They are not from the same planet as us, but rather a different star system. How to Find Your Starseed Markings (In Depth Tutorial) - Typically Topical Lyrans work best when they have a job that gives them complete independence in their daily responsibilities , although lyrans are good at taking orders from superiors provided the orders dont involve too much social interaction. This can manifest in many ways, but it is often experienced as an inability to connect with others and not feeling at home in human society. Lyran starseeds naturally radiate high vibration energy which can deeply impact people around them. Lyran starseeds have the potential to be successful in almost any career due to their talent for multi-tasking and adaptability, except where conventional thinking is required and there is no room for creativity or change. They never give in against those who are wrong doing to others. ), while the Arcturians originated from Arcturus in Orions Belt (again, hence their name). By leveraging your special powers, harnessing your creative will, and diving deep within yourself you can bring forth immense power, transformation, and healing on our beautiful plane of existence. Star races who reside in the 12th dimension are naturally endowed with a harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energy. Example 1 : this type has one or more glyphs that resembles an alien alphabet such as Hebrew, Sanskrit, Latin etc. They genuinely enjoy immersing themselves in the physical world. This particular trait is a gift, as it allows Lyrans not to get sucked into the toxic, self-obsessed nature of some societies on Earth today. But when they read a book, they absorb the information readily. Thats why many old souls made their way from the depths of the universe to Earth in order to guide mankind through this transitional period. Starseed markings. The lyran starseed phenomenon is a subject that has progressed fairly recently, yet gained enough attention to be recognized in the news and even mentioned on national television. Lyra was often represented on star maps as a vultureor an eaglecarrying a lyre, and sometimes referred to asFalling Vultureor Falling Eagle. Lyrans love to explore many different avenues of life, such as philosophy, art, writing or social activism. Their world was destroyed, which they may have a subconscious awareness of in the form of feeling that they cannot go home. Lyrian starseeds often embody a sense of calm and inner peace, being able to remain centered amidst chaotic times. Because of their high energy, they want to try so many things. Although, they seem very strong from the outside, but theres a deep sea of emotions inside. They always provide their shoulder to others and comfort them in the hour of need. Lyran starseeds are said to be the root race of all humanoid races in our galaxy. If the lyran says yes, you can try to figure out exactly where they feel this other part of their personality comes from. They are star people who are independently minded and value justice. It depends entirely on your unique soul blueprint which is a result of your current (and previous) lifetimes and experiences here on Earth. The . The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th, What are Avian starseed traits, and what do they mean, Lemurian Starseed: traits & characteristics, Spiritual meaning of dreams about being cheated on. You want to help them find their own unique path in life. They were then known as the ancient race of Felines. Lyrans are very intelligent and tend to know a lot, about a wide range of topics! *You wonder why people around you act the way that they do and why they are so different from you. Once again focus on these spots intently until you get a tingling sensation or warming feeling. Thus, its easy to understand why many believe that Lyran starseeds are here to help humanity evolve on a global scale! On the negative side, lyran starseeds tend to: become addicted to alcohol or other drugs. For this reason, they volunteered to come to our planet to help evolve the collective consciousness. They have an intuitive ability to recognize when something is off-balance and feel strong callings to shift and re-align energies for the highest good. 3. In most cases lyrans will not be aware that the messages they receive come from extraterrestrial life forms, and lyrans may think they are receiving their own personal truth.. The first method how you can find your starseed markings is the method involving looking into a mirror and seeing what happens when you focus on parts of your body for an extended period of time. If parents hold on to their children to tightly, the Lyran starseed will either fight tooth and nail for their independence or they will put their parents needs above their own, essentially strangling their inner selves. In fact, they are often described as Freedom Fighters because of their inability to stand by and watch the powerful exploit the weak. Grandmas hands were sooo big Too btw. However, they can just as well turn their hands to model making and sculpture, as well as painting and drawing. You also find yourself relating to fictional characters in books and movies a lot more than your peers; this can feel awkward as you dont quite fit into the norm. Beyond mind blown how everything has fallen in to place. They also may appear as a rectangle shape too! Lyran Starseeds | Fixed Stars - Blogger Lyrans make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activity and pushing physical limits. Thus, many Lyrans gravitate towards legal professions, especially where this allows them to stand up to corporate interests or state injustice. It is important that the parents of Lyran starseeds learn to let go of their children and allow them to be themselves. Lyrans are also good at solving relationship problems because lyrans have a knack at being able to get into someones head and figure out what is wrong. They are energetic and dynamic, setting the example for others to follow. 23 surprising signs you're an Andromedan starseed (ultimate - Nomadrs Lyran starseeds also typically display profound empathy toward others. The best way to deal with this is by meditating more, as well as using crystals to help calm your field and keep it clear of excess attachments. You get bored easily doing the same things everyday and need variety in your life. Lyran Starseeds - Are You One Of Them? - Spiritual Unite Lyrans can easily step up into positions of leadership as they are assertive, and. Pointed ears may also be present in some cases, as well as whispers of silver strands throughout the mane. Lyran beings are diverse in appearance but theyhavesome common behavioral traits. You seem to have been someone thats been not only out of bed, but fully dressed, and some may venture to day you have made and almost completed eating breakfast! To me, this is very odd sounding but from what Im learning, everything has certain frequencies, including these gems, and we, or our spiritual beings have the capability to tap into these forces, or frequencies to communicate amongst other things. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. They don't communicate to humans out of the blue-they check in with their Starseeds here on earth and help you along the way with your mission to help humanity become more healed, free or inspired to rise consciousness levels. Lyran starseeds come from Lyra, a small constellation bordered by Vulpeculato the South, Herculesto the East, Dracoto the North, and Cygnusto the West. Most likely this means either theres an energetic attachment blocking you from getting the job or else that theres just too much activity in your field (due to not having many energy signatures.). The destiny of a starseed (star child) is two fold: the first part relates to their mission in this lifetime , while the other part relates to how they will fit into God s plan for ascension . Each marking has a meaning attached to it however that can change depending on how they combine. In general, this kind of marking has two main meanings: Who you were in your past life. You dont fit the typical personality profile for your birth certificate culture, and this can make lyran starseeds feel like outsiders or misfits most of the time. They havemastered the energies of the divine masculine and as a result understand the often overlooked power of good old fashioned, hard physical labour. They tell them what to do. Id like to believe Im awake, but I think the bad guys (Kazarian / Cabal / Elites / Them, The Man, etc) have been pretty successful in keeping the truth(s) from us. *Youre always seeing orbs of light and spirits around you; sometimes they appear humanoid-like but other times they look like big balls of light or else different colors (or rainbow colored flames) shooting towards you from the sky/ground. This is true of all Starseeds, but it is especially true of Lyrans because of their strong physical grounding and manifested power, meaning that they need less spiritual evolution before displaying their true nature. Lyran Starseeds. Lyran Starseed: traits & meaning - Awakening State How To Tell If You're A Lyran Starseed (Characteristics) They carry dormant memories from past lifetimes that can shift into human consciousness from beyond this dimension. You have a nagging feeling that something is just not right, but you cant quite put your finger on what it is which only makes this problem worse! Lyrans are attracted to people who have a high intellect and a strong interest in philosophy, science or the arts. These markings are usually said to be painful in appearance and colouration and they can sometimes appear with different textures too; such as thin lines, thick lines, ripples or waves that look like wavy grains of sand. They dont quite understand these differences and often try to blend in and appear more human, so they study human interactions so they can get these right. Sooooo many things my grandma shared, it all makes sense now. Lyran starseeds have a curious, child-like air about them and can be quite happy doing very little around the house or in their spare time , as long as they are close to those they love who offer an emotional connection for lyrans. You can test this by asking lyrans if they ever felt like a large part of their personality came from somewhere else before. However, when placed in a position where they need to instill discipline in people, they can struggle to do so. 26 Virgo 41, 56. I really really am. 12. Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From? These include a deep connection to knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality, as well as a strong desire to serve humanity . This means that as an Andromedan Starseed, you're less likely to swing into an extreme in the feminine-masculine pendulum. A common Lyran starseed trait is their natural interest in metaphysics, nanotechnology, space travel, sciences and the paranormal. Star Seed Codes (Degrees) | Fixed Stars - Blogger The lyran will sound a bit out of breath when she laughs, as lyrans laugh from their bellies more than most people do. As they have plenty of experience incarnating onto different planets, when they arrive at a 3D world, they enjoy experiencing it to the fullest and they are very independent in their nature. They like adventures and always go for thrills. Lyran & Vegan Starseeds | 10 Qualities, Appearance & Traits Are You An Andromedan Starseed? 10 Signs, Mission & Appearance Are You a Lyran Starseed? Lyran Starseed Mission and Traits Most of us arent even aware that we have these extra abilities until someone points them out to us or we begin recalling memories from childhood (or past lives). Lyran starseeds like to interact with others, but lyrans prefer intellectual conversations over casual chit-chat or group activities where they fear the expectations of others will hold them back from freely expressing themselves. Either way, this is usually only experienced as a mild feeling and isnt always easy to notice compared to other symptoms. 5. If you have a starseed marking somewhere on your CHEST then it is likely to represent who you were during a past life. This works for two reasons; one because it does involve drawing something which puts your mind in a creative mindset, which is conducive to sensing energetic things easier, and secondly because once again youre focusing intently on yourself. Lyrans are often slim and lean with an attractive physical appearance. Your sense of humor is intellectual and has a bit of a dark edge. Lyrian starseeds are unique, often having vast wisdom and knowledge that comes from other lifetimes. If none of those methods work then Im afraid there are no other ways for you to figure out where your markings are hidden without having someone else read them for you! Andromeda is the 19th biggest star constellation in the night sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees., and is located in the northern sky. This means either that theyre sending out negative energy that is affecting your field (and vice versa) OR else theres a personality attachment around them which makes them seem irresistible. This can make Lyrans seem like they have a strong sense of justice, but what you may not realize is that part of this comes from their humanitarian values. The best way to deal with this is by meditating more. The best way to deal with this is by meditating more until you reconnect emotionally with your true self. Lyran starseeds have a need for change and adventure in their lives, and lyrans enjoy meeting new people around the world. The second way would be by visiting a specialised healer who can easily observe these energies for you by using a special device called the Aura Camera, which captures images of the aura and starseed markings ( more on this below ). What is the Meaning of Different Starseed Markings. In the pivotal times which we are living on the planet today, its become clear that we need help to navigate the unknown territories during this shift. *You feel like youre being pulled somewhere either towards an object or a specific location- but theres no logical explanation as to why. This is because these types of markings resonate on a much higher level and are not necessarily visible to the naked eye. During the creation of humanity, the Lyrans contributed the element of Fire to Earth and gifted humanity with Lyran work ethic. It is known as karma. Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins, The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, The Incarnation Process and the Souls Innate Frequency. The most common Lyran symbols are the Lyre and the harp. Lyran. Lyran starseeds are ancient interstellar travelers hailing from the constellation Lyra. Modern Tarot Deck. Lyras powerful energy allows them to become great leaders. They enjoy good health and are in tune with their bodies, meaning that they know straight away when they have a health problem often before even a doctor could tell! Through meditation and inner work you can uncover and understand what unique gifts you have been given. Starseed Quiz: What Kind of Starseed Are You? Take The Test! Covering 286.5 sq degrees, it ranks 52nd of the 88 modern constellationsin size. It feels like theres an attachment pulling you towards them and making it impossible for you to move on from the past. Their nose and eyes look like cats. You are extremely witty and sarcastic, and enjoy stirring things up with your quick tongue. You question authority and think for yourself. The key is to see the truth that independence and interdependence are not mutually exclusive in a relationship. They gifted the element of fire to earth and also seeded the initial souls to Atlantis. The Cosmos of Soul: A Wake-Up Call For Humanity. They know their itchy feet will send them elsewhere soon enough, so they are reluctant to start putting down roots. Generally, this will bring about either a tingling sensation or warmth if youre very sensitive. *Everything in life seems too hard- including getting through each day and getting enough sleep and you literally cant cope anymore even though theres nothing wrong going on around you. You are here on earth to help others become free of their baggage and lead a more fulfilling life. Your feminine and masculine energies are in perfect harmony. They show a certain fearlessness about living, like theyve done it a million times which they have, of course! You have an amazing memory and love studying facts about people, places, animals and plants. *You feel empty or defective in some way; as if something is missing inside of you. They have a good heart, and they are highly trustworthy as a friend. Are You An Arcturian Starseed? 21 Powerful Signs You Are!