The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. In my trouble I will call upon the Lord, and complain unto my God; so shall He hear my voice out of His holy temple, and my complaint shall come before Him; it shall enter even into His ears.--Ps. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN KNOWS OF HIMSELF. 18, 19. Lost in the Credits - Micaiah (PowerPoint) We cannot live long with men without catching something of their manner, of their mode of thought, of their character, of their government of themselves. v. 14), the earth was cursed, Hades was opened, Paradise shut, Heaven offended, man, lastly, corrupted and brutalised (cf. Psalm 138:8, KJV: The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. 7. Those who live much in a court acquire courtly manners. The self-knowledge, remember, must come in the one way or the other. 1. 23, 24). God has made us so. You are listening to the voice of Bill Johnson from a sermon given some years ago, and Johnson is poisoning his flock with the heretical doctrine of kenosis. Don't forsake the works of your own hands. We do not agree with Momus, neither are we of his mind who desired to have a window in his breast that all men might see his heart. Chapter i. lvii. This is living with God. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops promotes the greater good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programs of the apostolate fittingly adapted to the circumstances of time and place. Thomas AquinasOn Prayer and The Contemplative LifeEpistle Xlvii. Those who live much in a court acquire courtly manners. In the day when I cried Charles KingsleyOut of the DeepWherefore a Few Witnesses, which the Lord Deigns to Suggest to My Mind32. 23, 24). Faith, Perfection, Mercy Of God, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. The separate, personal thinking of God toward every one of us. S. Thomas, On the Beatific Vision, I., xii. Hear my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my petition. Therefore the first natural bond of human society is man and wife. II. S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. And though we thought that we had suffered loss from the tardiness of their coming, yet we find gain from their more abundant charity; seeing that from this delay in point Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatThe Coming Revival"Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?"--PS. Self-consciousness has been the problem of the philosophic mind in all ages; and the mystery is not yet unravelled. "O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years."--HAB. S. Augustine, Of the Perfection of Human Righteousness, viii. )God all-seeing:In the mythology of the heathen, Momus, the god of fault-finding, is represented as blaming Vulcan, because in the human form, which he had made of clay, he had not placed a window in the breast, by which whatever was done or thought there might easily be brought to light. Sermon Seeds: Tensions in the Wilderness - United Church of Christ Those who live much in a court acquire courtly manners. In the day when I cried Charles KingsleyOut of the DeepWherefore a Few Witnesses, which the Lord Deigns to Suggest to My Mind32. Though the transgressor is ignorant of much of his sin, because, at the time of its commission, he sins blindly as well as wilfully, and unreflectingly as well as freely; and though the transgressor has forgotten much of that small amount of sin, of which he was conscious, and by which he was pained, at the time of its perpetration; though, on the side of man, the powers of self-inspection and memory have accomplished so little towards this preservation of man's sin, yet God knows it all, and remembers it all. I. (4)In the dark as well as the light.3. [2105] And these without all controversy we take to be humble. Hence Paul Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatSense in Which, and End for which all Things were Delivered to the Incarnate Son. Now, in this condition of things, God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life. The duties of that Covenant are God's law; and the demands of the law are all made John CunninghamThe Ordinance of CovenantingIntroduction. the regular habit of reading the Bible at a fixed time, the occasional reminders of ourselves that God is looking on, these are our chief means of learning to remember His presence. (2)There is the error that imagines that death will make some fundamental alteration in their relation to God.2. Download MP3 (13.5MB) Request: transcript & translate this sermon What? lxxxv. We become unconscious of everything by long use. He will revive us."--HOS. The proposals of that Covenant include its promises and its duties. How priceless the blood of Calvary, in which the saints have "washed their robes and made them white"! That of adoring and constantly thoughtful reverence (vers. For those that are at variance are to be admonished to know most certainly that, in whatever virtues they may abound, they can by no means become spiritual if they neglect becoming united to their neighbours by concord. 