"Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is their responsibility before God to respect and co-operate with the authorities." A spokeswoman for Social Services Minister Anne Ruston has welcomed the statement but implored the organisation to contact authorities. The graph below shoes how the 18-29 crowd have aged up, but new young adults are not replenishing the numbers. What would you expect to see if that was a news headline within the coming year? Instead of adjusting the menu, or admitting that the chef isnt as good as he thinks he is, the owner simply blames the customers, and claims that the patrons taste buds must not be working properly. Change in teachings? Ali's account of leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses was traumatic to write It is all about their money. If at any point you do have doubts and want to leave, your forced isolation up to that point makes the decision inevitably intimidating and potentially overwhelming because of the prospect of being alone and without a support network to guide you through the process. It is law according to the Jehovahs Witness. No religion can claim that. Jehovah's Witnesses with 1.3 million members in the U.S. who hand out brochures on sidewalks and subway platforms and ring doorbells are one of the most visible religious groups in the . 2. Several people tried to convince me to return to the truth the term they use to refer to anyone in the faith. Meanwhile, Jehovahs Witnesses in Russia have been imprisoned for following Governing Body directives. Website powered & protected by Jehovah's holy spirit. Youre taught by the organisation that once you leave you will become corrupted by the outside world and inevitably descend into selfishness, meanness and false happiness. Those few born-in Jehovah's Witnesses who do stay in will pay an enormous price in that they will never have gotten to know who they really were. . Its not what we post on AvoidJW.org that should worry Watch Tower. That is why I believe they will never adopt the very common sense solutions that could be so helpful to their members; especially the young ones. They are told to just go and pioneer.). At that time, a small group of Bible students who lived near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States, began a systematic analysis of the Bible. She met George, his family, and a few others from the Church Of Christ, including Brother Eddie San Gabriel, a Minister of the Gospel. (source: Detroit Free Press: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/03/18/jehovahs-witnesses-murder-suicide-keego-harbor/409695002/). All monies were directed at finishing Warwick, then selling off their cranes and millions of dollars worth of vehicles and other high prices tools, right down to a 5 dollar screwdriver. The Jehovah's Witness Religion is Literally Dying Off : r/exjw - reddit Does a recession/pandemic/war indicate Armageddon? Should you Disassociate and Sample Letters, The Hardship of being a Gay Jehovah's Witness. Many of these were good kids too. Shunning and the BITE Model of Mind Control in the Jehovah's Witnesses married a Swedish JW and moved to Sweden.He is pretty much inactive but occasionally attends meetings but is afraid to completely leave bc of being shunned by his wife's family. After completing her Bible studies, Andrea was baptized into the Church Of Christ in 1981. We have hope, and we have a promise that no one else on this Earth has. What we see from regimes like North Korea is a disregard for many of the societal endeavors that make a nation stronger, such as infrastructure, good universities, economic freedoms, and democratic processes. The Watchtower organization simply has nothing new to offer, and no new ideas. As she started to lose trust in the unsteady teachings of JW, Andrea turned to the Church Of Christ for doctrinal stability because, in the Church Of Christ, everything that they follow is written in the Bible. JWs are leaving in droves, all because of the internet. If a Jehovah's Witness were to break any of the rules they could be spoken to by an elder (the equivalent of a . Every time I . I dont think Ive ever seen my mum cry so much, so often. If all of this keeps up, it might not be long before you will see jw.org gone from the scene, as well as other things tied to this diabolical evil religion. Clearly, these eight men will lie just to protect their money because thats their first love. 13 Black Celebrities Who Are Or Were Jehovah's Witnesses When commenting on the young people who leave the organization, another common tactic that the organization uses is to cynically compare them with the ungrateful Israelites who found Jehovahs manna to be undesirable. These elders are being retrained, and have been called disobedient by the branch. More and more people each day are posting YouTube videos about their terrible experiences with this organization. Sherrie and Naomi were Jehovah's Witnesses. Man who raped Jehovah's