You must make sure the needle penetrates the Caverness. An Unexpected Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer. I experienced this problem and Lidocaine was the solution. I am in UK ,where our health system is different to yours. It is then demonstrated on a penile model how the injection should be administered because there are variations in technique that can have a major impact on dosing and effectiveness of the injection for patients. Since I had little reaction to 15 units, he suggested I go up by 10 units (25) for my trial run with wife. Wash your hands. My husband has been using Trimix for 18 months now and just can't get consistent results. I have been using Tri-Mix for about 2 years now. Thought the first time must have hit a vein but second time was sure to miss a vein but still aching heaps. Depending on the dosage your doctor recommends, injectable medication may be as little as $5 per dose, according to GoodRx. I would recommend Trimix to anyone that has ED. Because its generally more effective and powerful (and therefore, somewhat riskier), it is reserved as a secondary treatment for ED. Our patients are thoroughly educated in a 2 step process before using ICI (intracavernous injections) at home. If your penis is very flaccid during the injection time theres a good chance youll miss it. I was told to make changes in increments of 5 units at a time so yes, you should probably try 25 units next and see. Is there any concern about that? The antidotes for these erections are pseudoephedrine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine. My urologist started me out on 0.30 and nothing, I went up to 0.35 and I was in it to win. You need to go to an ED center that specializes in this. Worst case scenario is it can result in amputation of the penis. aware of (or the information was downplayed significantly to them to make it seem less important), Do not be afraid to use it but PLEASE do NOT believe it is 100% without risk if you are not fully infomred, Ive been using trimix for about six months now The first time I Used trimix I injected 10 units and It started working right away Within five minutes I was fully erect And so hard The head was in pain but not enough to stop had sex took about a half hour longer then usually to cum After sex I still remain hard just watch the pre-cum drip and Dick stayed hard as steel Felt great ,had round two Wife was happy and so was I , After second round was still like steel Im like omg Stuffs unbelievable I remain hard for a total of four hours Im starting to get worried But it finally started a bend Also a extra benefit is after taking it for six months I noticed the girth of my dick seem bigger my girth is usually six inches By 7 inches long .So I took a tape measure out girth was 6 1/2 x 7 So I went online to do some research and found out a lot of people have the same affect one happy fella. Trimix works by the same broad processes as oral ED drugs like Viagra and Cialis, they primarily relax the blood vessels and enhance blood flow, despite the different administration methods. It black and blue last 2 times sinc using the super strong trimix. What's Your Experience? As the name suggests, trimix includes 3 active ingredients, and as the vial sits in the refrigerator awaiting your next use gravity is constantly at work pulling those ingredients towards the bottom of the vial. But when after almost 4 hours, it wouldn't die down no matter what, not even with two sudafed 30mg pills, I had to go to the clinic and they drew some blood from my penis and injected an antidote of the same sudafed. My dick rose like a phoenix and was ready for the battle after several years. However, as with all ED treatments, persistent erections can be a problem. Some mixtures of the medication are diluted with saline, to make dosing and measurement easier on a larger scale, though the effective dosage units/amount also scales. It typically contains a combination of three active ingredients that can help improve blood flow for an erection. Be patient, you will get there!! There is no set dosage; instead, it is usually adjusted gradually based on feedback from the patient and the physician. As mentioned above, side effects tend to increase with higher dosages, so it is important only to take the number of units of Trimix you have been prescribed, not more. The whole going down to the urologists office to get injected thing can be a bit stressful and stress = adrenaline = flaccidity. Let's explore a little bit about how patients commonly use Trimix before going into the specifics of how many units of Trimix might be recommended. And then- Trimix. I am told from other forums this is extremely high and should keep me hard for at least 2 hrs. Dude, the wife and I get together at most once a week. You will inject Tri-mix into your penis using a small needle. I too enjoyed the minute by minute story, but didn't we have a similar discussion at GFMPH? I find that the harder my erection is the more powerful her orgasm is. I have not tried it and dont know what the cost might be, but it might get over the folks that just cant do injections. I suggest with the pump you concentrate on increasing the length a little extra each day -- just to the point of discomfort. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thanks! I suggest that you join the group called PC and intimacy. manually stimulate a man. I would like nothing more than for my partner to take an active role in the process, however women can be just as squeamish as men about any injection anywhereespecially there. I lost 90% of my erection ability and have recovered about 60% since. Click here to sign up, Copyright 1999-2021 Malecare, Inc | All Rights Reserved, Trimix injections are compounded medications that require a prescription. (That's why we hear so many stories about. cc or cubic centimeter a measure of volume, equivalent to 1 milliliter (mL) of liquid. All I can say this works for me but may not work for everyone. Sadly I can only use my stick for a divining rod. While other posters are talking about the doses, I want to give some information about the number of injections you should take. The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not THOROUGHLY mixed prior to EVERY use to ensure uniformity of solution. i had tried oral medications which worked for a short time and after they stopped working i had all but given up. I have no pain from the injections. I would just like to pass on my thanks for your blog .I stumbled on it on Google but am reluctant to say what words I used as a strap to Google I found it amusing and informative but better than that, I found it encouraging . It is NOT without potential complications if used incorrectly. That's because it's made in a sterile environment and tailored to your needs. Hi all, new guy here to Injection therapy. I had a radical prostatectomy in March this year , was 66 in June and in the same month my wife and me passed our 41 anniversary .Phew ! Trimix begins to function immediately after being injected. A unit is specific for each drug, not a standard volume. Blown out in middle. I also experienced some soreness I will have to ask my urologist about the addition of licodaine. The 3 most commonly used medications for injection therapy are Trimix, Bimix, and papaverine. Trimix is a medication for erectile dysfunction treatments that is intended to be injected locally into the penis. all the details. How did the 4.5 units work for you? They still leave with a starting dose and titration scale for home but it is reduced. Also, injectionshave beenshown toplay a role in penile rehabilitation, or restoring natural erectile function after surgery. Anyone who suffers from ED, is looking for a solution, and doesnt explore this wonderful alternative is doing themselves a great disservice. Penile injection 101 - how to correctly & optimally inject Trimix At the other end of the spectrum, is the older gentleman (greater than 75 years old) with . WOW went home and had the best sex ever with the wife. Q2. Here is information on how to use TRIMIX injections to get a hard erection: Penis Injections for Hard Erections . We believe that the ideal ratio of. I like the #31 diameter needle and rather than the 1/2 needle normally recommended, I use a 5/16 or 3/8. Men's Health Blog: The Art of Titrating and Optimizing Penile Injection We are located in Leawood, Kansas, Mens Edge913-553-4614. I want to remain sexually active and have tried ED pumps, gels, and even. I was referred to your blog from the Circle and Im so glad to have found you. For example, a 10% solution of Trimix for the same effective 20 mcg/20 units dose would come with instructions to administer 200 mcg or 2 ccs/mLs of the diluted medication. They premix the formula and provide individual syringes for each injection/application. Haven't felt confident like that in years. Download our Tri-mix and Quad-Mix Patient . It also really depends on the ratio of those 3 ingredients in the Trimix. This article will assist in answering that question and examining the reasons there is no universally applicable solution. Easier said than done. My uro. I used a 5/16 needle. I assume it is 20 or 30 units or 2/10 or 2/10 cc A word of advice is to thoroughly warm up the medication before injecting into the penis. On in between time of injections, have you used viagra or anything else with success, curious if the success of injections then has a positive psych when using viagra or other. So happy there are women like you out there. Adrenaline will deflate a man even with a large dose of trimix. These medications include: Papaverine. Trimix should produce an erection lasting around one to two hours, usually within 20 to 30 minutes of administration at most. This equals to 0.4 ml or 0.4 cc (this is the language used for injections). This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Quadmix contains all four ingredients. Here are links to Trimix injection videos. I have been researching and speaking out about penile rehab for almost a year, andthis is something I will definitely be focusing on here. That was a great story. 