The videos creator, Masayoshi Montemayor, makes his points largely through official Church sources, including the Churchs website, institute manuals, and conference reports. Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, 87, dies - Church News vaughn j featherstone excommunicated - Provo, Utah 84602, We Never Know Where Walking in His Steps Will Lead, As If They Would Ask Him to Tarry a Little Longer. ], Abstract:In this essay, Iexamine aletter written by Elder VaughnJ. Featherstone in 1983 and deposited in the cornerstone of the Atlanta Georgia Temple. Ali Hafid was rich. How to say Vaughn J Featherstone in English? Then I said, My-name-is-Doug-Snarr. I didnt have a college education, and I have been embarrassed about it. During that time (and this is the part I would rather not tell), my dad was an alcoholic, and my mother wasnt a member of the Church. I have first-hand knowledge of a recent Mission President who excommunicated relatively soon after returning home. vaughn j featherstone excommunicated But while neither Inor any other man knows when He will come, there are some things that Ido know and that knowledge comes from the scriptures, and the testimony of its truth comes by the power of the Holy Ghost. I went through school that year, and then one day when I was sitting in a barber chair, I saw a little ad in the paper about a man back in Chicago who would guarantee speech correction in a course costing one thousand dollars. I had a pair of shoes that Id wear to church. Vaughn J. Featherstone's Atlanta Temple Letter - FAIR He gave the whole talk without moving his arm. Resolved: We shall live through this together, Excalibur: They, you and I! In 1993, an institute director contacted Elder Featherstone to confirm that this was agenuine statement. But I have found the great majority of his addresses and teachings precious and filled with truth. Then he laid his hands on my head, and he told me something that I didnt know until that day. Has Ali Hafid returned?, No, Ali Hafid has not returned, and thats not a diamond. So why would Featherstone have believed the Second Coming was scheduled for the early twenty-first century if it had not come to him by an independent revelation? Ibelieve we are on the very threshold of great trials. Collected copies of the white horse prophecy, circa 19021970, Church History Library. All of a sudden Carol came down the spiral staircase in a beautiful dress and said, Well, Daddy, thats Douglas Snarr. No one likes that answer, and I dont think thats the right answer to give. Prime the pump with it, and youll git all you can hold. From finding the right means to fund your innovative business idea to expanding a family-run business, from grabbing the keys to your dream car to securing your property for your life's biggest project yet - you've always wished to live life to the fullest. I had told my dad I would like to go to this speech school in Chicago. But the most important thing is the inner beauty that starts to shine forth. We promise to pay back every penny when we get some money. In the gospel, as we gain a great deal of light, we can then judge good and evil. 1. There has been some who misunderstand my statement.19. I guess, if I had my druthers, I would hope that my family could be spared from all the filth and pornography and all the garbage on the newsstands and the things we see in the movies. He would continue to do so all through her life. He didnt care; hes just prejudiced. Millennial Reign, 7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE, 48:57. Books by Vaughn J. Featherstone (Author of The Incomparable Christ) I am just so excited to live in this day and to be part of the wrapping-up process. The man who bought the farm from Ali Hafid went out to water his camel one day in the little stream that ran through the white sands of the farm. I answered, Youre a sweetheart. There are those kinds of people that help others feel as if their idiosyncrasies really arent all that much of a problem. Many among Montemayors audience have come away with the impression that Elder Featherstones letter received the official sanction of the Churchs leadership. You swim and swim and finally get there, but when you reach out to take hold of it he pulls it away from you again. You may feel like what we talked about earlier, or you may have a physical ailment of some kind that causes you not to be all that you think you ought to be. I wouldnt dare tell you, Ill teach you how to live with it, because you would say, as Doug Snarr did, Youre no good! I dont like that answer. You who are reading this letter are witnesses to my words.4, [Page 311]The letter concludes with apersonal message of gratitude to the Savior in the event that this letter come to the attention of our Lord who is reigning personally upon the earth.5. When I arrived, I rang the doorbell, and a man came to the door with his little girl right behind him. Vaughn J. Featherstone - Unionpedia, the concept map 6. The Divine Gift of the Spirit - Brigham Young University-Idaho Then the little fellow said to him, Isnt there some kind of guff youdogive that Icantake?. As it did, it went through other fog banks, and the dew settled on the earth, and the crust began to form. I knew I couldnt start dating and getting serious about a fellow, and so I didnt even look. Each of my shoes felt two feet in diameter. Its the end of the drought! If I really had my druthers, Id rather not tell you this, but I am going to tell you. He said, I have a family. I had heard about him and admired him for a long time. I hadnt been baptized, and I was nine years old by this time. Let us consider an experience that happened to GordonB.Hinckley, then an apostle, only five years before Elder Featherstone wrote his letter. Have faith! Do you drink the bottle of water youve got in your hand, or do you pour it over the sucker washer to see if maybe this once the well did run dry? Then she told me some of her experiences. If Im fired from this, I dont know what Ill do., And then big, old, soft-hearted Doug said, If youll go over and apologize to that black driver, it will all be forgotten. So the bus driver went over and apologized to the black driver and got back in his bus, and it was all forgotten. Ican see temples in Charlotte, Columbia, Birmingham, Jackson, Nashville, and in Louisiana and Arkansas. Also see "Answering Gospel Questions." But I can understand that the light has withdrawn from them, and its hard to discern when you dont have that light. Jun 29 ,2022. vaughn j featherstone excommunicateddoist salary calculator near paris. Where should I look for one?, The Buddhist priest, having been awakened early in the morning and not feeling too pleasant, said, You look for a river between high mountains, and the river will flow on white sands, and there you will find diamonds., There is, replied the priest, and there are many of them, and you will find them. Then I thought that maybe I shouldnt be working. At the end of the ten days, they taught me to move my arm back and forth slowly while saying, My name is Doug Snarr. I want to tell you what that was to be able to speak! Almacenamiento de alimentos | Discursos SUD The bus driver looked down, saw this black driver, and started trying to force him off the road. We cant add one featherweight of burden to our mothers heart. And so wed go to bed hungry. His life "was a daily manifestation of faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ." Newsletters Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox Church News Today This fellow was just a little incensed at this, and so he got out of his car, walked back to the Volkswagen and said, I dont take that kind of guff out of nobody. The door opened, and the other fellow started getting out, and he kept getting out and kept getting out, and when he was all the way out he was six feet five inches and 240 pounds. Have you talked to her?, Yes, weve tried to talk her out of it many times., He said, Well, I hate to tell you this, but we told her that, if she would come to see you and talk to you, and if she still wanted to be excommunicated after she had the interview with you, wed let her be excommunicated., I answered, Thanks. Then I got humble inside and said, Of course Ill see her. We made an appointment, and I want to tell you that I came to that interview with a great deal of prayer and a very humble heart. If dogged and grim, you besiege and beset it, youll get it! They said yes, and I was baptized. She was absolutely a beautiful person. But I want to tell you she was there the next time, when the next brother got married. It was on the day Merlene and I were married. A newspaper reporter covering the incident wanted to put it in the newspaper in a certain way, and so he simply had a little article there that said, Yesterday at Donald Grahams funeral, Blackey McGregor, one of the pallbearers, slipped into the open grave, fracturing a limb, bringing a gloom over the whole occasion. I hope we wont do that tonight. Monday nights were reserved for family night, and Friday nights were exclusively for Sister Featherstone. He heard a friend bear testimony of the truth of the gospel, and Elder Featherstone could tell that this friend really knew what he was saying. (This is the part I am embarrassed even to tell you.) lauren conrad and stephen colletti /; 2. Featherstones reasons were likely similar to those Montemayor offers in his video. Ican see in my mind[]s eye great hosts of converts to exceed amillion members in the South. vaughn j featherstone excommunicated This was incorrect, since it was Michael, or Adam, that Elder McConkie is on record as teaching as the identity of this angel. Theres a crazy man at the door talking to our father. (I was eighteen at the time.) It was found in a baking powder can wired to the handle of an old pump that offered the only hope of drinking water in a very long, seldom-used trail across the Armagosa Desert. If gladly youll sweat for it, fret for it, plan for it, Blythe, Vaughn J. Featherstone's Atlanta Temple Letter 313 Enslen stated it was used by Church leaders in the South in the years after 1983.15 The language in these two portions of Featherstone's letter are distinct. I wanted to tell you that little incident just to give you some background about the kind of man Douglas Snarr is. vaughn j featherstone excommunicated Whizzbang, Horns were honking in back, and pretty soon a policeman came over and said, Whats going on here?, Doug answered, This man tried to force that black driver off the road. The perspiration started pouring off my face, and I wanted to say something, but I still couldnt, so I just stood there. Vaughn J Featherstone - AbeBooks To add more books, click here . What if a short time later your health comes? Sexuality has a prominent role within the theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), which teaches that gender is defined in the premortal existence, and that part of the purpose of mortal life is for men and women to be sealed together, forming bonds that allow them to progress eternally together in the afterlife. Featherstone was born in Stockton, Tooele County, Utah. Then he came forward and went right on with the next chapter. To watch the entire presentation entitled, "7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE" by Millennial Reign, click Id get to the store and go in and walk around the aisles trying to avoid Mr. Parsons, who by the way (I didnt know at the time) was a high priest in our ward. 1980 seems too soon and 1997 too late. I worked that whole summer and finally earned enough. Devotional Highlight: Vaughn J. Featherstone - YouTube For the first ten days of that course, we could not say one word. Tomorrow, you pack your things and come and live with us the whole time you are in Chicago., A short time later, this family took me on a trip down to southern Illinois. We invite you to give back. By God, Excalibur, I shall be a King! There was that terrible attraction over at church. And Iwould humbly suggest to you, my young brothers and sisters, that if we do not know, then nobody knows, no matter how compelling their arguments or how reasonable their calculations. I was saying something, and it was coming out! Re: The Masturbation ScrollBy Vaughn J. FeatherstoneOldie But I couldnt move. Mother would come to me, hand me a list, and say, Vaughn, would you take this up to the store? In 1 Kings, chapter 3, we read, And Solomon said, Thou hast shewed unto thy servant David my father great mercy, according as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great kindness, that . It is okay not to know, its okay that Elder McConkie didnt know, he just simply speculated. Hes come to take me out tonight. And with those words she took all the pressure off and alleviated the problem., Despite his problem, Douglas decided that he had a great talenta great artistic talent, as some of you here might knowand so he developed a business. I guess if you had finally crawled that last few yards and found this pump with the letter, your faith would really be tested. Cross-posted from Truth Will Prevail. Thanks. It is our charge it is our privilege to help prepare the world for that day.28, Filed Under: Doctrine, LDS Culture, LDS History, Perspective, Prophets. He walked over and said, Well, thats a diamond! I hope you feel about that story the way I am trying to convey it to you. We lived off my husbands income, and I managed his affairs for him at home. Not one of them looked at me. Find signed collectible books by 'Vaughn J Featherstone' The Aaronic priesthood and you. The document found that there were three April 6th Sundays leading up to the year 2000. por el obispo Vaughn J. Featherstone Segundo Consejero en el Obispado Presidente. She stood by us and was our great defender in those bitter years. We didnt say anything for ten days. When authors state that items come from the Church or Church Headquarters or Salt Lake one does have to be cautious because that is often a way to sneak something past the unwary or give them an air of authority they do not actually possess. You just reported in, but you didnt dare ask for anything. In Lunds words, The scholars disagree on exactly how many years the earth has undergone since the Fall of Adam, however, so it cannot be said that the Millennium will occur in the year 2,000 A.D. (as some enthusiastic interpreters of scripture would like to conclude).23McConkie similarly stated, that we cannot tell with certainty how many years passed from the fall of Adam to the birth of Jesus, nor whether the number of years counted by our present calendar has been tabulated without error.24. (I should mention that we met in a little shabby roomgray, dull, dingyand one of the women who taught us was about the same age as the man and was blind.) VaughnJ.Featherstone, Holiness to the Lord, Nick Literskis Latter-day Saint Temple Homepage. I went back to the taxi and told the driver to take me to that address. Doug asked, Whats going on here?, The driver answered, I guess this guy doesnt like blacks. The taxi driver slowed down, and the bus went on down the street. Vaughn J. Featherstone | Beggar's Bread Home About Beggar's Bread Essential and Non-Essential Doctrines of the Christian Faith Moderation Policy Beggar's Bread Beggars sharing the bread that they've so freely and graciously received Stay updated via RSS Recent Posts The 10 Myths Mormons Believe About Christianity: Epilogue He was poor because he was discontented, and he was discontented because he felt and feared that he was poor. We now have more than 110,000 members of the Church in this area. I love them, and they answer me with pain and torment. VAUGHN FEATHERSTONE OBITUARY 1931 ~ 2018 Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, 87, Emeritus General Authority for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, passed away peacefully in his home. Temple Promises - Miscellaneous - Mormon Dialogue & Discussion Board I know they are honest and upright men, but I dont believe in a God who would not keep his promises. Primero, lo menos importante, pero aun de gran significado, debemos comprender . Strength and sagacity; faith, hope, and confidence, stern pertinacity; Featherstone takes for granted the fact that the Second Coming would have occurred by the time these future Saints had read his letter, but he speaks only of seeing in my minds eyes and offers specific details of the future when it comes to the South.16Even in that regard, John Enslen recalled that over time Elder Featherstone seemed somewhat uncomfortable about calling his statements aprophesy [sic]. He preferred that they be referred to as his prediction.17, What is certain is that VaughnJ.Featherstone believed the Second Coming was imminent. So I think we ought to stop worrying and being concerned about those things. Is there any doubt of their devotion . I picked up another interesting quote from a fellow who was also a stutterer. When I was about seven or eight years old, a friend of mine, Spike Herzog, said to me as I was coming home from school one day, Why dont you come to Primary with me?. He suggests apossible reading of this half-hour as aclue to the timing of prophecy. 14. 401k forfeiture journal entry There would be drunks and others lying on benches out in the park, but Id go out and put the newspaper over my arm while reading or talking to myself, with my arm moving back and forth under the paper with every syllablepracticing! If only I had their skill. We wouldnt suppose that a king would have problems, but do you suppose that any physical ailment could be near the hurt of having the one you love most dearly on this earth be unfaithful to you? VaughnJ.Featherstone, To My Beloved Fellow Saints in the Twenty-First Century, (letter, April 6, 1983). Vaughn J. Featherstone Books | List of books by author Vaughn J When I was invited to accept this assignment, I looked to it as a great honor and one to which hopefully I can contribute something. I tried to compensate by buying books, and I have thousandsI dont know how many books. We will take you home tonight. Ido not mean to suggest that Featherstones letter is aforgery or that it has been repudiated by Church authorities. He was 87. I can affirm the general correctness of this article from my own experience. For while God gives them skill, I give them instruments to play upon, God choosing me to help him. I didnt mind moving my arm because I was finally communicating. We were talking for just a few minutes with each oneThanks for coming. If it passes Correlation it is approved and has the date to legitimize it. My two sisters got married, and then all the family was raised. Do you know what its like to have someone throw a lifebuoy out to you if youre drowning in the middle of the ocean? Failure can be overcome, but a failure can suck the lifeblood from a persons ego and leave him useless to himself, his family, and his company., The woods are filled with losers, and they have a hundred different excuses why they lose, but Im not interested in talking to you at all about that today. Elder Featherstone served in several stake leadership positions, on the Church General Missionary Committee, as a member of the Young Men general presidency, and in area presidencies in the Philippines and the Pacific. Vaughn J. Featherstone - Bibliography - List of Talks Talks by Vaughn J. Featherstone Show Timeline Presiding Bishopric - 2nd Counselor (6 Apr 1972 - 1 Oct 1976) 6 Apr 1972 A Challenge to the Priesthood General Conference 7 Oct 1972 The Sure Word of God General Conference 6 Apr 1973 "Now Abideth Faith, Hope, and Charity" General Conference Jun 1973 My older brother was the only one at the wedding from our side of the family. M.RussellBallard made asimilar comment in his own BrighamYoung University devotional on March 12, 1996. I knew I couldnt for fear that someone would see my shoes. I was looking all the time. He just cannot believe that anyone cant succeed if he wants to succeed. Why, at that very instant God had been answering her prayer, but she didnt even know it. He had had BYU and Utah State University and the University of Utah check it out. His family then settled in Salt Lake City when he was five. Were here on the earth, and were going to have the benefit of all those great things that President Brownas a prophet, seer, and revelator in the First Presidencycould probably see were ahead for us. When he finished, I couldnt believe it. I didnt ask for the blessing; he volunteered it and gave it to me. We think weve got something that will be worthwhile in this class, and I promise you that Ill never call on you again. The teachers comment was worse because it made me feel like a spectacle., Doug wanted to do something about his stuttering, but that just accentuated the problem. Whats the problem? It goes like this: When you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, Please click Sign In to try again. Vaughn Featherstone, is that you? He pulled up to a red light and waited. The letter is addressed to twenty-first century members of the Church and is written with the expectation that these future Saints will have been alive for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Find This Book According to Doctrine and Covenants77:7, the seven seals opened by the Lamb in Revelationchapter5 represent things relative to this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence. If we are to understand these thousand-year periods as exact and literal, and we hold that the Savior was born on 1 CE, then it would reason that the Millennium was scheduled to begin at 2000 CE. As the earths crust cooled, that which cooled most rapidly was granite; less rapidly, copper; then silver, gold, and last of all diamonds. And the priest said to Ali Hafid, If you had a diamond as big as your thumb, you could buy this whole country. Would you please do that?, I would look up at her, and Id say, Mother, why do I always have to go? Enslen had only acquired this letter the week previous.9However, Enslen, who was serving in an Alabama stake presidency in 1983, recalled that he had heard Featherstone read this letter at ameeting in Alabama ashort time after the letters date.10We have no way of knowing whether Featherstone shared his letter with other general authorities, but its inclusion in the Church History Library does not imply it came with any official approval.