A twin flame connection is the most powerful and overwhelming kind of connection youll ever have with anyone and its for this reason that not everyone handles this with class and grace. It all depends on how much love and acceptance you have been exposed to before you believe that this could work for you. may seem like theyre giving you the cold shoulder from where you stand. In conclusion, I hope this was able to shed insight into the reasons why you could potentially hurt each other in a twin flame connection. Especially when youre desperate to resolve any issues between you and your twin flame, it can be tempting to go into overdrive. 21 Authentic Twin Flame Signs (+ Free In-Depth Guidance) Because twin flame relationships are very susceptible to codependency and other toxic relationship dynamics, sometimes it's in both people's best interests to simply walk away. The universe will always find a way to somehow unite them, no matter how much they resist. Its not about ignoring them because you feel like theyve ignored you. Two twin flames change their voices after being together for some time, becoming one and the same voice. When someone in the relationship contributes so much to another persons life, their emotions for that person are intensified. If you are still talking, its always the best first step to try and keep those lines of communication open. "Twin flame relationships have a ton of push-pull," Kaiser adds. It is important to be aware of this change, as gaining weight or becoming too thin too quickly is bad for your health. This happens when you are next to your twin flame. Sooner or later, your rebel twin is also going to reach the surrender stage of your journey. Twin flames hurt each other mainly during the twin flame separation phase but while it hurts (dont I know it) theres actually an important reason for it. It isnt like a typical relationship where there are two strangers learning more about each other, still feeling hesitant and slightly awkward. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I was meant to be with. They tend to be the only two people who have similar, almost identical childhood experiences, interests, traumas, and accomplishments. Hack Spirit. Twin flames work differently. It is important to remember that twin flames can tell what the other is feeling simply by looking into their eyes. 14 reasons twin flame relationships are so intense (complete list) Clifton Kopp How does fear affect you on a daily basis? I recently spoke to someone fromPsychic Sourceafter going through a rough patch in my relationship. Since twin flames are so familiar already, they can be comfortable with each other much faster. Why The fear of the twin flame runner We can waste a lot of time and energy with people who ultimately were not compatible with. You need to show it to them through loving actions, whether it be listening to them rant about their day at work or the both of you sacrificing something in your personal lives just to be together. Twin Flame Body Changes: What You Need To Know There are reunion symptoms when you are approaching that step. The frequency of love will magnetize your twin flame to you. This doesnt mean that you will never get hurt again, but it does mean that you will learn how to move past these hurts and rejections in order for them not to affect your twin flame relationship. Why are twin flames scared of each other? You may find that the more that you understand about fear, the less effect that it will have on your life. You may have reached a certain point in your relationship where you think its time to move on. Consequently, they end up having bouts of depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses during this period. Theres nothing wrong with it. Why? And because cleansing comes from a place of desiring someones absolute best interests, it cant go wrong. This will help you attract your twin flame in a more positive way. If you look at fear as a feeling that comes and goes, then it will be much easier for you to deal with. The internal chaos that was created as a result of the twin flame fear phase starts to diminish. Over the course of the twin flame relationship, their energy levels tend to clash. The twin flame ideology is ultimately a concept, and some theoretical stages may share similarities with unhealthy or toxic relationship traits. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except as expressly permitted in writing by Brown Brothers Media Pte. When theyre together, they might feel more aligned with nature, fulfilling their cosmic purposes as humans on this planet. Believe it or not, the impact of positive emotions is so huge that sometimes they can even lead to fear. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. If this distanceis too difficult to grasp, check out Relationship Hero here and see what they can do for you. reasons your twin flame is so distant It simply means that because you are a twin flame, have a twin flame divine counterpart out there, and happened to have a very passionate and intensely emotional relationship with someone, you got confused and thought this person was your twin when in fact they werent. It can feel pretty bad to be scared of your twin flame, but it doesnt always have to feel that way. Keep in mind that you are vibrating in the Third Dimension now, but as your twin flame relationship stabilizes and you evolve spiritually you will vibrate on a higher plane of consciousness. Czaroma Roman While its the most powerful and divine connection, you will hurt each other, similar to any mundane relationship. Many people are scared that their twin flame is too good for them. It is especially hard for some people if they feel a connection with their twin flame on a very deep level. You come to perceive that you are separated from this physical plane. Because of inner issues like self worth, fear of abandonment. Click here to get your own love and twin flame reading, Click here to get your own professional love reading, Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life, What if your twin flame is married? Too good to be true situation. They feel the same, they think the same, and they reflect each other's personalities. This can especially happen when your partner is not as advanced on their inner work, and so finds it easier to run away rather than deal with things. Encountering The Twin Flame Fear Phase Spiritual Unite This doesnt mean that fear wont come up from time to time, but it does mean that you can work through it much more easily than before. Develop your energy of duality where you can go from being practical and logical to being more spiritual via manifestation, suggestion, and energy work. My point is that sometimes we go looking for the worst-case scenario when the truth is far less dramatic. This is a great benefit for anyone whos looking for their twin flame. Ask yourself what love wounds that your twin flame is showing you that you may need to heal within yourself to find peace. I spoke to a spiritual advisor at Psychic Source about the relationship with my twin flame. Never forget that this is your primary relationship and the one which you should always pour the most of your love and energy into. That's exactly why you might be afraid of your twin flame. Note: Ive been through the journey. Although it can feel like a connection that is out of this world, twin flame relationships are still very much real-life relationships. Thats okay because its all part of the process. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Twin Flame Runners Feelings: Understanding Them Yet this change comes with a price: it usually means starting a new relationship and letting go of an old one. They are old souls, often Starseeds, who are empathic and spiritually advanced, they would not want to hurt anybody, especially their Twin, as they can feel other people's emotions. The only difference is that logically the woman will keep the feminine tone and the man the masculine tone. : This will bring a Shift inside you! WebTwin flames, also known as mirror souls, are people who were once part of the same body and are now two bodies in the same soul, according to spiritualist and new age beliefs. They can meet for the first time and already open up about their past traumas, share their life stories, their deepest secrets, and even talk about different interests no matter how uncommon it might be. Youre also going to feel their pain as part of your spiritual journey. Even so, it can be very worthwhile to speak to a highly intuitive person and get guidance from them. Twin flames often have the same core wounds, even when they manifest in different ways. This may sound like an easy step, but its actually very important in your journey to be less scared of your twin flame. So why do twin flames hurt each other? Normally people don't see this in others As a result, sometimes twin flames try to keep their distance from each other. This is also where one of you becomes the runner and the other the chaser, where one runs away and the other runs after. So when they sleep, their minds struggle to connect with the other subconsciously. What feels like a healthy amount of space to your partner, may seem like too much to you. If something is bothering you, perhaps you are the type of person who will want to talk it all out. This occurs because this relationship raises the twin flame vibrations, which influences the DNA of both partners. Retreat is a common go-to response when this happens and it all feels too much to handle. This resistance to the union can then be felt in them becoming withdrawn or distant. Whilst its clearly unreasonable to keep you hanging on indefinitely, ask yourself is this person worth being patient for? The twin flame relationship is not a regular one. This reflection of their flaws or faults may feel negative at first but is in fact deeply positive and may lead to some important healing breakthroughs. There are many things that people fear, but one of the main things is the fear of the unknown. You and your twin flame have always shared the same energy source. Another reason why people can be afraid of meeting their twin flames is that they are afraid of losing themselves in a relationship. You wont feel like youre dealing with something that is out of control or something too powerful for you to handle. These differences in personalities always need to be considered with close relationships. 8 Signs of a Twin Flame Connection That Feel Almost Surreal They really helped me grapple with the struggle with my twin flameand gave me answers that actually helped. You will know exactly where things stand and whether or not your twin flame is right for you. Why Technically, this is also a stage of the twin flame separation stage, but its one based on the lack of awareness at your current level of consciousness that you are in fact a twin flame on the path of the twin journey. These changes are part of the twin flame journey you have begun together. Seeing Twin Flames Name Everywhere - Guiding You Back If You, How To Resolve Conflict With Your Twin Flame, Mirror Soul Meaning | Twin Flames Stages And Signs, Twin Flame Eye Contact Is a Powerful Connection The 10 Signs. The union of two twin flames expresses the most wonderful spiritual connection an individual can experience during this lifetime. Oftentimes, it can be too intense, powerful, and overwhelming, especially if you arent used to being exposed to all kinds of emotions at once. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Still, there are people who feel as though they are in a twin flame fear phase. Being afraid of your own twin flame is a strange feeling. We learn ways of communicating, processing, and dealing with issues at such a young age, and often from our families. Its pretty much a super-power that you have as a twin. You may think that they are going to leave you too. Womansclubofcarlsbad is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Spiritualunite.com All rights reserved. They feel at home and completely at ease. For instance, you may find that your twin flame may have some fears or doubts of their own, which they may be holding onto, too. Sometimes twin flames come into your life to teach you something, and then you're meant to go your separate ways. My heart begins to beat faster and I get butterflies in my stomach. So if you truly love them, you will allow them it. The signs above and below will give you a good idea of why your twin flame is so distant and what you can do about it. Within the world of twin flames this means that when this energy materializes itself within your twin, your twin will either fight ( on a spiritual level) to grow his/her inner energy and advance spiritually as a twin or take a flight, meaning becoming a twin flame runner. What makes it interesting is that both people might have overcome different insecurities. You could even say that for them, the relationship is nothing like any other relationship they have been through. You dont want to rush into something because if its meant to be, it will happen in its own time, whether its now or later. Girl meets boy; they chase each other, trying to get one to like the other; theres a confession in the rain; then they live happily ever after. When youre caught up in a fireball of stress and paranoia, you let insanity make the choices for you. Most of the twin flames encounter the dark night of the soul in this phase. And lastly, I believe that honesty is the key to all types of relationships. Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. Theyre most likely trying to hurt themselves, whether theyre aware of that or not because they still have a LOT of healing to do. Manifestation is a very powerful process, and when it comes to twins its even more powerful than for the general population because of the nature of the twin flames soul code. They often reflect each other's moods. But it always needs to be backed up with healthy and clear boundaries. It could be a sign that they have trust issues as well and need some time alone in order to heal. There are moments when there is an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. In this way, they can both be the best coaches and motivational speakers for each other. Twin flame relationships manifest only between advanced souls who have mastered their soul lessons and who can hold the frequency of unconditional love. The last thing to consider is whether this person really is your twin flame? Since twin flames already recognize each other even upon the first meeting, they dont feel the awkwardness we feel when we meet someone new, fearing they might judge us for being who we are. As.. It is important to search for peace within yourself to find eternal bliss with your twin. It can be hard to deal with these fears, but it is possible. They are afraid of rejection or abandonment and they are also afraid of being hurt. My own experience is that most relationship advice from friends and family just ends up backfiring. The twin flame fear phase is an integral part of twin flame relationships. Actually, there are a few steps you can take in order to reduce the fear. In confusion, his fears coerce him to seek seclusion. Twin Flame Physical Symptom 2 Twin Flame Telepathy. 16 Amazing Symbolism, The Spiritual Meaning of Someone Stealing from You. The twin flame fear phase takes a toll on some people. Why? All their conflicts start to dissolve. The twin flame relationship is not a regular one. In some cases, fear may be caused by the fact that people are afraid of causing their twin flames pain. Do Your Early Experiences Affect Your Adult Relationships? They dont feel like theyre being judged. Whether theyre rebelling against their life purpose like a petulant teenager or going into denial about the huge responsibility like a new adult quaking in their boots, take it for what it is: a growing phase. WebProponents of the idea that twin flames can fall in love point to the fact that many twin flames feel a strong attraction to each other, both physically and emotionally. In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation. When such a bond is inflicted with such They have been through this before, and they know that it isnt always easy to deal with. Many twin flames experience a period of time where they retreat from one another. The encounter with your twin flame in this lifetime is so impactful that it influences your body. So if youre tired of wondering why your twin flame is distant and what you can do about it, get in touch with a legit advisor and take your future into your own hands. It isnt like a typical The twin flame body changes simply manifest the impact of this spiritual connection. This is why some people may not even share the fact that they have a twin flame with anyone else. There is nothing wrong with you and your physical integrity is not in danger. The main idea behind twin flame relationships is that one soul is split into two people. You need to learn how to accept people for who they are and love them for who they are. From the moment you meet, you feel inexplicably drawn to the other person. you might ask. This can be an emotional retreat, like getting quiet or distant for a while. It takes flame teamwork to make the union dream work, right? Youre faking things. It often occurs when twin flames are separated from each other. When you meet your twin flame on this earthly plane you experience profound changes in your personality, behavior and outlook on life. If you arent aware of this, your twin flame represents the other part of your soul. One might have overcome their feeling of being good enough while another might have learned multiple languages and achieved honors in university because they worried about feeling too dumb. Last Updated February 25, 2023, 6:22 am, by If your twin flame is pulling away, it could be because they are feeling confused and are trying to figure out a way to stay together. Sometimes in relationships, we read too much into things because were projecting our own fear. Very often, twin flames tend to bring their dark sides with them. However, I know how important it is to stay away from fake experts. -Know that when your twin fears, you will get energy signals and vice versa. Since twin flames essentially share the same soul, its possible that both the twin flames undergo the same emotions possibly brought about by similar circumstances. WebCollectively twin flames hold energy together and are able to transmit energy to one another. You reflect in one another your own deepest darkest issues that need resolving. They were simply busy doing something else, or their phone died and they hadnt even seen your message. Thats exactly why you might be afraid of your twin flame. During this period, the twin undergoes acute depression and suffering. This is definitely one of the main reasons why people are afraid of meeting their twin flame. Many signs show whether your expectations are reasonable or not. Youll hear a lot of great things about the twin flame journey but the honest truth is its not always smooth sailing. WebAnswer (1 of 29): They are not supposed to hurt each other ON PURPOSE. Twin flames often have the same core wounds, even when they manifest in different ways. Avoiding confrontation or difficult conversations with the twin flame. In some cases, people are simply afraid of getting hurt. Its unpredictable, stressful, but necessary. If you have triggers or previous relationship wounds around people leaving you, you may find that you are just extra sensitive or are overthinking. And theres one company that I always end up recommending; Psychic Source. First, you need to identify the root cause of why your twin flame is acting cold or distanced, before learning exactly what you can do about it. For some people, this can be very hard, and it can even make them feel scared. Is there something going on for them at home? So, if you think about it, the twin flame runner is running from themselves more than from you. Many twin flames will end up making their way back to each other, even if it takes yearsbut not all. The first step is to understand what your fears are. Our relationships are driven by our emotions. Nomadrs is a space to explore your perspectives related to the more esoteric side of spirituality. Eat healthy, exercise, practice meditation and sleep well. When a runner does this, they arent ready for you or are running away from something in the relationship. They helped me out when I needed it the most and thats why I always recommend their services to anyone who has questions about their twin flame. One of the reasons why emotions in a twin flame relationship are so intense is because the two people feel like theyve known each other before. Not only will a genuine advisor tell you why your twin flame is so distant and what to do, but they can reveal all your love possibilities. It was a great decision, which I didnt expect! This is the reason why if your twin flame might be feeling some type of fear, you will also be alerted subconsciously. During a recent struggle over my relationship with my twin flameI did something unorthodox. by In this love reading, a gifted advisor can tell you why twin flame relationships are so intense and most importantly empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to love. However, you just need to learn how to be with someone without losing yourself completely. Twin flame relationships are magnetic. Just make sure that when they do come up, youre there to support them and help them through it. This could be for many reasons. However, when you cross paths with your twin flame, youll know for sure. The fourth step is knowing that fear wont last forever. For many people, the thought of meeting their twin flame represents a major change. The emotional conflicts become more intricate. They can help you in text chat, a call or a video call and it costs much less than you might think. The pain and issues you run into are a catalyst for growth and development, so make the most of this opportunity to focus on that. Whether your twin flame has a fear of commitment, a fear of intimacy, a fear of love itself its most likely mutual. Some of the reasons for separation are one of you is in a relationship, married, or going through a divorce. Be open and vulnerable with your partner. The runner Twin Flame thinks of the chaser all the time, every passing day. For example, if you think that your twin flame should be someone who is always there for you and never lets you down, then youre setting yourself up for disappointment. We all grow at our own pace. They may experience weight loss or weight gain. Even though there are some specific signs why twin flames might be scared of each other, sometimes its hard to say why this happens. The twin flame runner will do everything to avoid the feelings of loneliness and sadness that come with being rejected by their twin flame. Theyre able to tell the complete emotion of their twin flame just by what they sound like or their facial expression. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and Ive spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. Its important to understand that we all have fears, whether we realize it or not. This can be especially hard for sensitive people who have been hurt before. Click here to try out Psychic Source for yourself. 6 steps to be less scared of your twin flame, All You Need To Know About Twin-Flame Astrology. What does 811 mean spiritually? - coalitionbrewing.com You can both be guilty of unintentionally hurting each other with everything you feel and it doesnt have to be a personal matter. They follow the same fashion and design trends and have crushes on similar-looking people.