2) I assume that your husband is injecting correctly each time, so the delivery of the timix is also a variable that is held constant. mcg or micrograms a measure of mass, equivalent to 1/100, units in the case of Trimix and other injectable medications, this is a term synonymous with micrograms. Next injection was 10 units it was 4 hrs,since then I have used 4 to 6 units worked ok 2 to 3hrs.Last week I used 6 units and it lasted almost 6hrs.headed ER.but released before I arived . As discussed above, there is no generic or one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many units of Trimix any individual should take. my question is $145 for 5 doses about normal and is there somewhere i can order an auto injector for less than the almost $200 they want. Mine is "normal strength" according to my compounding pharmacy here in Melbourne. Erections came in XL and above only. Trimix is supplied as a liquid medication in a vial, designed for injection. RPR for ED (also marketed as "P-Shot") is a potential treatment that is being studied for the treatment of ED. Oneof our HW members who recently moved into an apartment building full of 40 something divorcees and this predicament has pushed him over the injection objection question as he is now trying this wonder drug. Sildenafil RDT from USA What Is It and Why to Get It. Trimix rocks!!! Go talk with the doc again. As I'm trying to find the right dosing, i have not attempted sex, once i find i will be ready the next day, or same day, then i need to wait, that would be my only thought for viagra, agree, hate those side affects. Using this method I get a nice rigid erection, and the retention band can be removed. New to trimix. The maximum dose is 0.50 cc. Trimix is all I need. No pain or significant bleeding from needle, just a dull ache from the prostoglandin. For men, once they realize there are relatively few nerve endings on the shaft of the penis, it is really quite a painless procedure. He had no problem getting used to it, as we both are pretty uninhibited and just wanted our old life back. In this video, our expert at The Novus Center, Stephanie Wolff, explains the pros and cons of. In this scenario, if not mixed very thoroughly, a draw from the top end of the vial will produce a diluted product (and consequently poor response), whereas a draw from the bottom portion of the vial will produce a highly concentrated solution (and robust response). Great post and story. Boy, did I need a drink and a Power Bar! New to trimix : Erectile Dysfunction - Psych forums But it not like the good old days. Anyway, them came August 13, my birthday,andDH got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Patients should always use the smallest effective dose, as, after a certain point, there is no benefit to increasing the dosage further, and the risk of side effects will increase significantly. I assume it is 20 or 30 units or 2/10 or 2/10 cc I am really thinking I over shot the sweet spot a few times with a 1/2" needle. In this video we run through how to administer an intracavernosal injection (aka peinle injection) using a compounded preparation - whist there is a lot to t. Here's what you can expect to discuss with your doctor when inquiring about ED problems and Trimix: Cigar56 I noticed you are using the AutoJect EI. FYI,,,I have at least for myself, if you hafta knock it down a worm or hot shower or bath will do it and if not your mix needs to be adjusted. This preparation is dispensed in 5 ml vials. provide you memorable satisfaction. No, the first injection may have punctured the urethra or other tissue. bypassed the Mega trimix (double strength) to the Super Mega (double again) Wow. Trimix is administered intravenously. I assume you know that Trimix is a mix of papaverine (vasodilator), phentolamine (alpha-blocker), and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), a variant of alprostadil. Im looking forward to us getting better and better now that I found this website. What is Trimix & How Does it Work? | Empower Pharmacy And Ol Man River must have surely known somethin, but he didnt say nothin (as usual). Erectile Dysfunction Injection Treatment: What is TriMix? Trimix injections. As Gene Devine said your response to the small dosage increases does not make sense. Injecting in areas 9-11 oclock area and 1 to 3 o;clock area. Once reconstituted with 5 mL of Bacteriostatic Water: Papaverine HCl 30 mg/mL, Phentolamine Mesylate 2 mg/mL, Prostaglandin E1 20 mcg/mL, Atropine Sulfate 200 mcg/mL. amazing! Folks,on August 13th Illbe celebrating myfirst anniversary of participating in online conversation. Do you know you mix ratio? Could I have used it past its expiration date for vials not opened. MenMD Injection Therapy Animation Video on Vimeo So an experimentation time is required for each person to get the correct formulation. which makes my penis bigger in girth and it just seems to work better for me.and the girth is there now with my natural erections.I had no problems jumping feet first into this great thing and any man who has a healthy apatite for sex should not be afraid and jump in and please there ladys,, they wont stop smiling!!! My wife want to see what 0.40 will do, hopefully she's ready . My wife and I can have good intercourse, but I cannot reach a climax. Besides having issues getting the dosage right, I have found the erections to be somewhat painful. If you had a trip to the ER I would stop the Cialis. Wait 48 hours before increasing dosage. I started using Trimix a few months after my nerve sparing robotic prostatectomy 5 yrsa ago. After an orgasm or ejaculation, the subsequent erection often lasts for one to two hours and may or may not disappear. How watching pornography can cause erectile dysfunction. I tell those that are considering this, there virtually is NO discomfort in the shots compared to the incredible joy it brings us. I went and they did a sonar test to hear my blood flow. It comes in a cooler along with a supply of needles, and alcohol swabs. Most patients who have taken Trimix, both in studies and in the real world, have seen significant results. An open discussion on Erectile Dysfunction. But in the real