1, 2. The duties of that Covenant are God's law; and the demands of the law are all made John CunninghamThe Ordinance of CovenantingIntroduction. Hear my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my petition. For if God's exhaustive knowledge of the human heart waken dread in one of its aspects, it starts infinite hope in another. [2105] And these without all controversy we take to be humble. The Coming Andrew MurrayThe Ministry of IntercessionForasmuch as Each Man is a Part of the Human Race1. We cannot live long with men without catching something of their manner, of their mode of thought, of their character, of their government of themselves. His discourse, the first which He delivered to His disciples at greater length, began from this. S. Thomas, On the Beatific Vision, I., xii. The proposals of that Covenant include its promises and its duties. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN KNOWS OF HIMSELF. It is the speech of the soul face to face with God. 23, 24). That of siding with Him against evil (vers. Whence our expectations of reward for doing right, of punishment for wrong-doing? There is, therefore, nothing wrong in our forgetting that we are in the presence of God any more than there is anything foolish in our forgetting that we need air to breathe or light to see by, or that if we fall we may hurt ourselves: just in the same way as we very often, and quite rightly, forget that we are in the company of men who will take notice of our faults. It is here proposed to show, that every incumbent duty ought, in suitable circumstances, to be engaged to in the exercise of Covenanting. 5, 6. S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. For whereas man sinned, and is fallen, and by his fall all things are in confusion: death prevailed from Adam to Moses (cf. The separate, personal thinking of God toward every one of us.(1)Innumerable.(2)Constant.II. 3. it is further asked; for while all must admit the force of the arguments you have urged, yet there are facts which it seems to us may reasonably lead you to feel less confident than you now seem to be. And are not temptations everywhere, and so many of them subtle and strong, and before which many souls have fallen? Those who live much in refined and educated society acquire refinement insensibly. THE BASIS OF HIS CONFIDENCE. As low as $30/day. v. 14), the earth was cursed, Hades was opened, Paradise shut, Heaven offended, man, lastly, corrupted and brutalised (cf. Like the air we breathe, like the light we see, it involves a mystery that no man has ever solved. That of siding with Him against evil (vers. "I am, as Thy creature, wholly dependent on Thee; without Thee, faith must die, and hope expire; without Thee, love must decay and perish. 12), while the devil was exulting against us;--then God, in His loving-kindness, not willing man made in His own image to perish, said, Whom shall I send, and who will go?' Does the Contemplative Life comprise many Acts? A Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. 1. : While the Americans were blockading Cuba, several captains endeavoured to elude their vigilance by night, trusting that the darkness would conceal them as they passed between the American war-ships. 7. So we cannot but -. "(Archbishop Temple. We could never discharge our duties properly if we were to be perpetually distracted by the consciousness of what was around us: and, above all, we might be daunted by the perpetual thought of the presence of God, and so be paralyzed instead of helped. 1, 2. 2. AugustineOf Holy Virginity. Don't Waste Your Season of Waiting We do not agree with Momus, neither are we of his mind who desired to have a window in his breast that all men might see his heart. Therefore the first natural bond of human society is man and wife. Ps. Hence Paul Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatSense in Which, and End for which all Things were Delivered to the Incarnate Son. The right state of mind plainly is to have the thought of God's presence so perpetually at hand that it shall always start before us whenever it is wanted. Differently to be admonished are those that are at variance and those that are at peace. Hear my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my petition. Its words are as simple and unaffected as human words can be, for it is the genius John Edgar McFadyenIntroduction to the Old TestamentLinksPsalm 138:8 NIVPsalm 138:8 NLTPsalm 138:8 ESVPsalm 138:8 NASBPsalm 138:8 KJVPsalm 138:8 Bible AppsPsalm 138:8 ParallelPsalm 138:8 Biblia ParalelaPsalm 138:8 Chinese BiblePsalm 138:8 French BiblePsalm 138:8 German BiblePsalm 138:8 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)Constant.II. We have received with the utmost gratification the letters of your Fraternity, which have reached us somewhat late by the hands of Donatus and Quodvultdeus, our most reverend brethren and fellow-bishops, and also Victor the deacon with Agilegius the notary. "O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years."