trial Side Quest. Take out his shield and go in for the kill. Threaten him for additional Dark Side Points and a fine of 100 Credits or keep being belligerent to be taken into custody and the fine increased to 500 Credits. Easy! From where we battled, go left down the corridor to yet another door. Beyond a door labelled East Barracks in the south wall is a small barracks with a Sith grenadier with a Disruptor Rifle and three Thermal Detonators at its east end and a Sith heavy trooper at its west, which is mined with a footlocker by the northwest wall. stage gate model advantages and disadvantages. 3.US Open CHAUNNA Cup (U- 17 & Open Division). You'll also meet Casandra Mateil in this area whom you can threaten for Dark Side Points. Dump container pod 6. Some of these choices (while not all) will effect the outcome of certain events and the entire game in general. Keep in mind that if you decide to put toxins into the water you will be banned from Manaan unless you answer questions correctly when the Selkath Court interrogates you. Carth Onasi will contact you and tell you that you're all that's left living on this ship, so you need to get the hell off of it. Beyond the door at the north end of the corridor on the east side of the flow control room is the security computer room, whose west side is mined: There's also a Sith grenadier with a Disruptor Rifle and three Thermal Detonators on that side and a Sith heavy trooper in the southwest corner, while two Sith elite troopers stand to the east, on the north side of a desk. You felt like showing the Sith who was boss after they tried to lure you to the dark side or offer you a job. There is no one way to do this, you basically just keep trying different things until it eventually works. In this area you'll also meet Queedle, an Ithorian that holds the 3rd fastest time on Manaan but needs some Credits to upgrade his Swoop Bike otherwise he'll never do better. kotor how to not get banned from manaanis shadwell, leeds a nice area. You can also decrypt a passcard or just go to the Sith hangar and use their own shuttle to get into the base. Transfer from injector to container 3. You're eventually introduced to your Arbiter (he'll be to you what you were to Sunry earlier). After talking with them and learning how you can reach the Star Map you'll be given the option of killing them for Dark Side Points. It explodes as soon as you get off of it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake*, Press J to jump to the feed. Some story events will be marked too along with rare or good items if I felt that they were worth mentioning. For locations on every point of interest check my Manaan Companion Guide. Show the judges the Datapad you got from inside the Sith Base East Central Manaan is where you'll find the Republic Emissary which you'll be visiting numerous times as you complete the Manaan Story Quests. This door will open for your character (so no worries about changing to Trask this time). Genoharadan: At this location you'll find someone named Hulas who will only speak with you about the Genoharadan Side Quest if you're alone. This page was last edited on 9 May 2020, at 16:48. 5. Go ahead through this corridor, passing the Security Droid on your left. Tell him he is Selkath food to trigger a fight with him and get some Dark Side Points, otherwise say whatever you want. Confirm his joining of the party and then listen to him as he tells you to use his knowledge of the override codes to open the locked door (since it's locked due to an automatic lockdown). How do i get to the training annex in the manaan sith base? Helped me out ode got it on first try doing this lol thank you, https://www.neoseeker.com/forums/3375/t254726-interragation-with-sith-spy-in-republic-embassy-please-help/, Youre awesome I have all kinds of persuasion and I still wasnt getting the job done, Dude, your character is the only one who CAN have points in persuade, what on earth were you thinking? 3. Dump container pod Stepping in the red smoke will cause you 25 damage on Normal difficulty, you can turn down the difficulty to cheese this part if you want. You'll get 500 experience points for your troubles as well. 2 ChessGM123 HK-47 Meat Bag 2 yr. ago You'll have to reload a save, but it is possible to kill the shark and not be banned from Manaan, all you have to do is threaten to reveal the station and the judges will let you off since they don't wan word getting out to the sith 2 assesanus 2 yr. ago Talk to him, calm him down - hell, even offer to bring him back up to the surface. You know where you go on the active menu to use enhancements and activate shields? This is referring to the Sith prisoner on Manaan who has the access code to the Sith base. Here you'll meet "insane" Selkaths. Dark Side Points: Put toxin into the harvesting machine and poison the water. It doesn't really matter if you do that mission as the last thing on the planet, because then you don't need to come back. Go on in. Behind you and to your right are two more doors we need to explore. While your high standing among the off-worlders on Manaan may bring you some leniency from them, being a successful swoop rider brings you no credit here, human. After your conversation with Kono and Sami you'll be given the option of killing them both for Dark Side Points as well. Behind it are the two scientists who constructed this force field to protect themselves. Three Selkath are lying on the floor of the medical room, two dead and one dying: This appears to be a small token of a personal nature. If you want to know how, just e-mail me or post it on the threads. As Trask suggests, equip your melee weapons here (Short Sword in one hand, Long Sword in the other) and have him stay back and use his Blaster Rifle. 3. 4. Engage the five or so Sith enemies in this large winding corridor, making sure to check all of their bodies for goods when they've fallen. 6.National Youth Cup. Worry not my friend - tell them the truth and you'll be quickly released, with their thanks. that happened to me lucky i saved a game in another slot. As you enter the next room you'll find Carth Onasi, in the flesh. by | Jun 9, 2022 | how much money does jorge carlos fonseca | kenny bannon seinfeld | Jun 9, 2022 | how much money does jorge carlos fonseca | kenny bannon seinfeld Manaan: Going for a Swim. A Sith security officer stands behind a console in the middle of the room, facing the elevator. kotor how to not get banned from manaankotor how to not get banned from manaan honda grom finbro 235cc Back to Blog. First, send your application to register yourself from belonging place with Photo + photo & Address ID and on the basis of federation recommendation. Pay close attention and inch your way through this hallway to finish. Following the time when you get your equipment and gear yourself up, Trask will automatically join your party. On this page you'll find my Companion Guide for Manaan in Kotor 1. Additionally there's a locker with someone stuck inside of it. Then, go back to where we fought the droids at the beginning of the corridor, and go right through the door there. After you've obtained the Data Module from the Broken Droid and the Datapad from the northeastern most room you're free to leave the base. There are no Light Side Point opportunities during your conversation with them. In order to gain access to the Sith Base you'll have 3 choices, decrypt the Sith passcard, interrogate the Sith prisoner or break into the private hangar in the Docking Bay. Back in the dormitory, Shasa stands to the left by the west wall while three Selkath apprentices stand to her right. You can find Sunry in the holding cells just south of where you meet Elora. From here, the choices you must make begin immediately. All rights reserved. And with that, Roland gives you a passcard that will allow you access, via the Republic Embassy, to the underwater areas below, where your Star Map might be found! You can answer him by either asking who he is who what the Endar Spire is. All Selkath 'apprentices' only use blaster pistols, with no Force powers. Once in this room, head up and right through some doors to the Starboard part of the ship, where the pods are located. Events: Every Docking Bay area in the game is an "event location". I have this datapad as proof that the Sith are up to no good! Transfer from injector to container There is no one way to do this, you basically just keep trying different things until it eventually works. How the puzzle works is you turn on Solo Mode and you inch your way through the hall little by little paying close attention to the vents. If not, you're already there. The story goes like this - basically, the Republic has broken the treaty with the Selkath and the Sith and has gone underwater in Manaan. Light Side Points: (Video of me overloading the Kolto Tank) Repogram the harvesting machine and cause it to explode. Once down here, you can find a footlocker in the back end of the submarine hangar which holds 2 Repair Kits. If I report this violation to my superiors the Republic will be banned from Manaan - but I do not wish to do this. Be nice to the planet and access fuel tank pressure control. You'll find when the smoke clears that Bastila isn't here, so continue forward and around the control panels and through another door, heading to the escape pod area of the ship. It's very important you grab this item because you will need it to kill the Firaxa Sharks when you wear the Environmental Suit outside into the water. Enter into this room and jump in the Republic submersible. There are two pressure doors in the east wall, each with a door control and a meter between them. SWTOR Mek-Sha Stronghold Guide.
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