world, it can take some time, and many have reported erections that neared priapism. After a nerve sparing Prostatectomy, will injections help recovery of my natural erections? Trimix works much better than Viagra with no side effects. Trimix Injections are used as a second-line treatment when oral ED medications dont work. Our first session with the elixir was proceeding at a leisurely pace when I happened to glance at the clock. Penile injection therapy is a well-tested treatment for erectile dysfunction. It also made me last longer before having an orgasm about 45 minutes. Ive just recently started using Trimix, the ur recommended 0.2 ml 0.5, I used 0.2, my erection was off the charts. Like most, I kind of sphinctered up at the thought of pressing a needle into my penis. This can then be adjusted upward by small amounts based on patient feedback and experience, up to a certain upper limit, until satisfactory results are seen. The initial dose should be 0.05 cc to 0.2 cc, depending on the level of ED. INJECTION There MUST be 24 hours in between EACH injection. A prospective randomized study to optimize the dosage of trimix I couldnt be more pleased. waited a year before he gave great but the only problem is it mostly last to long. Hes going to the urologist tomorrow (the nurse practitioner there) to explain to her the problem. I never recovered the ability to get a natural erection even using Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis, but they did improve blood flow. If he has erections in his sleep without any trimix at all, that is FANTASTIC news. User Reviews for Alprostadil to treat Erectile Dysfunction. An injection is usually in the middle third of the penis shaft, on alternating sides and avoiding all veins, around 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity. Moving the plunger from 0.6mL to 0.4mL will place 0.2mL of Trimix Gel . If she's not in the mood, will I be able to shoot pool with my new found "stick"? Trimix Antidote-Treatment for Priaprism: PHENYLEPHRINE HCL INJECTION the hardest part is trying to learn to have sex again. It is a very potent mixture of three effective ED drugs, including phentolamine, papaverine, and alprostadil, which are only available by prescription. You are using an out of date browser. Monochromatic, pink and purple tones. It worked again. It is a teeny-weeny dose, but it is sufficient for me. with increments of 2.5 micrograms. Since Trimix is only available with a prescription, you can choose to get it by discussing with your primary care or mens health specialist and seeking a prescription before you buy Trimix. You should not take Trimix more frequently than specified or inject it anywhere other than in the appropriate part of the penis. There seems to be general confusion on the math The bottles that I get are 5 milliliter or 5 CC (same units for practical purposes) and the doses are in fractions of ML or CC. Trimix Injection Price Guide - Invigor Medical Dont know if I can mention the compounding pharmacy I use here, but google travel Trimix and it brings up at lease one such pharmacyoffering various formulas with more or less PGE1. Medals ? Often trimix works better when you inject at home. I have begun to experiment with taking 40 - 50 mg of Viagra 45 min prior to injecting and injecting about 75% of regular dose..I have found that now Viagra has a stronger effect compared to how it acted before I started injections. Trimix is an erectile dysfunction treatment that is designed for local injection into the penis. riverside, I have used Trimix for almost 2 years as well and I have found that the walls of my penis on each side are not the same thickness. You can avoid hitting veins and can more accurately pick the shot Location. However, Trimix gel is a needleless, . Golfer, that doesnt sound quite right. First time I tried it with my wife, the was AMAZED and her first words were I can work with this!!. You are using an out of date browser. By doing so, and observing the precautions, administration instructions, and dosage guidelines set by your prescriber, you will likely see satisfactory erections suitable for sex, without the painful and potentially dangerous side effects like persistent or painful erections, priapism, or damage to the penis. Not sure if this will be of help but I notice it helps to massage a bit before the injection to get it a bit enlarged. Angeline. They range from live demonstrations, to how-to tutorials using animations or props. e. as a corner store clerk it was 6 months before i had the free capital, $200, to make the appointment. This is my 4th month.Any suggestions. Spelling is wrong yes I know! In regards to injections. Feedback desired. Well, I took 30; close to 25 right? Allow 5 to 10 seconds to completely inject the dose. FYI, Im 62. Slight firming. Tried trimix at different strengths before finding that I am one of the 7% of users for whom the effects are negated by Cymbalta (may also be surpressed by naproxen or ibuprofen or other NSAIDS. . if it has not resolved within 2 hrs post injection they are injected with a reversal medication. a yr ago i heard a commercial on the radio for a doctor here in FL that guaranteed success or your money back. Reckoned I could have gone for another 1 hour session last week but I'm still learning about. They are using anything between 2 1/2 units (0.025ml) 30 units (0.30 ml) of Trimix ( PGE1-Papaverine-Phentolamine 10mcg-12mg-1mg/mL formula).