Witness girls sentenced to 5 years in prison A typical Jehovahs Witnesss life is basically consisting of work or school and field service along with several weekly meetings and Bible studies, or should I say, Watchtower studies. Watch Tower is watching its assets in Russia vanish while paying settlements in the US and elsewhere for child abuse mishandling and other legal cases. Have you lost your mind? Beside simple boredom, what we also see in the Watchtower organization are many emotionally troubled people and single parent families who join the religion for the promises of relief that it holds out for them. When these programs do address the children directly, it usually only entails an assembly drama about Samuel, or the promise that very soon, they will be able to play with tigers and elephants. Updated at 12:25 p.m. Yet, ironically, its clear that their growth is already suffering due in part to this stubbornness. Jehovah's Witnesses have been banned in Russia since 2017. RUSSIA RELIGION NEWS RECENT NEWS ITEMS - Stetson University Watch Tower Headquarters asked branches to sell as much equipment as they could liquidate including heavy equipment, printers, etc. We are in a great position to be a source of strength and compassion for those younger people who are wandering out and stumbling into forums like this. They really have no proof of God giving them this high and mighty position of being Gods only spoksperson on Earth. How to Leave Jehovah's Witnesses: 4 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Im grateful every day for my education and my desire to learn and think independently, a skill that fostered in me those initial doubts about Jehovahs Witnesses, and enabled me to have the strength to search for answers elsewhere in non-biased literature. She listened and protected her faith and the teachings of the Jehovahs Witnesses until her beliefs could no longer defend her. World. Nearly all WT published material does not hold up to even a freshman's college essay in terms of sources cited, strawman arguments, and avoidance of logical fallacies. The Supreme Court of Canada will rule this year in a case involving shunning and discrimination, and if Watch Tower loses this case, the repercussions will be felt worldwide. It is quite funny when the Watchtower wants to shut down somebodys YouTube channel because they said something bad about Watchtower, but at the same time, Watchtower sees absolutely no problem bashing other religions out of their mouths online during their dramas, talks and other programming that they put out. When a religion starts telling you what to wear, what you can and cant do, whether you can vote, join the military, play sports, read literature from other religions and whether or not you can do certain things within marriage is a religion that is a pure cult. Realistically, though, its a threat to the organisation because education could broaden an individuals mind and open them up to a world of opinions outside the faith. Just imagine if the Ford Motor Company was still manufacturing and marketing the Ford Pinto. Jehovah's Witnesses Abandon Key Tenet - Los Angeles Times I have seen many really good kids in the organization totally get neglected because they didnt have a father who was a Witness. Are people REALLY leaving??? - Jehovah's Witness Since then, four Ukrainians from occupied Crimea have been sentenced to six or more years' imprisonment: Serhiy Filatov; Artem Gerasimov; Viktor Stashevsky and Igor Schmidt. 1. You know I couldnt see my life any other way. Furthermore, followers of the sect are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering . Given the choice between what this media has to offer, versus reading a Kingdom Ministry insert, where do you think a bored and uninspired teenager is going to go? Each member carries a "Health Care Proxy" card, declaring his or her desire not to receive a blood transfusion for any reason as stated by Acts 15:28, 29. What effect has the Internet had on the religion of the Jehovah's Jehovah's Witness Child Abuse Lawsuit - Class Action This does not sit well with many elders, particularly those is less than affluent areas. Jesus himself is truth, not those club-like religions. In 2017, Russia's Supreme Court declared the group an extremist organization, lumping its. Leaving the faith at 18 changed my life completely. Again, they continue to enforce a one size fits all education and worship program to both children and adults. Inside the brutal world of the Jehovah's Witnesses - ABC News Jehovah's Witnesses will often turn away from any Bible discussion that challenges their beliefs, using the excuse that they cannot listen to apostates. Ria Williams sued the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's. Church, charity and 'cult' refuse to join sex abuse redress And then from that day, I never looked back. I made a concentrated effort to stop using the word, because I knew it wasnt the truth to me, and