[5], Trolls chat with unique typing quirks, inserting clues concerning the speaker's identity in their chat patterns. However, "Page" could also be taken as "a blank sheet of paper," which would point to the potential they have and possibly make the Page as actually something to do with exploiting potential rather than that just being a side effect of their powers. In addition, it appears the right pant leg, along with probably the leg itself, was torn off so that Caliborn could replace it with a gold robotic prosthetic. Feferi is the heir apparent for Alternian rulership, which puts her at risk from Her Imperious Condescension, the Empress of Alternia, who would make an attempt on her life if it weren't for her lusus' protection. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. When you start it up, it turns out to be a working version of Sburb! His astrological sign is Capricorn. Caliborn's Lord outfit is composed of a cloak longer than the Heir hood which drapes over his shoulders, apparently double pronged at the end, but otherwise seems to match his previous outfit, complete with green suspenders and pants which leave his robotic leg uncovered, along with a lime green bowtie, identical to his text color. [12] Being raised by a giant spider, Vriska uses a spider-themed typing quirk and aspires to be a pirate. This also ties in with the Muse being the most passive class, as to fulfil her role Calliope only needed to die at her brother's hands. Karkat helped Kanaya breed their frog less out of necessity and more out of wanting to lead his team to victory. [HS 3] Her classpect is the Rogue of Void. She embodies an interest in both furries and shipping, a combination Hussie described as "for the sake of efficiency. Interestingly, the tiara appears to be attached to the hood. http://hs.hiveswap.com/ezodiac/begintest.php Enter Your Name Start Quiz By MetaXing Both of those instances Sollux causes Doom by programming, an activity that he is very knowledgeable about. God tier images used are credit to Andrew Hussie, original art by multiple artists. Later on he allows his Rage to be destroyed by Karkat and sets a trap for Terezi that, by inspiring Rage against Vriska, invites her to commit destruction. Find out with this quiz. He is shy and unassertive, and struggles with standing up for himself, especially to Vriska. Known Heirs are John Egbert, the Heir of Breath; Equius Zahhak, the Heir of Void; and Mituna Captor, the Heir of Doom. Seer: Very smart but very difficult and/or painful to talk to, one way or another. The suspenders are identical to the green suspenders from his previous outfit which he pledged to never stop wearing, and Stitch is a good tailor. Alright, so with all of the Classes done, its time for the Aspects. Page may also refer to the middle age term for a young knight in training. Aradia mentions this idea to Dave at one point. Karkat, as the Knight of Blood, also has a unique leadership role, being outside the hemospectrum, and better suited to pacify a jumble of different-blooded trolls. John, the Heir of Breath, was saved by the Breeze twice before he learned to consciously use it. Alternately, a Mage could be one who uses [aspect] to the benefit of others, but to the detriment of themselves. Sollux has the ability to talk to the recently deceased, who inform him that Alternia will be annihilated. Also I think that Knights are meant to defend/protect their aspect on others or for others. This could make Witches the active (-) counterpart to Mages, if they are also related to the rules in some fashion as is sometimes speculated, whether it be the Mage enforcing/enacting the rules due to being manipulated by said rules or the Mage having the power to manipulate the rules. The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2021. A different definition may be that a Mage is one who arms themselves with knowledge about [aspect] which can be seen by Sollux Captor creating the Mobius Double Reacharound Virus, which dooms the Trolls' Lusi, and blows up Karkat's computer. Seated at a desk in front of you is a white horse with no facial features and a green bow tie. [13], The names of the twelve trolls (all of which have twelve letters, divided equally into six-lettered names and six-lettered surnames) were also suggested by Homestuck readers, but they were the last instance of user input, as Homestuck's readership had expanded significantly at this point. Eridan's actions become important for building new relationships and creating a new hope for the future of trolls as they join the humans in the B2 session. Late in the webcomic, Hussie introduced Davepetasprite^2, a fusion of the characters Davesprite (an apparitional alternate timeline version of Dave) and Nepeta Leijon. Reishi, Nettle, and Chamomile! Nepeta is an olive-blood, considered the "middle class" of the hemospectrum. Similar to Jade Harley, Jake English lives alone on an island. Known Seers are Rose Lalonde, the Seer of Light; Terezi Pyrope, the Seer of Mind; and Kankri Vantas, the Seer of Blood. Calliope has stated there to be equal numbers of male-exclusive and female-exclusive classes, as well as implying that the number of commonly-male and commonly-female classes are balanced. Feferi was able to establish an afterlife through dream bubbles, therefore breaking the rules of Life. [11] Troll culture features a complex system of romance, featuring four "quadrants",[HS 6] that was specifically designed to encourage shipping among Homestuck fans. This was how I initially grouped each class with a type and wing. The bodies and biology of Heirs seem to be connected to their Aspects, which fits how familial heirs are blood-related to whoever they inherit a position from. Your Aspect is one of three qualities which uniquely determine your True sign, along with your