--HAB. He compasseth man's path, and his lying down, and is acquainted with all his ways. The right state of mind plainly is to have the thought of God's presence so perpetually at hand that it shall always start before us whenever it is wanted. There is no reason to mourn a son as lost who is a religious, still less to fear for his delicacy of constitution. Understand the meaning of Psalms 138:8 using all available Bible versions and commentary. If God makes your son His son also, what do you lose or what does he himself lose? We could never discharge our duties properly if we were to be perpetually distracted by the consciousness of what was around us: and, above all, we might be daunted by the perpetual thought of the presence of God, and so be paralyzed instead of helped. v. 22). The brilliant searchlight sweeping the broad ocean and revealing even the smallest craft on its surface is but a faint type of the Eternal Light from which no sinner can hide his sin. But He sees all, His eye takes in the immeasurable universe. We become unconscious of everything by long use. 1. "God will perfect everything that concerns you." ( Psalm 138:8, NKJV) I have heard my wife use King David's phrase many times in her public prayers. 6. The separate, personal thinking of God toward every one of us.(1)Innumerable.(2)Constant.II. Wherefore a few witnesses, which the Lord deigns to suggest to my mind, I proceed to mention, from out the teaching of Christ concerning humility, such as perhaps may be enough for my purpose. 1. The separate, personal thinking of God toward every one of us.(1)Innumerable.(2)Constant.II. xviii. His omniscience. Hear my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my petition. 1, 2. Justice, in this reference, is out of the question. [2105] And these without all controversy we take to be humble. If that Being has gone down into these depths of human depravity, and seen it with a more abhorring glance than could ever shoot from a finite eye, and yet has returned with a cordial offer to forgive it all, and a hearty proffer to cleanse it all away, then we can lift up the eye in adoration and in hope. : While the Americans were blockading Cuba, several captains endeavoured to elude their vigilance by night, trusting that the darkness would conceal them as they passed between the American war-ships. He has suffered thus, partly from a certain obscurity in his style of writing, partly from the difficulty of the thoughts which he attempted to convey. The former are made and fulfilled by its glorious Originator; the latter are enjoined and obligatory on man. G. T. Shedd, D. D.: One of the most remark. 5. "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me." Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. S. Augustine, Of the Perfection of Human Righteousness, viii. Try to cherish an abiding sense of God's presence. The text, however, itself, is its own guard. THE LORD IS GOING TO PERFECT EVERYTHING THAT CONCERNS ME With Pr Rose 19 III. OURSELVES. I will ask you three questions suggested by the words themselves, and according to your answer to these three questions, shall be, I. They are ever before David as an object of adoring wonder, not by day only, but by night; not merely in the watches of the night, but even in his sleep. And this perpetual though not always conscious sense of God's presence would, no doubt, if we would let it have its perfect work, gradually act on our characters just as the presence of our fellow-men does. In my trouble I will call upon the Lord, and complain unto my God; so shall He hear my voice out of His holy temple, and my complaint shall come before Him; it shall enter even into His ears.--Ps. Louis Zamperini: Unbroken Hero and Olympic Athlete. For he who is required by the necessity of his position to speak the highest things is compelled by the same necessity to exhibit the highest things. "O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years."--HAB. : The fact that God is always present and knows every minute trifle in our lives, and that His unerring judgment will assuredly take count of every detail of our character and our conduct, neither exaggerating nor omitting, but applying absolute justice; this truth is one of those which lose force from their very universality. Like when Jesus in Mark 4:39 said Peace be still. )God all-seeing:In the mythology of the heathen, Momus, the god of fault-finding, is represented as blaming Vulcan, because in the human form, which he had made of clay, he had not placed a window in the breast, by which whatever was done or thought there might easily be brought to light. We have received with the utmost gratification the letters of your Fraternity, which have reached us somewhat late by the hands of Donatus and Quodvultdeus, our most reverend brethren and fellow-bishops, and also Victor the deacon with Agilegius the notary. "Come, and let us return to the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us. Therefore the first natural bond of human society is man and wife. It is a simple question of time; a simple question whether it shall come here in this world, where the blood of Christ "freely" flows, or in the future world, where "there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."(W. There is no reason to mourn a son as lost who is a religious, still less to fear for his delicacy of constitution.