that its use was just a very 1984 Newspeak method of subtle control. This is where the Watchtower is at. Andrea sat down. It isnt about the children. Sawyer and many others like her are now denouncing the church's shunning practices in the wake of a recent murder-suicide in Keego Harbor that killed a family of four ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who . No immaterial soul. Instead, all of the nations human capital is invested in one thing: warfare. (We already know that growth has become stagnant and more and more people seem to be waking up than previously.). - The number of young Jehovah's Witnesses (aged 18-24) has dropped by 6% over the past 7 years. Jehovah's 'hiding money' - PressReader I have a loving husband that I adore. The 11 Beliefs You Should Know about Jehovah's Witnesses When They Those eight men up in New York are worshipped because they follow every single word they say. Jehovah's Witness settlement: Are you eligible to file a claim? Theres absolutely no evidence of that at all. As many of you know, the cutbacks were significant. In March 1997, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the nonprofit organization that oversees the Jehovah's Witnesses, sent a letter to each of its . The Jehovahs Witnesses have a bunch of rules, regulations and policies much like the religious leaders of Jesus day had. Why so many raised as Witnesses leave I've never showered as much in my life. The Jehovah's Witnesses - CULTWATCH Now that their arrogance has has gotten the better of them and they mistakingly feel theyre better than anyone else to sit in front of the camera and pontificate, we see how bad they are. Many of them not only help the young people with their unique issues, but also really inspire them enough to get active and pay it forward. Is the Book of Daniel Prophetic or Historical? "I would be sick. The purpose? Jehovah's Witnesses ban comes into force in Russia after appeal fails. The problem is that former Jehovah's Witnessesand others who've left cults or religionshave had to filter out the language of cataclysmic ending when seeking a secular life. The Hardship of being a Gay Jehovah's Witness They thought the end would be here now with the old generation teaching. They have been issuing subpoenas from the Southern District of New York to various internet providers in the US, along with Google, Inc., in an attempt to track down the source of the leaks and identify the individuals involved in leaking their literature and videos. Their whole going out to knock on doors sounds commendable, but truth be known, the reason why they do it is because theyre trying to earn their own way into Jehovahs new world; paradise Earth. Learn how your comment data is processed. The fact that the [Church Of Christ minister] can go to the Bible and prove when, where, and how the Church was established in these last days is the reason I am a member of the Church Of Christ! Watch Tower was spending tens of thousands per year to New York City just to maintain their tunnel and air-bridge spaces between buildings. This article provides basic information on leaving this faith. They adopted the name Jehovahs Witnesses in 1931. I myself was born and raised in the organization. On the heels of a $35 million jury award to a woman who alleged the congregation mishandled her childhood abuse, other . There is absolutely nowhere in the Bible where Jesus disfellowshipped anyone. Nothing is added, subtracted, or changed to conform to societys standards because, in the Church Of Christ, the Bible is the basis of their faith. What Happens When You Leave the Jehovah's Witnesses? For Some Americans, Ukraine's Fight Feels Close to Home Does this sound familiar? JWs in Eritrea have been rotting away in prison cells some for decades while the coalition of overweight, business-class-flying governing body members feign tears for the men and women who are effectively their slaves. Besides me, at least 75% of the kids I grew up with in the congregation are out for good. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that: God the Father (whose name is Jehovah) is "the only true God". Globally there are about eight-and-a-half million Jehovahs Witnesses. The Watchtower organization is like a restaurant that keeps serving the same bland menu even though many of the patrons dont like the food and arent coming back. Watch Tower continues to try to plug these leaks like the proverbial dam in Holland, but they are running out of fingers and attorneys to plug these leaks. The membership is aging out and, I suspect that before all those belonging to the second "Overlapping Generation" pass away, we may have seen the end of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. You can get shunned just by reading literature from another church, and you can even get shunned for smoking a cigarette. However, none of that is really working and people are still waking up from this brutal North Korean type religion.