Sign Class and Lunar Sway . Dave has so far saved the lives of all the members of his team. Q15: You beat your Denizen and stopped the Reckoning! This would directly enact the idea of a page being weak at first but having extreme potential. The other option, which could correspond to Calliope's role as a Muse, is for the player to give up all ambition and accept their own death in exchange for the promise that their sacrifice will benefit all who ever lived by ending "a force of unfathoma8le evil and destruction" - in other words, the player who chose the first option. someone who knows how the consequences of certain actions play out, I Am On Record As Once Having Facetiously Likened It To A Magical Witch. This religion is similar to that of the juggalo: he has an obsession with Faygo and believes firmly in miracles and the coming of the Dark Carnival. The Thief and Rogue class pairing are active (-) and passive (+) respectively. Two of the Seers can hear the mental commands of the exiles louder and clearer than the other players. [3] The four main characters are presented as Internet friends who have technically never met one another, but interact through an online chat application.[4][5]. There is also a possible example of this later in the comic when Aradia says that she'd slow down Jack while Rose, Dave and the other trolls went ahead to the new session; she might have used her time powers to do so. [HS 7] At Vriska's suggestion, Equius creates a robot body for Aradia which she inhabits for a large part of the comic. A definition of a Mage is one who knows about [aspect] or one who knows about [aspect] for themselves. Q4: You're bored of browsing the internet constantly, and in a fit of inspiration decide to make a video game instead, learning how to code, make art, and compose music along the way, if necessary. Speaking of Terezi, In Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 2 he was able to momentarily destroy her Rage in which led her to be brutally beaten by him. [10] Jade Harley lives on a remote island together with her dog, Becquerel, who is the First Guardian of Earth (later merging with him). Knight is the class that takes in heroes and the ones who have a lion's heart. What do you do with them? What kind of video game do you decide to make? [24] Rebecca Peterson of The Martlet described how "characters are gleefully killed off, brought back, and killed again" in a manner that makes it difficult to follow which characters are still alive. A large number of LGBT readers have claimed to have been strongly affected by the representation of diverse sexualities and gender identities in the webcomic.[12]. Karkat has his "shouty angry leader" act, in part because of the aspirations he had to become a leader- aspirations that are speculated to be a means for him to deal with otherwise debilitating self deprecation on account of his mutated blood. There is evidence which seems to indicate that Calliope's theories about class gender restrictions may be incorrect. What do you hope your land is like? Terezi was the first of three Homestuck characters to be introduced in Namco Bandai's dating simulator Namco High, of which Andrew Hussie was the creative director. You know they're inside, and their dreamself is dead. Mobius Double Reacharound Virus, which dooms the Trolls' Lusi, and blows up Karkat's computer. Sollux heard the voices of the imminently dead (the doomed), and Meulin, despite being deaf, is able to communicate with her ex-matesprit; in essence, she could hear his soul (which could be taken literally, given his use of telepathy, she hears his self). As she can see the future through her dreams, Jade was the one who encouraged the other three kids to play the fictional video game Sburb, and therefore set the plot in motion. The Bard is also quite the wildcard, unpredictable by nature and thus equally likely to help or hinder his party, often to great effect. Crocker's classpect is the Maid of Life. One of the last two humans on a future post-apocalyptic Earth (along with Dirk Strider), Roxy Lalonde lives by herself and is known to frequently drink. He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. Aranea said he had "strong prophetic insights" that warned him of the oncoming Doom, much like Sollux. It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. Alternative to the previous views on a pure-destructive class, the Prince class may also be one that destroys in order to make new opportunities for creation, for rebuilding and improvement on their aspect. John speculated to himself that a Seer might be someone who knows how the consequences of certain actions play out, but he was likely talking about Seers of Mind specifically, not all Seers. The exact powers of Maids are unknown. "[12], With few exceptions, all trolls fall on the hemospectrum, a caste system dictated by blood color and its corresponding attributes, such as lifespan, powers, personality, and rarity. All seen Sylphs have been female, however whether the Sylph class is exclusively female is unknown. All classes and aspects in this test are canon. As such, the definition of Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others. He frequently calls his friends by two-letter abbreviations of their names (e.g. I'm Dahni Witch of Light! They've announced they're about to go to sleep and put the first part of their plan into action. Not immediately apparent in most renditions, the Rogue outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. a hero of light might have luck/fortune-based leprechauns, or a hero of breath might have wind-based leprechauns) and Calliope inserting herself, or at least, her trollsona, into real events. If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect], as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart.